Reviews about the regional perinatal center in Ulyanovsk. Regional perinatal center, Ulyanovsk Ulyanovsk regional hospital perinatal center

Children are happiness. And healthy, smart, beautiful children are triple happiness. And childbirth plays a primary role in this. Understanding this, I want to give my children the best from birth, and the so-called Regional Maternity Hospital can be considered the best in Ulyanovsk. This institution, recently renovated and equipped with the penultimate word of technology, is intended to serve pregnant women and women in labor from all municipalities of our region, except the city of Ulyanovsk. Residents of Ulyanovsk, especially its right-bank part, are given the special “honor” of giving birth in the maternity hospital of the State Medical Institution.

But there are those lucky ones who managed to get into the human conditions of the regional maternity hospital.

And the conditions are indeed almost European: excellent renovation, modern equipment, pathology rooms have a maximum of five beds, but there are few of them, mostly three-bed, and each has its own toilet and shower. The postpartum ward has double rooms, also with shower and toilet.

I will be objective in my review and will not follow the fashion of scolding the authorities and medicine. This maternity hospital was renovated and equipped with budget money (well, what else!), this was talked about a lot in the local press and, I think, this proactiveness is a striking example of the care for people of the regional authorities in general and the governor in particular. For my birth and for my stay in the maternity hospital, I did not pay a penny, I did not buy a single pill - everything was absolutely free and at a high level.

It is impossible to write a review about an institution without saying something about the staff. And the staff is different. The doctors with whom I observed (and this is the head of the pathology department V.M. Kharitonov and the attending physician who delivered the child A.P. Mikheev), to say that they are wonderful, is to say nothing. Professionals and just good people. With the enormous workload and constant whining of pregnant women, they are always tactful, polite, and patient. They always answer all questions, explain the situation, and try to convince them of the need for this or that treatment if the woman resists. In a word, I bow to you for our children.

There’s nothing bad to say about the junior medical staff: midwives, nurses (except for one, I only remember that her name is Tatyana, she didn’t do anything bad to me, but she’s often rude to other girls, she’s already been fired for this, she’s been disciplined, I hope she gets fired soon). The rest of the health workers are great. Attentive, friendly, they do everything right.

The staff in the postpartum department are equally wonderful.

During the 4 days that I managed to stay in the pathology department, they took a bunch of all kinds of tests (some of them didn’t even have time to describe before the birth), conducted a lot of research and decided that the patient was more likely alive than dead.

After 4 days of such a royal life, my girl asked to be born into the light of God.

The delivery room is clean, huge, bright, stuffed with various equipment and medicines in cabinets.

There was even a special huge gymnastic ball with horns for women who liked to jump on it during childbirth (I never had such a desire).

One big disadvantage in the delivery room is the opaque walls, like in the maternity hospital on Surova, for example. Therefore, doctors and obstetricians constantly have to run into the ward, and the closer the process is to the climax, the more often, instead of calmly observing women in labor through glass walls.

The birth went well, thanks again to the doctor and midwife for this. I was not transferred to the postpartum room immediately, only after a three-hour wait, since all the wards were occupied and awaiting discharge (well, I love full houses). But at this time they showed me their daughter and fed me lunch.

Speaking of food. The food, of course, is not restaurant food, but quite tolerable canteen food. I have something to compare with, since in my life I gave birth twice before, also in not the worst maternity hospital, and I still remember that disgusting cold boiled fish that they gave me after the first birth, after a day of fasting and difficult childbirth, when I seemed to I would have eaten everything that wasn’t nailed down, but I couldn’t finish this fish and remained hungry.

But this is a completely different matter. A lot of meat, they fed me like it was for slaughter, and if during my entire pregnancy I only gained 3 kg, then I gained these 3 kg 4 days before giving birth.

This maternity hospital allows the child and mother to stay together. For me this is a plus. And although they wanted to bring me the baby only the next morning, at my request, they brought it already on the day of birth. Although my roommate was delivered after a cesarean only a day later.

It was plus 30 in the ward, minus thirty outside. Shower, toilet, lots of medical equipment. The only bad thing is that there was no night light above my bunk, so at night I had to either turn on the light or do everything in the dark.

I would like to say a special word about pediatrician Irina Anatolyevna Krylova. A charming, beautiful woman with great love for children and patience for new mothers. She explained everything, showed everything that mothers need to know. Answered all questions. A doctor with a capital letter. By the way, she warned us not to give our children to anyone, even for procedures, except her.

The ceremonial discharge hall has also been renovated and decorated with a large beautiful painting with the inscription “Bon voyage.” For those who do not have time to take care of their own photo and videographer, there is filming. A complete set of 10 photographs, a disk, a flash drive with photographs and a small film about our discharge, as well as a huge framed photo and a refrigerator magnet cost us RUR 3,600. In my opinion, for such a case it is quite inexpensive.

Added after 01/01/2018: I wrote this review in 2014, when the new perinatal center “Mama” had not yet been opened in the Ulyanovsk region. Now in our city every woman has the opportunity to give birth to a child in excellent conditions in the new center.

07.02.17 14:52:10

-1.0 Bad

I arrived in the middle of pushing at 1:00. My husband was not allowed in. They immediately took me to the delivery room and did an examination, it was very rude and painful. They told me to squat, which I was very happy about; squatting was comfortable and didn’t hurt. They asked a bunch of unnecessary questions that were impossible to answer in such a state. Like: “When did you start having sex?” This is the most important information at the time of childbirth! They attached a CTG machine and I heard the baby’s heart. The midwife leaned over to look and said that the head appeared at 1:15, I was immediately transferred to a chair, treated with iodine, the head went back, from a terribly uncomfortable position in the maternity chair. They took me down again and put me on the floor. The head appeared again with the very next push, they began to drag me onto the chair again and the head went away. I don’t remember how long I was dragged back and forth like that. It was very unpleasant. Don’t the doctors themselves realize that the position on the chair is uncomfortable and not physiological for childbirth? ! When I was lying on the chair again, the doctor did not allow me to go down, but pressed hard on my stomach, the midwife gave an injection of oxytocin (they told me later, they didn’t ask), everyone shouted “push harder”! The head came out halfway, the doctor said that we would cut it. They did the epistomy for me instantly, without asking anything. At 2:00 in the next push, they took out the baby and immediately cut off the umbilical cord, although I asked them to wait a little. They laid it on the chest. These were the best moments, bliss and nothing hurt. But my joy did not last long, the doctor pulled the umbilical cord hard and pressed on my stomach, and the placenta came out. They didn’t even let me push it out, but forcibly pulled it out. The child was immediately taken away. I started crying. The midwife said that the placenta had not come out completely, parts were still in me. Well, of course, just pull it! I want to swear and scream here, but the rules of the site prohibit it. And they called an anesthesiologist. They asked me if I was allergic to anesthesia and immediately knocked me out. As I found out when I woke up, they performed a manual examination of my uterus, cleaned me of the remnants of the placenta, and then sutured the incision. Needless to say, all the doctors and midwives were without badges. I don't know the names. The doctor was aggressive and constantly yelled at me that I wasn’t pushing hard. Childbirth is a natural process and labor is exactly as nature intended. I don’t know where he was in a hurry, but there was a feeling that he was very late, this made him very nervous, he lashed out at me, then at the midwives. Men have no place in obstetrics, I think. It is necessary to create a calm, friendly atmosphere around the woman giving birth, so that she can relax and not emotionally switch, while she is in the process of giving birth. But the doctor couldn’t stand such screams, so I was scared, the child inside went deep, without having time to show up. I asked the doctor not to yell or swear because it bothered me. He was talking nonsense that I had arrived too late and was not pushing well. He didn't have to push! The midwives were nice and encouraged me and tried to make jokes, which I was grateful for! Humor is priceless in such moments. I am for breastfeeding and colostrum feeding. Colostrum contains everything a child needs; it is a concentrated elixir of beneficial substances that protects against all viruses and bacteria. Nature came up with this so as not to burden the baby’s liver and kidneys with heavy milk. Colostrum is pure vitamins. Supplementary feeding is not advisable! A dead mass of unprocessed crap. After giving birth, I asked the midwife not to supplement the feeding and she warned the nurses when giving birth. During the postpartum period I was tormented and pressured that I needed to feed the baby, I constantly had to refuse. Everyone tried to feed her, which was terribly annoying. Life is built in a unique way. The room is spacious, there is a kettle and a refrigerator. There is no night light, take your own. They brought diapers for the baby, they changed my shirt every day. The shower isn't very good. The water constantly changed temperature, this made it difficult to wash the child and the taps were uncomfortable. I had my stitches treated with peroxide and potassium permanganate, an oxytocin injection, and an antibiotic drip. The sensations depend on the nurse, they are always different. When I gave birth, it was a male doctor, and during the postpartum period, another male doctor. The latter told me with particular sweetness and pleasure how they stuck a hand into me up to the elbow during the operation. The floors were washed at 5:30 in the morning, at 6:00 we woke up the child to be weighed, as soon as I calmed him down, wrapped him up, the nurse came to treat him. Unwrap it again and tear it off your chest. And so all day my baby was not allowed to sleep and eat in peace, they constantly disturbed, tormented, took blood, tugged, unswaddled...

Period of stay: 2017-07-09

General impressions

After all, they say “don’t forget personal things in hospitals or anywhere else, otherwise you’ll definitely come back here again,” so I purposefully left my toothbrush and toothpaste there, because firstly, I want more children, and in any case I’ll return to the maternity hospital , and secondly, I want to return to this particular maternity hospital. Because the way midwives and doctors help a woman give birth is simply aerobatics. Not a single break! I gave birth to my daughter at 3420, absolutely healthy! First birth! I recommend all residents of the city of Ulyanovsk to give birth in this maternity hospital!

What I liked

I liked almost everything! Excellent conditions for expectant mothers. I was in the maternity hospital from 07/09/2017 to 07/15/17. On July 15, the baby and I were already discharged home. Fortunately, I was not in confinement, and I cannot say or leave a review about the pathology department, BUT in the maternity department everything is just perfect. It’s clean, and the doctors come every 5 minutes, and constantly do CTG (check the baby’s heartbeat and calculate contractions), take care and talk politely. We spent 4 days in the postpartum ward, since our health was good, and during these 4 days we were fed so sumptuously, with food that can be eaten during breastfeeding. Despite the fact that you can’t eat fatty, salty, smoked, etc. we were fed wonderful food, every time I thanked the woman who brought us food directly to our room, cheese, butter, bread, soups, cereals, meat... Mmmm... I remember and want to eat it all again.

What I didn't like

There are simply no drawbacks, girls, this is a great place for your MIRACLE to be born!