A dog has a normal nose. What kind of nose should a healthy dog ​​have? Dependence of temperature on dog behavior

Many people know that a dog has wet, cool nose - an indicator of the dog’s normal well-being, but what to do if the dog has a dry, warm nose and does this correspond to the normal state of the animal. In this article we will try to figure out when this condition is normal and when it is worth taking your pet to the veterinarian.

A dog's nose is dry and warm under normal conditions.

Dogs' noses are usually wet and cold due to cells located on the lining of the nose, which secrete their secretion - mucus, which moisturizes the nose and plays a major role in the recognition of odors by dogs.

A sleeping dog's nose is dry and warm.

A dry, warm nose in dogs under normal conditions occurs when:

  • the pet is sleeping, recently woke up;
  • tired from walking;
  • at home in winter, with dry air;
  • in summer, spring - a simple reaction to the heat.

It is normal for a pet to have a dry nose, as long as the animal maintains mobility, good appetite, playfulness, and a good mood.

As a sign of pain

If an animal’s nose remains dry and warm for a long time, one may suspect:

  1. Nose injury.
  2. Pemphigus.

The nose remains dry for a long time if the dog has a cold.

This most common reasons , which may cause the problem of dry nose. To understand what needs to be done in such situations, we will consider each separately.


Are you sure your pet has allergies? The first step is to find out the root cause.

To begin with, determine whether this has happened before; if this is the first time, think about what has changed recently in the pet’s life.

If this has happened before, think about whether this is a seasonal allergy to plants. In other cases, we can advise changing the bowl from plastic to steel, periodically changing the food, and monitoring the results. It is quite possible that a pet’s favorite dish is a dog’s worst enemy.

Dogs may have seasonal allergies to plants.


In addition to a dry, warm nose, a cold is indicated by:

  • sneezing;

A cough indicates a cold in dogs.

When the virus is released, the pet will regain mobility, appetite, good mood, and a wet and cold nose.

But it is worth remembering that if the animal only has a dry, warm olfactory organ, this may be the cause of a serious illness and under such conditions it is best to immediately contact a veterinarian.

Nose injury

Injury to the olfactory organ can be easily determined by the soreness of the organ.

If you have never encountered such a problem, it is better to visit a veterinarian, and if you have experience and confidence behind you, go for it, but do not forget that we are talking about the health of the animal.

If your nose is injured, you should definitely visit a veterinarian.


Pemphigus – a common disease in dogs that causes blisters on the nose. Over time, the blisters burst, covering the nose with a crust. The disease is accompanied by a dry, warm nose. A characteristic sign of the disease is the appearance of blisters on other parts of the body.

Pemphigus in a dog.

Signs accompanying dry nose in diseases

Have you noticed that your pet has a dry, warm nose? Look at:

  • the animal’s appetite, as a rule, does not change without reason;
  • activity, because if a pet is sick, his desire to have fun disappears;
  • aggressiveness, which is a similar trait for sick people and dogs, as both will show aggression;
  • temperature, which will help identify the disease;
  • pressure - will help further narrow the circle of suspicion, because this parameter deviates from the norm only in certain diseases.

If a dog is sick, it will not be active.

It is worth noting that if an animal suffers from any disease, it tries to find a secluded place, enduring suffering in this place.

Dog temperature

It deserves special attention and this sign is easy to identify the disease if the dog has a dry, warm nose. We suggest you familiarize yourself with the normal temperature values ​​for dogs of different ages and sizes:

  • For small breed dogs – 38.6-39.3, 38.5–39 for puppies and adults, respectively;
  • For medium breed dogs – 38.3–39.1 for puppies, 37.5–39 for adults;
  • For large breed dogs – 38.2–39 and 37.4–38.3 for small and adult individuals.

The normal temperature for small dog breeds is from 38.5 to 39.

In dogs of some breeds, the temperature can vary to other values; if you see deviations, it is better to visit a veterinarian, who, in case of illness, will cure, and in case of normality, will inform about the characteristics of the dog’s breed regarding this parameter.

Dependence of temperature on dog behavior

And also, you should not take into account the increase in temperature of a dog that is experiencing a feeling of fear, is worried, or has recently returned from a walk.

If you see that your pet has been inactive lately and has a dry and warm nose, use an electronic or mercury thermometer to measure the animal’s temperature. This is not difficult, but you need to behave correctly with your pet so that it reacts calmly to the procedure. Measurement is carried out rectally; before measurement, reduce the temperature to a minimum and treat the end with Vaseline.

It is better to use an electronic thermometer to measure temperature.

When taking measurements, you need the pet to lie on its side. It is worth holding the animal. After inserting the thermometer, wait one to two minutes if you are measuring with an electronic thermometer, or four to five minutes if you are measuring with a mercury thermometer, after which the latter can be removed, it will show the dog’s exact body temperature.


Your pet has a dry, warm nose, after checking everything, measuring the temperature, you’re not sure if he’s sick?

You can try measuring the dog's blood pressure level, which is done using a special veterinary tonometer.

Veterinary tonometer for measuring blood pressure.

You can use the device that you use yourself, if you don’t have a special one, but you should choose a cuff for children. The pressure on the paw or tail of the animal is measured.

To find out the normal blood pressure for dogs of the same breed and size, you should turn to the Internet for help.

At least this indicator is not considered an accurate reflection of the disease in the dog, since the pet is often restless, but in combination with other signs it can give a more accurate picture, pointing to the original source of the appearance of a dry and hot nose in a dog.

What to do if your dog has a dry and warm nose

If you find that your pet has a dry, warm olfactory organ, do not panic. Look at the animal's habits, what has changed, whether the pet has diarrhea, whether the breathing rate is normal. Knowing how your dog usually behaves will help you understand how he is feeling. In the absence of external signs of disease, it is worth measuring the pet’s temperature and, if possible, measuring blood pressure.

The best thing for your pet is not to put unnecessary stress on him by calling the veterinarian to your home, losing a little money, although it is worth it. If your dog has a low temperature, you should take your dog to the vet wrapped in a warm blanket, or wrap the dog in something.

If the temperature is low, the dog should be wrapped in a blanket and taken to the veterinarian.

If you are sure that your dog has a dry, warm nose due to infection with an infectious disease, the best option would be to call a veterinarian at home. You should not infect other animals in the veterinary office.

First aid

Personally, you can do the following for your pet:

  • replace the bowl with a stainless steel one;
  • in summer and spring, walk away from flowering plants;
  • for prevention purposes, you can lubricate your nose with ointment with calendula extract, or aloe juice;
  • in winter, use a cotton swab dipped in warm water to wipe your nose;
  • Regardless of the disease, he makes sure that the dog’s water is always fresh and clean.

For prevention, the dog’s nose can be lubricated with aloe juice.

If the animal, in addition to the dry, warm olfactory organ, has external or internal signs that were noticed, you need to contact a veterinarian. Before visiting, you should not give your pet medications or pills; this may complicate the process of diagnosing the disease.


If you take good care of your pet, you can easily detect illness or illness without touching the nose. It is better to be attentive, giving your pets a lot of attention and love.

You need to treat your dog carefully and be sure to love it!

Video about dry nose in dogs

For ages, there has been a myth that dogs with wet noses are healthy, while dogs with dry noses suffer from fever or some other disease. However, over time, this statement is no longer so relevant. The first mention of wet noses dates back to the time when a deadly virus spread through dog populations. Symptoms of canine distemper included hyperkeratosis, which causes thickening of the skin on the animals' noses. Therefore, at a time when the dangerous virus was widespread, a wet nose was considered a good sign, which indicated that the dog did not have the disease.

Causes of wet nose in animals

Nowadays, dogs do not always have wet noses, which is also associated with vaccination. Therefore, it is no longer possible to say 100% about the state of health, starting only from this factor.

The nose of these animals is moistened by secretions from the lateral and vestibular glands. Another reason is that dogs lick their noses. Therefore, if a dog has just woken up from a long sleep, then its nose may be dry, because it has not yet had time to moisten it with its tongue.

Most mammals have wet noses. Only a few of them have lost the ability of a hypersensitive sense of smell, giving preference to vision. This can be said about people and some primates, who perceive information about the world around them primarily visually. After all, they have completely switched to a daily lifestyle. The sense of smell remains the main way for dogs to perceive the world. This is how they recognize each other and transmit most of the information.

Why do animals have wet noses?

Dogs have a very sensitive sense of smell, and a wet nose helps them with this. Thanks to humidification, not only the internal part is involved in the process of odor recognition, but also the external part. How does a wet nose increase sensitivity? This can be compared to how a person wets his finger with saliva to determine the direction of the wind. This is why bloodhounds rarely have dry noses.

When a dog licks its nose, some of the information about smells is transferred from it to the mouth. There, this information is already recognized by an additional aromatic gland located on the palate.

Life-saving cooling in hot weather

Another reason for a wet nose is the cooling of the animal's body. Since dogs have small sweat glands only on the pads of their paws, they try to cool themselves by evaporating fluid from their tongue and nose. To understand this mechanism, you need to wet your finger with water and wave it in the air. You will notice how cold it becomes.

Likewise, dogs use the evaporation of water to cool certain parts of their body. Therefore, dry noses are usually hot, while wet noses remain cold. The wet area of ​​the body gradually becomes cold, which helps animals withstand the heat on particularly hot days. Also, to cool down, dogs pant with their tongue hanging out. The body cools due to the evaporation of fluid from the tongue.

A dog's nose is not protected by hair; it has many vessels and capillaries. Therefore, cooling it also leads to a decrease in the temperature of the blood that circulates through it, which also affects the cooling of the entire body. A dog that licks its nose when it's hot can be compared to a person splashing water on himself to cool down.

If the animal did not sleep or lie with its nose buried in its paws, and its nose remains dry for a long time, this may indicate dehydration.

The Legend of a Dog's Sense

According to one legend, when Noah gathered all the animals into an ark to save them from the flood, he needed some help. Someone had to help him keep order in this crowded ship. Therefore, God rewarded the dog with a sensitive sense of smell and a special sense of smell.

While two dogs were patrolling the ark, they noticed a leak. The hole was small, but the water quickly filled in. When one of the dogs ran for help, the second selflessly plugged the hole with its nose. Noah and his sons arrived to fix the leak, and at this time the dog that saved everyone was in pain and was already suffocating. But her brave act was able to protect the ark from flooding.

To remind the whole world of the dog's brave deed that saved humanity, God gave all dogs cold, wet noses. They still bear this badge of honor.

In general, a dog in a dream means a friend - good or bad - and is a symbol of love and devotion.

Seeing her in a dream foretells receiving news from a friend or meeting him.

Small dogs in a dream mean troubles, worries, vanity.

A black dog in a dream means your friend who has started something against you.

A white dog in a dream is your close friend.

A red dog in a dream means a very close person, husband, wife, lover.

The breed and size of a dog in a dream characterizes your friends.

A poodle, Spitz and other decorative dogs in a dream are a faithful and gentle friend.

A Great Dane in a dream is a big and smart friend. But if in a dream he bares his teeth at you, then beware of him. This is no longer a friend, but an insidious enemy.

Hounds and hunting breeds in a dream mean selfish people who will not hesitate to make money from you or deceive you for profit. But if in a dream you know that you have hunting dogs, then the dream predicts good luck or profit for you.

If dogs are chasing you in a dream, then you should be wary of traps prepared for you by insidious enemies.

Guard dogs are loyal, devoted and strong friends who are ready to protect you in difficult times.

Meeting a dog in a dream means receiving news from a loved one or friend.

A playing dog in a dream is a harbinger of a joyful or pleasant meeting.

An affectionate dog means a devoted friend. However, if an unfamiliar dog caresses you in a dream, then you should be wary of deception or betrayal.

Petting a dog yourself in a dream is a sign that you are trying to win the favor of a loved one.

A snarling, barking, growling, attacking dog in a dream predicts quarrels, scandals, and insults.

If you dream that a dog has bitten you, then you should not lend money to your friends, so as not to quarrel with them later because of this.

Sick dogs in a dream symbolize a decline in business or the loss of some property.

If in a dream you see that a small dog is sick, then sadness and disappointment await you.

A dream in which you saw that a dog is hiding from you, avoiding you, or running away from you, portends a breakdown in your relationship with a close friend and his cooling towards you.

Hearing a loud bark in a dream is a harbinger of success in business. If barking scared you in a dream, then the news will be unpleasant. Hearing several dogs barking in a dream means a big scandal or trouble.

If you dream that some big red dog had an accident, as a result of which it died, then you will soon learn about the sudden death of a loved one who will die as a result of a similar accident.

Gnawing dogs in a dream means a quarrel with a loved one.

If you dream that your dog was chained or collared, then know that your friend is not free from any obligations and you cannot count on his loyalty.

If in a dream you manage to unhook the leash and remove the dog’s collar, then success in your personal life and victory over your rivals awaits you.

A beautiful white dog in a dream foretells receiving good news from a loved one.

A dirty, wet, unkempt white dog in a dream is your close friend who, because of you, got into an unpleasant situation and had a lot of trouble in his family.

Angry dogs in a dream are your enemies. A mad dog in a dream is your fierce enemy. Often such a dream predicts that you will experience shame or humiliation caused by unfounded accusations.

A doghouse in a dream is a harbinger of the fact that you will soon find yourself in cramped circumstances and will be forced to reckon with it.

Riding a dog in a dream means the strength of your position and good luck in business.

Dogs fighting among themselves are rivals.

Walking with a dog in a dream is a sign of a pleasant time with your loved one.

If in a dream a dog protects you from enemies, then know that you have a friend whose help you can count on. See interpretation: animals.

Interpretation of dreams from the Family Dream Book

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Domestic dogs and cats cannot tell their owner about their state of health. But there are a number of signs that may indicate a disturbance in the functioning of the pet’s body.

The owner’s task is to notice changes in time, which will ultimately help avoid serious consequences. Owners of four-legged friends should know what kind of nose a healthy dog ​​should have.

An animal’s nose is a kind of indicator that allows one to determine the pet’s condition and identify dysfunction.

Unlike a human, a dog's nose has a slightly different structure.

Thus, the mucous membrane is located not only inside the nostrils, but also on the surface of the olfactory organ.

It contains many glandular cells that constantly secrete a specific fluid.

This secret has a number of functional features and one of the most important is facilitating the correct perception of aromas and enhancing the odors located near the animal.

To ensure that the special mucus does not lose its properties, the pet’s nose should always be slightly cool and moist. As body temperature increases, the mucus begins to dry out, and the mucous membrane dries out much faster.

A healthy dog's nose is cool and moist to the touch. Such properties of the dog’s olfactory organ are associated with several physiological characteristics.

Zoologist Schmidt-Nielsen, in the course of scientific research, concluded that dogs do not have sweat glands, and therefore the surface of the animal’s nose functions as a kind of cooling during overheating. Glandular cells located on the surface of the nose in dogs take an active part in heat exchange processes.

Another important function of a pet's wet nose is to distinguish odors. The secretion produced by the glands located on the surface of the nose allows you to accurately determine the source of the odor and separate one odor into several components.

Glands that produce mucus are located not only in the nostrils, but also on the surface of the nose.

That is why any injuries in the nose area, and especially the tip, can provoke serious disturbances in the production of secretions and further acute sense of smell in the pet.

Exceptions to the rules

When the animal is absolutely healthy, the nose is cool and fairly moist (without unnecessary discharge). But it also happens that an animal’s nose is dry and warm, and this does not always indicate serious disorders in the body or diseases.

The owner of the animal should carefully consider the condition of his four-legged friend before taking him to a veterinarian. A dog can have a dry nose in the following situations:

  • after a long sleep (when the dog sleeps and immediately after waking up, the nose is much drier than usual, and in addition, it may seem warmer than usual);
  • allergic reactions (as a result of incorrectly selected or low-quality granulated food, the dog may develop an allergy, manifested in increased dryness of the nose);
  • during the hot season (due to dry air);
  • dry nose resulting from injury (may not always manifest itself externally, the functioning of the secreting glands may be disrupted, but after a short period of time, secretion resumes on its own);
  • stressful situations (various fears, long separation from the owner, moving and separation from the mother, can cause moral distress for the pet, which leads to a slight imbalance of the whole organism).

If your pet's nose becomes dry and warm, this does not indicate the onset of the disease. After a short period of time, as soon as the provoking or irritating factor is eliminated, the secretion of the glands returns to normal.

A dog's nose that is too cold or too hot indicates disturbances in the functioning of the body. If the surface of the nose is excessively cold to the touch, this indicates a strong decrease in body temperature.

The rest of the animal's body is covered with thick fur, and it is not possible to determine the exact temperature by simply stroking or touching it.

The nose is an indicator that allows you to determine the onset of a pathological process in a pet. A cold nose can be a result of severe hypothermia, infectious diseases, as well as serious disturbances in the functioning of the internal systems of the body.

In addition to a cold nose in dogs, other symptoms of hypothermia and infectious diseases include:

  • dullness of the eyes;
  • discharge from the eye area;
  • pallor of visible mucous membranes;
  • cold surface of the ear;
  • wheezing when performing an act of breathing.

An increase in body temperature is also accompanied by increased dryness of the outer surface of the nose, and it is also hot to the touch. This pathological phenomenon occurs as a result of an increase in general body temperature.

In the vast majority of cases, a hot nose indicates the onset of infectious processes in the body of an inflammatory nature. A dog may become depressed and have a hot nose after prolonged exposure to the sun due to heatstroke. Other pathologies are accompanied by more typical signs:

  • refusal to eat;
  • absorption of large amounts of fluid by the animal;
  • severe weakness and apathy;
  • duration of sleep time;
  • runny nose;
  • irritability and aggressiveness;
  • avoidance of people and even its owner (the pet tries to hide in a secluded place);
  • dyspepsia disorders (gastric eruption, diarrhea);
  • swelling of the nasal cavity;
  • rapid breathing;
  • paroxysmal cough.

If accompanying symptoms appear along with a hot and dry nose, it is necessary to immediately contact a veterinary clinic for help or call a doctor at home.

It is especially important to monitor body temperature indicators for females during the period of bearing puppies or during lactation.

A qualified veterinarian will help determine the primary source of the fever using diagnostic and laboratory tests.

It is not advisable to self-medicate, since the main cause will not be identified and the use of various medications may not have a positive, but the opposite effect, suppressing the main symptoms, but at the same time triggering a possible disease.

Most owners know what their healthy dog's nose should be like - cool and moist - this is a sign of good health. This is true, however, if your pet’s nose becomes dry and warm, this does not mean that he is sick. Let's try to figure out what a dog's nose should be like and what signs to look for.

Dogs have a nose, just like many other animals., covered with special secretions - mucus, produced by cells. With its help, our four-legged friends detect the slightest vibrations in the air and sense the approach of the enemy. Thus, a dog's nose should normally be wet and cold. But what to do if suddenly your pet’s “nasal planum” becomes hot and dry? Don't immediately panic and run to the vet. This could happen for completely harmless reasons.

There may be the following reasons:

In all of these signs, warming of the nose is a short-term and normal phenomenon.

Signs of a pet's illness

If the nose is not wet for a long time(from several hours to several days), then your pet needs increased attention from the owner. Along with the “nasal indicator”, other signs may indicate the disease:

What diseases cause the nose to be dry and warm?

Remember! Humans also suffer from rabies. A sick animal poses a mortal threat to the people and animals around it.

Normally, a dog's nose should be wet and cold. If your nose becomes dry and hot and you suspect that your four-legged friend is sick, contact your veterinarian. It won’t go away on its own, and self-medication can only do harm. Show care and attention to your pet, and he will give you all his love.