The tooth aches under the filling. A tooth aches under a filling: what to do and how to relieve the pain? Possible complications after tooth filling

Proper filling is the key to ensuring that a person will not be bothered by dental problems in the future. But in some cases, a month or a year after dental work is performed, a person’s filled tooth hurts. It is necessary to take a closer look at what the pathology is associated with and what signs it manifests itself.

Causes of the problem

Why does a tooth hurt under a filling? Among the main causes of pain under an old filling are:

  • Severe overheating of the element during processing. In this case, the condition manifests itself as aching pain. The problem occurs because the dentist did not use special cooling equipment during the work. Overheating of tissues leads to burns of bone tissue and the gradual development of pulp necrosis. In severe cases, overheating provokes a more dangerous disease – periodontitis.
  • Incorrectly identified bite. The pain is stabbing in nature. At first, a person does not feel discomfort from the filling due to painkillers injected into the gums. After a while, when talking and biting food, the filled tooth begins to hurt. The problem is eliminated by cleaning off the excess material.
  • Use of modern light seals. Such materials can shrink over time and cause discomfort in humans. Pathology often develops due to non-compliance with the rules for filling teeth.

Light seal is more susceptible to shrinkage than conventional adhesive material

Situations in which a tooth hurts under an old filling are rare. More often, unpleasant signs appear a few days or a week after dental work.

Why can a filled tooth hurt? In the long term, pathology develops due to the following factors:

  • Low quality filling material that breaks down or shrinks over time. In this case, there is increased sensitivity of the teeth when consuming cold or hot foods.
  • Poor cleaning of the carious cavity. The remaining pathogenic flora gradually multiplies and becomes the cause of secondary caries. The disease may not make itself felt for several weeks or even years. Such cases may cause removal of the damaged element or pulpitis.
  • Periodontitis. The inflammatory process in the jaw is associated with advanced forms of dental diseases or general pathologies in the body. The condition causes throbbing pain, due to which a person cannot speak and experiences discomfort when chewing food. Unpleasant sensations radiate to the ears, back of the head and temples. The disease requires urgent surgical and medical treatment.
  • Cystic formations. In the initial stages, cysts do not manifest significant symptoms. But as it grows, the patient experiences severe discomfort when chewing. Additionally, the condition is accompanied by weakness and loss of strength. Lack of treatment leads to the loss of one or more elements and destruction of the bone structures of the jaw.

Symptoms to see a doctor

What to do if a tooth hurts under a filling? The discomfort can be tolerated for several days, since in most cases it goes away on its own with a change in diet or more thorough oral care. If toothache under a filling lasts more than 3 days, then this is a reason to get professional help.

Seek immediate medical attention if the condition is accompanied by additional symptoms:

  • loss of adhesive from the hole;
  • rise in temperature (over 37.5 degrees);
  • inflammation of the gums and cheeks from the molar side;
  • changing the color and shape of the unit;
  • pain when chewing and biting.

Discomfort when pressing on the gums signals the spread of the inflammatory process beyond the dental tissues. The cause of the pathological condition cannot be identified at home. Professional treatment usually involves removing old material, preparing the tooth and treating it with an antiseptic. After this, the dentist fills the element again. If necessary, the pulp is cleaned.

The tooth is covered with a temporary filling if periodontitis is diagnosed. This is necessary so that purulent exudate does not spread to the hard and soft tissues of neighboring units. Replacement of an old filling that has not served its intended life is free of charge.

With pulpitis and periodontitis, the inflammatory process spreads to the internal tissues of the tooth.

Determining the cause of discomfort by symptoms

The nature of toothache after the installation of a filling can be different: from a reaction to thermal irritants to unbearable attacks. Based on the nature of the symptoms, a person can assume the development of a particular disease.

If the tooth hurts when pressed, this indicates that it is drying out during the installation of the filling. The condition is not dangerous for the patient. Over time, nerve endings adapt to stimuli.

If you are sensitive to sweet, salty and aching pain, the quality of the filling material is low. You can get rid of the problem by refilling the canals with a more experienced dentist.

If the patient experiences aching pain and redness of the gums, then we are talking about the development of an allergic reaction. The side effect does not always appear immediately after filling. The reaction can develop over years and manifest itself in a dramatic form. Antihistamines will help cope with swelling and other symptoms.

Severe and throbbing pain is a sure sign of acute pulpitis. If the tooth is pulsating, then this is a sign of inflammation of the pulp in a chronic form.

If a pathology is suspected, consult a doctor as soon as possible. Treatment of pulpitis is carried out by the dentist in stages: removal of the old filling, depulpation, reapplication of the material. With timely treatment, it will be possible to preserve part of the pulp inside the tooth canal. This fact is very important, since the pulpless element is more susceptible to inflammatory and destructive processes.

Diagnosis of pathology

A tooth without a nerve can hurt just like living elements. Retreatment is indicated if the patient is allergic to the materials used, severe pain and hyperemia of the soft tissues. Even an experienced doctor will not be able to determine the cause of the problem visually. Diagnostics should include: inspection of the condition of the adhesive material; radiography; percussion; palpation of the tooth and surrounding tissues; EDI.

In most cases, teeth can be treated without complications. It is extremely rare for doctors to prescribe retreatment of teeth with implants or a removed nerve.

Electroodontodiagnostics is carried out to assess the sensitivity of the tooth to external stimuli.

Help at home

Home treatments are only suitable for emergency treatment. Ultimately, the person will have to visit a specialist. The later the patient seeks help, the higher the risk of developing complications - pulpitis, periodontitis. In severe cases, the tooth will have to be removed. You cannot completely rely on medications and traditional methods of therapy.

The fastest way to get rid of unpleasant sensations is to rinse your mouth. In order not to aggravate the situation, you need to follow the rules after filling the canals:

  • to prepare the solution, use water whose temperature does not exceed 32 degrees;
  • repeat the rinsing procedure at least 6 times a day, especially after meals;
  • in case of acute pathology, treat the mouth every 20 minutes for 2 hours;
  • after rinsing, do not drink or eat food for up to 60 minutes;
  • Avoid eating solid foods until the symptoms of the problem improve.

Among the effective remedies are alkaline solutions with the addition of iodine or antiseptic drugs.

Alcohol solutions and tinctures help reduce the spread of pathogenic flora. Diluted alcohol is also used if a tooth hurts under a filling.

To prepare alkaline solutions, use soda: dissolve 3-5 g of soda in 200 ml of warm water with the addition of 4-5 drops of iodine. It is important to monitor your well-being after the first mouth treatment, since iodine often provokes allergies.

Instead of alkaline solutions, you can use saline solutions. A concentrated solution will reduce the intensity of pain. To do this, dissolve 5 g of sea or table salt in 150 ml of water and stir until the lumps disappear. To increase the effectiveness of therapy, herbal decoctions with calendula can be added to the solution. Herbal tinctures will prevent the rapid development of inflammation if adhesive is placed in poorly cleaned canals.

Alternative medicine

If a filled tooth hurts, you can use folk remedies. They are prepared on the basis of medicinal plants. The combination of several ingredients allows you to achieve analgesic, anti-inflammatory and strengthening effects.

Recipes from the following medicinal plants are popular if you have a tooth filled and it hurts:

  • linden color;
  • oak bark;
  • calendula flowers;
  • St. John's wort;
  • pharmaceutical chamomile.

In order for the tincture to cure pain, herbs collected in ecologically clean areas or pharmacy preparations are used to prepare the product. Medicines prepared from improperly prepared raw materials will not be effective in relieving tooth pain. In the worst case, such medications can lead to intoxication of the body and irritation of the mucous membranes of the mouth.

Herbal tinctures are prepared according to the following recipe: 4 liters of raw materials (you can take one component or mix several herbal ingredients) pour 600-700 ml of boiling water. It is better to rinse before bed. The resulting medicine is enough for 6-8 procedures. Before using the tincture, carefully filter it through a strainer or gauze.

Mouth rinse tinctures are kept in a thermos or in a closed container for 8 hours

For severe pain when biting, a propolis tincture is recommended: 15 drops of an alcohol-based product are dissolved in 150 ml of warm water. Rinse your mouth with the solution 5-6 times a day. Before using the drug, you must make sure that you are not allergic to propolis.


A simple method of dealing with pain in a healed tooth is to take analgesics. The drugs should not be used for a long time in excess of the dosages specified in the instructions. Many drugs in this group have side effects. Dentists advise using medications that contain paracetamol. The drugs are low cost, have a quick effect and a minimal list of contraindications.

Ibuklin is one of the most popular paracetamol-based remedies for relieving toothache in children.

  • Ketorol;
  • Nimisil;
  • Nise;
  • Ketones.

Medicines are contraindicated in pregnant women, as they accumulate in the body and lead to toxic damage to the fetus. In 5% of cases, the cause of birth defects in the fetus is the use of potent drugs by the mother during pregnancy.

Canal refilling

Professional medical care consists of re-filling the canals. This may occur immediately after installation of the adhesive material or after a certain period of time. The dentist uses several types of intervention:

  • Medication method. A preparation is applied to the surface of the previously cured element, which corrodes the old adhesive material in a few minutes.
  • Ultrasonic method. It is used if the filling is made of cement devices. The impact on the material is carried out using a special endo-nozzle. The filling is removed in one visit to the doctor.
  • Microscopic method. It is considered a new direction in dentistry. Thanks to the microscope, the doctor can avoid damage to healthy tissue and carry out therapy delicately. The microscope is equipped with magnifying glasses through which the problematic element is better viewed.

Another way to solve the problem is to unseal the channel under the anchor pin. The filling is left in the lower part of the dental canal, provided that it is tightly packed. The unit can be sealed in several visits to the doctor. First, the dentist mechanically processes the canals, and then softens the old filling with the help of medications. The doctor inserts a swab with an antiseptic into the hole. On the second day, the cotton swab is removed and the tooth is refilled.

First, let’s figure out what toothache under a filling is, pain in an unfilled tooth, and what kind of pain it is in general. Everything in the human body is balanced. Nature tried to do everything so that the person himself could only maintain his condition. But people are restless creatures who always go over to the side of laziness, calling it progress. It is this very progress that has taken a lot and brought just as much to all people.

However, closer to the topic. A person is given 32 teeth for life and a little less - temporary (milk). This is due to the fact that a person grows and at an early age he does not need normal teeth. Think back to your childhood. Even baby teeth could hurt. Why? In fact, teeth don't hurt. A tooth is an analogue of a bone. The nerve that runs through the tooth from the top to the roots hurts. The job of the nerve is to give a signal about the condition of the tooth itself. Therefore, if your tooth hurts under a filling, then this is very bad.

Why? When you come for dental treatment, a specialist examines you and performs treatment based on the verdict. Sometimes an examination is not enough and a specialist needs to fully see the whole picture in the mouth. The first method of obtaining a 100% picture is x-ray. Who hasn’t done this procedure when a tooth hurts under a filling? You are seated on a seat, a non-illuminated plate is placed on the side of your mouth, and an X-ray photocell is placed on the other side. The procedure takes little time and is absolutely painless.

However, it is not enough when the tooth under the filling hurts. Quite often, pain under an already installed filling can be caused by air residues in hidden cavities, poor-quality treatment of that same nerve, or the influence of neighboring teeth. For such purposes, a special tomograph is used, which scans the entire mouth and gives a computer model as a whole. These are already advanced new technologies that help determine the exact cause in complex cases.

If you have had all your teeth done and your tooth hurts after filling, then you need to immediately contact the clinic where you had your teeth repaired. First, you may still have a warranty on their work. Then the doctor can redo everything for free. Secondly, he already has a sickness card, where the results of the examination and treatment are recorded. This is actually important information, since for you it is a legal basis for correct or incorrect treatment. For doctors, these are stages of work.

If the pain is unbearable and it is not possible to go to the clinic, then you can try folk remedies. However, remember that all doctors in the field of maxillofacial medicine strongly do not recommend using folk remedies. According to them, such measures can relieve pain for a maximum of a while. On the other hand, almost all of them give negative consequences, while the root cause is not removed. The main prohibition on the part of doctors is that you should not heat. Temperature can cause great harm.

If you have a toothache under a filling, then the first thing you need to pay attention to is the nature of the pain and its causes. Pain cannot occur on its own; an external factor is necessary. There are situations when a person simply has a cold (for example, a sore ear) or is nervous - a regular toothache appears. In this case, you need to recover from a cold or simply come to a calm state. However, there are also more complex situations.

Toothache under a filling may be a sign of secondary caries. If the pain comes while eating, you need to pay attention to its beginning. Pain can occur as a result of eating cold or hot food, biting hard, or getting food on the filling site. Why does this need to be tracked? One way or another, you go to the clinic. There they will ask you about the nature of the pain, and the more accurately you describe it, the better. Then a survey will be carried out, which will give a clearer picture.

Of course, don't forget about personal hygiene. If you eat a variety of foods and eat them out of schedule (breakfast, lunch and dinner), your teeth suffer. As a result, caries, pulpitis and other troubles occur. - this is terribly painful, so it is advisable to undergo a scheduled examination at least once every six months.

Often a tooth that has been filled begins to bring discomfort, disturbing with pain of varying degrees of intensity. Such situations can be divided into two categories.

IN first includes cases when the tooth begins to bother immediately after the filling procedure, during second- when discomfort appears months or years later. Which of these options is pathological, and which one is normal?

Causes of pain in teeth under a filling

    If discomfort in the area of ​​the filled tooth persists for several hours, after the end of the procedure, and then disappears by itself, there is no reason for concern - this situation is considered quite normal.

    During dental procedures, pressure was applied to the tooth and after that it simply happens restoration of blood flow in tissues.

    If pain accompanied by redness, this may indicate an allergic reaction.

    Individual intolerance the material from which the filling is made can lead to serious consequences, including swelling of the larynx and occurrence of suffocation.

    Therefore, if such symptoms appear, you should immediately see a dentist to replace the filling with a new one, the material of which will not be cause allergies.

  • Pain under the filling may occur due to development of recurrent caries. Poor cleaning of a carious lesion occurs due to the carelessness of the dentist, who did not properly treat the affected area. After filling, even the slightest areas of caries may provoke a new round of disease development.
  • Infectious lesion affecting dentin and pulp. Infection can occur during a poorly performed filling procedure. Sharp pains characteristic of such a lesion indicate that it is necessary Contact a specialist immediately.
  • Incorrect sanding fillings that do not match the bite. When the fissure cusps of the filling are too high, this leads to increased load on the tooth and injury to the soft tissues.

What to do and how to relieve pain at home?

If you experience pain under a filling, it is not always possible to immediately consult a doctor. If discomfort not very pronounced you can counteract it with home therapy.

Oral hygiene rules

If you experience pain under a filling, you should pay attention special attention oral hygiene.

Brush your teeth at least twice a day, use antiseptic and anti-inflammatory rinses.

Reduce your consumption of sweets and avoid sudden changes in temperature in the oral cavity.

How to soothe pain with rinses?

Rinses bring temporary effect, it is better to consult a doctor immediately.

Soda-salt solution

Rinse with soda-salt solution helps disinfect oral cavity, relieve minor swelling and pacify pain. A medicinal composition is prepared based on a glass of cool water, to which is added one teaspoon each salt and soda.

Salt and iodine

Rinsing with a warm solution of salt and iodine brings fairly quick relief. To prepare you will need 250ml warm water, 1 tsp salt and 7 drops iodine.

Dissolve salt in water and add iodine. Per day you can spend no more than three rinse one glass at a time.

Hydrogen peroxide

Hydrogen peroxide can also cope with pain. You need to generously moisten a cotton swab with it and apply it to the tooth. So that the cotton wool fits better when laying you can use a toothpick.

Herbal decoctions

Rinsing with sage decoction can pacify pain and reduce swelling. Pour two tablespoons of chopped herbs half a liter of boiling water, Cover the container with a lid and leave until completely cool. Rinse twice a day.

Photo 1. Oak bark has a strong antiseptic property, its decoction effectively relieves pain.

To prepare a healing solution for rinsing with chamomile, you will need 250 ml boiling water and two pinches of herb. The decoction should sit for 20 minutes under the lid, after which you can rinse at intervals in 30 minutes.

Oak bark has a strong antiseptic and astringent property. Rinsing with a decoction based on it can effectively relieve pain. To prepare the product two teaspoons of bark should be brewed with a glass of boiling water, give let it brew and cool. Carry out rinsing three times a day.

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Taking anti-allergy medications

Claritin is a non-addictive antihistamine. Effectively relieves swelling without affecting the nervous system, without causing drowsiness and inhibition of reactions.

Zodak - antiallergenic drug second generation. Available in the form of drops, tablets and syrup. Almost immediately after using the product, the symptoms of the pathology recede.


Painkillers can be buy at a pharmacy, the main thing when taking them is to follow the dosage.

Nurofen - effective pain reliever anti-inflammatory agent. Quickly relieves pain and eliminates swelling. The drug is approved for use by adults and children. Contraindications: disorders of the gastrointestinal tract.

Ketanov- a powerful anti-inflammatory agent. Dispensed by prescription. The drug can relieve even very severe toothache. Dosed strictly one tablet at a time, prohibited for use in diseases of internal organs.

Important! In case of severe pain, self-medication should only be a temporary measure to cope with unpleasant sensations at a time when it is not possible to visit the dentist. But you should absolutely not delay your visit to the doctor.


Nise- anti-inflammatory agent, effective in the initial stages toothache. Relieves symptoms for four to twelve hours.

Nimesulide- anti-inflammatory non-steroidal drug. It is produced in the form of tablets, suspensions, granules for preparing a solution, plates for resorption and gel. To get rid of toothache, it is recommended to use tablets, taking them strictly after meals.

Important! Self-medication with medications is a last resort. Before using the drug It's always better to consult a doctor to avoid possible side effects.

When to visit a doctor

Acute or chronic inflammation tissue that develops under the filling does not go away on its own, since hard tissues are incapable of regeneration.

Anyone who has experienced toothache at least once knows how much it can torment, exhaust a person, and even completely deprive him of peace. And if it spreads to the throat, ears, lymph nodes, affects neighboring teeth so that the entire jaw “aches,” then in this case no endurance will be enough. Ignoring pain or numbing it with painkillers is not the answer. After all, it is an important protective signal that something is wrong in the body.

Since the health of various body systems largely depends on the health of teeth, you need to know the reasons for painful sensations and how to act in this case.

Types and nature of toothache

Teeth can hurt in different ways, so there are several types of pain based on the following symptoms:

1). By intensity:

  • aching, without growth;
  • sharp, acute, with possible exacerbations.

Acute pain is almost impossible to endure, so a person tries to get rid of it as quickly as possible by contacting a dentist. But in the case of sluggish pain, the one who is worried about it may not be in a particular hurry to see a specialist. It is as if he is adapting to unpleasant, but quite tolerable sensations. So you can suffer until the mild pain turns into acute. The fact is that even in the case of temporary relief, the pathological process does not stop, but continues to develop. At any moment a critical moment may come when the consequences can be very serious.

2). According to the dynamics of sensation:

  • Constant, even intensity.
  • Constant, in which there are periods of strengthening and weakening.
  • Short-term, occurring regardless of exposure to external stimuli.
  • Short-term, which is a reaction to the influence of any external factors - hot, cold, pressing on a tooth, biting.

Constant pain is especially dangerous. This indicates that an unfavorable process is occurring in the tooth, due to which you can even lose it.

3). By location of pain:

  • wandering – different teeth hurt every time;
  • point, concentrated in a certain area of ​​the gum;
  • diffuse – possible pain on the entire side of the jaw;
  • radiating beyond the jaw - into the ear, throat, eyes, nose or head;
  • pain that is not in the jaw area.

Sometimes toothache can be evidence of a pathological process outside the jaw.

The most common causes of toothache

Let’s imagine a situation when a tooth starts to hurt, and a person doesn’t know whether to wait for a while (in case it goes away on its own), or to hurry up and immediately go to the dentist. To understand what needs to be done, you need to understand the most likely causes of toothache. And there can be quite a few of them: pulpitis, carious destruction, tooth trauma, increased sensitivity, etc.

In order not to get lost in guesswork and not to aggravate your condition, it is better to entrust finding out the cause of tooth pain to a specialist. It is unlikely that it will go away on its own. During the time you have to endure, your overall health deteriorates, your performance, diet and sleep patterns are disrupted.


The pulp is a bundle consisting of blood vessels and a large number of nerve cells. When it becomes inflamed and its tissues begin to break down, pulpitis develops. In this case, incredibly severe pain can occur that literally tests a person’s strength.

Why can pulpitis develop? The main reason is a violation of the integrity of the tooth as a result of its trauma, poor-quality surgical intervention, caries, due to which harmful microorganisms penetrate the pulp and act destructively on its tissue.
When its cavity begins to fill with pus, the nerve endings become compressed. This is how severe pain occurs.

Pulpitis is most characterized by increased pain at night and as a result of exposure to cold/hot things. In addition, it is not possible to remove them with the help of regular painkillers, and over time, these sensations can spread to the ear or eye and contribute to headaches.


When a tooth is destroyed under the influence of caries, already at the initial stages a feeling of soreness may appear. Sensitivity increases due to the fact that in some places the enamel becomes thinner due to the leaching of minerals. At this stage of caries development, it is still possible to stop the process of further tooth destruction with the help of remineralizing toothpastes or appropriate therapy.

Palpable pain occurs when caries reaches the enamel-dentin border. This is when sensitivity to cold, hot, sweet, etc. may appear. Usually, in order for the pain to go away, it is enough to eliminate the irritant. But this state of affairs is deceptive, since the problem does not go away.

The longer caries progresses, the deeper it gets. When it reaches the pulp, such pain may begin that it becomes simply impossible to endure. Nerve endings are irritated, painful sensations haunt a person not only when he drinks cold or hot. Pain becomes almost a constant companion.

Pain after filling or tooth extraction

If a person had to undergo filling of tooth canals, removal of nerves or pulp, then pain after such procedures is not so uncommon.

Why is this happening? There may be several reasons:

  1. The tooth was pinned, which involved screwing a metal pin into the canal. After this, tooth extension is performed. For many, this procedure is not pleasant.
  2. Removal of the nerve mechanically. Due to the fact that it is literally torn away from the main nerve pathway, pain may still be felt in the place where this was done.
  3. When filling, a dentist who extends 1-2 mm beyond the dental canal can cause painful sensations that can last from several hours to several days.
  4. Depulpation is, although a small operation, still an operation. Even if everything is done efficiently, pain may bother the dental patient for some time.

In most cases, after proper filling, the pain goes away on average within a few days.
But a slightly different problem may also arise. What if a tooth hurts under an old filling? What is the reason for this and how dangerous is it?
If the filling was installed quite a long time ago (5-7 years ago), then the filling may be pushed through (shrinkage). Since in this case its adherence to the edges of the tooth is disrupted, you can feel a reaction to cold or hot.
The seal may have depressurized. This can happen for various reasons. The problem may also be that significant errors were made during treatment. For example, the dentist may not have completely sealed the canal, causing infection to enter. Or a dental instrument broke off, etc. One way or another, normally the tooth should not hurt under an old filling. If this happens, it usually indicates the occurrence of a pathological process.

What to do if pain occurs after tooth extraction? It would seem, why bother? And this is logically understandable. When a tooth is pulled out, blood vessels and nerve endings are torn. And this is the most traumatic thing.

If everything went well and there are no complications, then usually the painful condition goes away in about two days. But there are also cases when the wound gets infected. This can happen not only through the fault of the dentist, but also through the fault of the patient himself. If you do not follow the recommendations in the postoperative period, inflammation may develop. The pain may be accompanied by an increase in temperature, the gums swell, and over time, pus begins to ooze from it. This condition is very dangerous.

An interesting fact is that some doctors still use arsenic paste for pain relief and treatment. But there is always controversy surrounding arsenic. It is believed that if you use a strict dosage of such a paste and keep it in the tooth for a certain time, then nothing bad will happen. But the question immediately arises: how many dentists know how to determine the most accurate dosage for an individual tooth of a particular patient? This is a difficult task even for a very experienced specialist.
Scientists still confirm that arsenic acid is dangerous. It can cause severe inflammation, cysts and subsequent tooth extraction due to the inability to cure it.

Enamel crack

Another possible cause of tooth pain is the presence of a crack in the enamel. In itself, such damage does not cause pain, since the nerve endings are located deep in the tooth. They arise due to the fact that microorganisms enter through the crack, provoking various pathological processes.

Due to the fact that the tooth becomes literally defenseless against various influences, bacteria penetrate into the dentin. In the absence of proper treatment, caries is at least guaranteed.
Cracks can occur due to exposure to both internal and external factors. For example, the fastest way to cause such damage is to injure a tooth. At least, a person is unlikely to not notice this (although it happens that the injury was not intense). Everything is much more complicated if the thinning of the enamel and the formation of damage occurred due to the fact that the body has an acute lack of minerals, vitamins, macro- and microelements. To prevent this, you need to take care of a healthy, nutritious diet.

Tooth injuries

Mechanical trauma to a tooth can lead to cracks, bruises, tooth dislocation, crown fracture and even tooth loss.

If a bruise can be felt when tapped (very unpleasant sensations arise), then a dislocation or fracture of a tooth is extremely painful. Shards can get into the gum, and due to displacement, ruptures of blood vessels and nerve pathways are possible. Because of this, the path for infection into the pulp is open. Treatment must be immediate.

Other reasons

There are many other reasons that can cause toothache. A common problem among a large number of people is excessive tooth sensitivity. It manifests itself in a reaction to thermal influences (cold drinks, hot tea), chemical (lemon, tomatoes, apples and other acidic foods), mechanical (chewing, brushing teeth, etc.). Such susceptibility may also be associated with carious lesions, but if there is none, then the problem really is hypersensitivity.

Most often, severe tooth sensitivity is associated either with receding gums, which exposes part of the root or neck, or with thinning of the enamel layer. The pain is quite typical in this case:

  • sharp, but quite tolerable (reminiscent of a small electric shock);
  • when there is no irritant, then there is no pain;
  • The level of tooth sensitivity can change (become more or less pronounced), until the periodic disappearance of unpleasant sensations.

Nerves literally entangle our body with their networks. Signals move intensively along them. For example, a problem may occur in one organ, but be interpreted as pain in another organ. We are talking about the so-called irradiation. In everyday life it sounds simple: the pain “gives” to another place. So it’s not at all a fact that it’s the teeth that hurt. True, this happens quite rarely.

Why is the worst toothache most often felt at night?

Many people are interested in why toothache bothers us most at night. By the way, this pattern applies not only to this, but also to pain in other parts of the body.
There are two reasons for this phenomenon:

  • The body functions cyclically. In a state of wakefulness, all body systems are actively working. And the endocrine system, which is responsible for the production of hormones that dull pain and suppress inflammation, too. At night, when a person is sleeping or getting ready for bed, activity becomes lower.
  • Psychological characteristics. Each person has individual capabilities and abilities. He can consciously or unconsciously block pain. In the first case, we are talking about volitional efforts (simply patience), in the second - distraction from the problem, switching attention to other stimuli. Yes, at night there are almost always no external stimuli and it is unlikely to be possible to resort to volitional effort in a dream.

As you can see, the phenomenon of night pain is quite simple to explain.

How are toothaches treated?

Most people with toothaches try to eliminate the discomfort with the help of painkillers. The most effective drugs are those based on ketorolac, ketoprofen and ibuprofen. If the cause of the painful condition is infectious inflammation, you cannot do without antibiotics. But only a doctor should prescribe them after an examination.

Rinse solutions are sometimes used. For example, this could be Asepta mouthwash and any others that have a similar effect.

You can prepare a saline solution at home (1 teaspoon of salt per glass of warm water) or a furatsilin solution (1 tablet per 0.5 glass of water) and rinse as often as possible.

Those who believe in the power of acupuncture massage can try to reduce pain by influencing biologically active points of the body. For example, one of these points is believed to be on the outside of the forearm, just below the elbow. Two more are on the outside of the hand, located from the main joint of the index finger on both sides at a distance of 1.5-2 cm. These are also two points on the face: on the lower jaw under 4-5 teeth and on the upper jaw above 5-6 teeth .

What would a dentist do if you went to him with a toothache? First of all, he would understand the cause of the pain and then develop a treatment strategy. It is possible that you need to get an x-ray.

If toothache occurs only from external irritants (which means the pulp is not affected) and is the result of caries, then one appointment is usually enough. The doctor cleans the carious cavity, treats it with antiseptics, and fills it.

If the dentist discovers pulpitis, treatment will continue for several appointments. Using anesthesia, the doctor opens the pulp chamber, removes the nerve, cleans and rinses the canals, and seals them. A seal is also placed on top.

Periodontitis is another disease that cannot be cured without a doctor. When inflammation and suppuration develops at the root, it is necessary to open the canal and keep it open until the pus comes out. To speed up the process of washing it out, rinsing with soda and salt is prescribed. After cleaning and ensuring absolute sterility in the canals, they are securely sealed. If the doctor deems it necessary, he will prescribe antibiotics.

Help of folk remedies in the treatment of toothache

Of course, you should not rely only on traditional methods of treatment. But what to do if you are struck by a toothache, for example, on vacation or on a long business trip. With the help of products that may be on hand or at the nearest pharmacy, you can hold out until you can visit the dentist.

Since ancient times, people who discovered the healing power of sage began to use it in the treatment of toothaches. You can prepare a decoction for mouth rinsing from its leaves. To do this, pour 1 tbsp of boiling water over a glass. l. this plant. Let the broth sit for half an hour and rinse every 10-15 minutes.
Today, sage is sold in every pharmacy, so it can be easily purchased in almost any locality.

Traditional healers suggest applying pieces of propolis to a sore tooth and keeping it there with your mouth closed for 15-20 minutes.
It is believed that regular rinsing with solutions of salt and soda helps. Very warm water is used to prepare them, and the procedure itself is performed very often: every 10-15 minutes for 2 hours. By the way, soda and salt rinses are often prescribed by dentists themselves.

Do not overdo it with the use of folk remedies. They may only help for a short period of time or should be used along with the main treatment.

What to do and what not to do if your tooth hurts

If you have a toothache, the very first thing a specialist will advise you to do is to visit a dentist as soon as possible. If help is not provided in time, you can wait until the pathological process progresses and even lose a tooth.

Acute pain usually makes a person run at full speed to the doctor, which cannot be said about aching pain that periodically appears and disappears. Even if you do not see any external defects on the tooth, this does not mean that everything is in order.

If there are some actions that should never be performed if you have a toothache:

  1. Do not apply cooling compresses to the tooth. You can ensure that the pain not only does not subside, but also intensifies. In addition, diseases of the throat, ear or nose may develop and treatment will have to be done not only by the dentist.
  2. You should also not apply warming compresses or do hot rinses. If there is already an inflammatory process, this will only worsen the patient’s condition. Pathogenic microorganisms will multiply even faster, and this is a direct path to the development of pulpitis, gumboil or some other pathology.
  3. There is no need to apply substances to the oral mucosa that can greatly irritate it. No onions or garlic, spicy foods, etc. In addition to the pain, you can get a burn to the mucous membrane.
  4. Despite the advice of some people who suggest rinsing your mouth with vodka, you should not do this. Yes, alcohol is a disinfectant, but its effect is very harsh. It is better to choose among more harmless means. In addition, vodka does not help get rid of pain.
  5. Do not try to influence the tooth mechanically. You're not sure that the tooth isn't cracked or chipped, are you? If there is damage, it can crack, allowing infection to enter the pulp or gum.

Try not to wait until you have dental problems. Go to the dentist for preventive examinations. It will be easier to “strangle” the disease in the bud than to treat complications.

In what cases may you have to say goodbye to a bad tooth?

Tooth extraction is often resorted to in the case of periocoronitis - difficult eruption of wisdom teeth. Sometimes they try to save them by making an incision in the gingival hood. But this does not guarantee that the tooth will not grow haphazardly, and its root will begin to intertwine with the roots of other teeth.

Periodontitis, or more precisely, its acute forms, is often treatable. But if we talk about teeth with cysts, then everything is more complicated. After an examination, a specialist will decide what to do and whether the tooth can be saved.

If there is pronounced purulent inflammation (osteomyelitis, phlegmon, periostitis, etc.), then usually the only way to stop the pathological process is tooth extraction. After the sinus stops being fed by the infection, healing occurs.

Try to take care of your teeth. Do not eat too many sweets and foods harmful to enamel, and maintain careful oral hygiene. Use dental floss and mouth rinse solutions, and go to the dentist for preventive examinations every six months to a year.

Health to you and your teeth!

Of course, each of us regularly faces such a problem as toothache. And in order to get rid of such painful sensations, we resort to the help of an appropriate specialist, namely a dentist, who, in turn, does all the necessary manipulations in order to eliminate the pain. Sometimes treatment consists of several stages, at the last of which the dentist installs a filling for us, after which all painful sensations go away, however, there are often situations when even after filling we continue to experience pain. Why is this happening? And how normal is this? In this article we will tell you about why a tooth under a filling may hurt.

Causes of pain under a filling

Despite the fact that installing a filling is a fairly common procedure, the process itself is quite complex and time-consuming, during which hard and soft tissues are significantly damaged. Of course, it is the correct actions of the specialist that determine how well and accurately the filling will be carried out, however, in some cases, the pain that occurs after installing the filling is a completely common phenomenon that is natural. As a rule, in such situations, painful sensations can last from about two to seven days, each time becoming less intense. If the pain does not go away and only gets worse every day, then in this situation we are already talking about any existing complications, to eliminate which it is necessary to contact a specialist again.

So for what reasons can a tooth get sick under a filling? Next, we will tell you about the most common causes of pain after filling:

    Recurrence of caries.

Of course, we are all confident that the dentist completely removes all infected tissues, after which a filling is installed, however, in some cases, even the most experienced specialist is not able to recognize all the affected areas, and he removes only the visible “diseased” areas .

For example, a fairly common situation is when the infection has penetrated the dentin layer, but pain has not yet appeared; The dentist removes all visible “consequences” of the infection and then installs a filling. However, after some time - this may happen immediately after the end of the anesthesia, or it may begin after a few days - you will again feel quite strong and intense pain in the area of ​​the filling. In this case, we are talking about a diagnosis such as pulpitis, the treatment of which consists of a second visit to a specialist, who, in turn, will clean and seal the canals.

If the nerve was initially removed from the tooth and then a filling was installed, but the toothache still bothers you, then in this situation we are talking about a disease such as periodontitis. Of course, to eliminate the cause of this painful syndrome, it is also necessary to contact a specialist again.

    Use of low-quality materials.

Another fairly common cause of pain in a tooth under a filling is the use of low-quality filling materials. And it is quite easy to recognize this reason - if, while eating sweet, sour, cold or hot food, you experience painful, aching sensations, then in this situation all of the above symptoms indicate that poor-quality material was used to install the filling , which in turn could simply sag or move into the periodontal layer.

Of course, to eliminate such sensations, you need to contact a specialist again, however, in this case, you should be more careful when choosing a dental clinic.

    Allergic reaction.

Today, there are quite a lot of different filling materials, which also include a great variety of components, which in turn can have side effects, namely, cause an allergic reaction. If allergies are the main cause of pain in the tooth under the filling, then, as a rule, the patient may feel mild but constant pain for several weeks after the filling itself is installed. “Additional” symptoms such as swelling and redness in the area of ​​the “new” tooth and gums may also occur. Of course, swelling after the installation of a filling is a fairly common phenomenon that almost always occurs, however, as a rule, it subsides approximately on the third day; If the swelling persists for quite a long time after filling, then most likely we are talking about an allergic reaction.

In order to get rid of such painful sensations, of course, it is necessary to contact your doctor again, who, if an allergy to any material is detected, will remove the old filling and install a new one.

A cyst is a small formation in the form of a bubble, which is filled with a liquid consisting of various bacteria, and which is located in the area of ​​the tooth root. Often this formation develops almost asymptomatically and does not bother its “owner” in any way; pain begins to bother the patient only when the cyst becomes quite large. And the cause of this pain is infection in the previously damaged mucosa. The development of a cyst is a fairly long process, which is why pain can appear after quite a long time.

    Medical errors.

Of course, we completely trust our treating specialist and believe that all the actions he takes will be correct and will help eliminate pain, however, sometimes even the most experienced dentists can make mistakes in their work. So, for example, if you feel pain when clenching your jaw, then in this situation we are talking about a medical error such as an incorrectly made filling.

Another fairly common mistake is incomplete removal of infected dental tissue, as a result of which the patient may experience quite severe pain for a long time. If you do not contact a specialist in a timely manner, the existing infection will gradually develop, which will lead to complications in the future.

A tooth cavity that is not completely filled can also cause severe and intense pain in the tooth under the filling. As we have already said, the occurrence of toothache after the installation of a filling is a completely natural phenomenon, however, the patient should not feel any acute pain. In case of severe and intense pain that does not go away within several days. In this situation, it is necessary to contact your treating specialist as soon as possible for a re-examination and to identify the cause of this pain syndrome.

How to get rid of pain in a tooth under a filling

As we have already said, almost every third person faces the problem of tooth pain after filling for several days. This is quite natural and there should be no cause for concern, however, and it is unlikely that anyone will want to endure such painful sensations. Today, there are many different painkillers that cope with this problem quite effectively.

For example, for toothache, you can use gels such as Kamistad, Cholisal and Dentol - all of them perfectly eliminate swelling and relieve pain. Among the tablets, the most effective are drugs such as pentalgin, ketorol, dexalgin and nurofen. You can also buy special dental drops in pharmacies, which will also relieve pain. However, despite such an abundance of painkillers, it is best to consult your doctor about which drug to use if such a situation arises.

However, the pain is not always so severe as to require resorting to the use of painkillers, which - importantly - have a negative effect on our body. And in this situation, various folk remedies will help get rid of mild pain, which we will discuss further:

    saline solution If aching pain occurs, dilute one teaspoon of salt and soda in a glass of warm water and rinse the mouth in the area of ​​the painful tooth for ten minutes. Repeat the procedure every half hour until the pain completely disappears. You can also add a few drops of iodine to the solution. By the way, it is recommended to use a similar solution for preventive purposes, regardless of whether pain bothers you or not;

    compress of lemon balm and valerian. Soak a cotton swab in tincture of lemon balm and valerian and apply to the sore spot - this method will help eliminate pain for a while;

    cold compress. If you experience significant swelling after installing the filling. It is recommended to apply a cold compress to the cheek on the side of the diseased tooth, which can be made from ice cubes packed in a bag and wrapped in cloth;

    furatsilin solution. This solution is also recommended to be used even for preventive purposes. To prepare it, you need to take one tablet of furatsilin, crush it, and then dissolve it in a glass of warm water. The resulting solution should be rinsed in the mouth three to four times a day.

The occurrence of pain after a visit to the dentist can have various causes.

For example, after eliminating caries and installing a filling, pain may be a consequence of a violation of the filling technology.

Most often, the problem arises when the patient turns to a specialist for the treatment of extensive pathology.

The fact is that in this case, during the drilling process, the tissue of the dental cavity is injured quite significantly, and it is practically impossible to do without pain.

Do not forget that any mistake made during the filling process is fraught with infection. This situation occurs if the dentist has not sufficiently treated the cavity affected by caries. There are other reasons for pain in a tooth under a filling. Most often we are talking about the following points:

  • chronic pulpitis;
  • poor oral hygiene;
  • improperly carried out “drying” of the inner walls of the tooth;
  • allergic reaction to materials used for filling;
  • incompletely treated caries;
  • untreated periodontitis.

If you notice that your tooth hurts when you tap, you need to consult a doctor, as certain pathologies may occur under the symptom.

Why do sweets make your teeth hurt and is this really true? You will find the answer here.

Sometimes a person may experience toothache only at night, but the tooth does not hurt during the day. You can read about the reasons for this phenomenon at the link.

Nature of pain

The nature of pain in a tooth under a filling can vary.

This can range from a completely insignificant reaction to cold to acute and almost unbearable pain.

Based on the nature of the pain, you can easily determine the cause of its occurrence:

  • Sensitivity during chewing. Increased sensitivity of the tooth usually indicates that the doctor overdried the crown during its installation. In this case, there is no point in worrying too much. Over time, the nerve endings will return to normal and stop reacting painfully to stimuli.
  • Sensitivity to sweet, sour, hot and cold. Such problems indicate the low quality of the material of the installed filling. The easiest way to get rid of the pain is to have it refilled by a more experienced specialist.
  • It's a dull pain. If the pain is aching in nature, and the gums are red and bleeding, most likely we are talking about a common allergic reaction. Any antihistamines will help cope with it.
  • Severe and throbbing pain. Such symptoms indicate the development of acute pulpitis in the patient.
  • Mild associated pain. Such pain may mean nothing, or may indicate the presence of chronic pulpitis.

If you suspect pulpitis, it is strongly recommended to seek help from a dentist regarding pulp removal as soon as possible. The specialist will remove the old filling, remove the pulp, fill the affected canals and re-place the filling.

After canal filling, tooth hurts when pressed

There are often cases when pain in a tooth appears after it is filled when pressure is applied.

The cause of such pain is most often under-drying or over-drying of the dental cavity in the process of preparing for the installation of a filling.

Usually, after removing tissues affected by caries, the tooth is coated with glue to secure the filling.

Any specialist will say that according to technology, a very specific level of humidity must be maintained. When overdrying, the nerve endings of the upper layer of the tooth are damaged and irritated.

In this case, the pain syndrome is temporary. After some time, the tissues will be saturated with moisture from the pulp and the unpleasant sensations will gradually disappear. This process can take up to two weeks. If the pain does not go away or intensifies during this time period, you should visit the dentist again.

Tooth hurts under temporary filling

Typically, dentists use temporary fillings during long-term dental treatment.

They are called temporary because after the need for their presence passes, they can be quickly and painlessly removed.

In some cases, patients experience pain while wearing a temporary filling. Most often, this is associated with medications placed inside the tooth.

As a rule, the doctor warns his patients about the possibility of pain. But in some cases, the pain does not go away over time.

In this case, you should pay attention to the following significant symptoms:

  • presence of elevated temperature;
  • purulent odor from the mouth;
  • swelling of the cheeks or gums;
  • general malaise;
  • weakness;
  • pain during chewing.

If at least several of the listed factors occur, this is confirmation of significant complications, and you should immediately contact your dentist.

Often, during the installation of a filling, small errors occur: for example, the filling falls outside the tooth root, breaks, a foreign body gets under it, or root perforation occurs, etc. All indicated cases require the intervention of an experienced specialist, so you should not self-medicate and prescribe painkillers.

Tooth hurts under old filling

Unfortunately, even the most experienced dentist cannot guarantee that the filling he once installed will solve the problem of toothache once and for all.

Sometimes the tooth under the old filling begins to hurt even more than before it was installed.

Most often, pain can occur for the following reasons:

  • pulpitis;
  • periodontitis;
  • cyst;
  • recurrent caries.

Repeated caries usually occurs due to insufficient cleaning of the tooth cavity before installing a filling. Its development requires immediate contact with a specialist. If caries starts, there is a high probability that over time you will have to part with the tooth.

Sometimes pain under an old filling can be caused by pulpitis. The reason for its development may be a thermal burn of the pulp or, for example, aseptic inflammation after drying out the tooth cavity. In acute pulpitis, the pain is acute and most often intensifies at night. The course of a chronic disease, in turn, is characterized by constant aching pain.

As for periodontitis, an x-ray will be required to confirm it.

Painful sensations may not be very pronounced, but intensify periodically and even radiate to the ear.

The cyst may not make itself known for a long period of time. It usually develops over years and in the first stages remains completely painless.

How to relieve pain at home

It's no secret that when a toothache occurs, a person forgets about everything else. He faces one main task - to get rid of unpleasant sensations. Moreover, usually the symptom comes unexpectedly and can completely ruin the day.

The simplest and most affordable way to get rid of pain is to take painkillers.

Most often we are talking about analgin, ketanov or ibuprofen.

If trouble occurs while eating, you need to immediately finish the meal, rinse your mouth and only then take the medicine.

When using medications, be sure to first study the instructions, especially regarding contraindications.

If painkillers are not available, you can replace them by soaking a cotton swab with Valocordin or rinsing your mouth with a soda solution with a small amount of iodine added.

In addition, traditional medicine is often used to relieve toothache. The following recipes are often used:

  • Salt and pepper. A mixture of salt and pepper is effective if tooth sensitivity increases significantly. Spices are mixed in equal proportions and diluted with water until a homogeneous paste is obtained. The resulting paste is applied to the tooth and left for about five minutes. It is recommended to repeat the procedure over several days.
  • Potato. To eliminate pain in a tooth, cut off a small circle of raw potato and place it on the aching area. You should hold it on the tooth until the discomfort completely disappears.
  • Carnation. Cloves are rightfully considered the most effective folk remedy that helps in the fight against toothache. This plant not only has anesthetic, but also anti-inflammatory, antioxidant and antibacterial properties. For treatment, you will need to chop and thoroughly mix a couple of cloves with any vegetable oil. The product is applied to the sore tooth or rubbed into the aching area. In addition, you can use clove oil, dissolved in water in the amount of 5 drops per glass, to rinse the mouth.
  • Wheatgrass juice. Wheatgrass juice is characterized by excellent antibacterial and anesthetic properties and is considered a good remedy in the fight against caries. Wheat sprouts must be ground so that the juice is released. You should rinse your mouth with this juice.

Toothache manifests itself in different ways. Sometimes the tooth hurts when you press on it. This could be tooth decay or jaw disease.

Are you sure that all your teeth are healthy, but you still have pain? This may not be due to dental disease. Read on to see what diseases we are talking about.

Whatever method of dealing with toothache is chosen, do not forget that eliminating pain is only a temporary solution to the problem. The cause of the pain syndrome should be determined and eliminated under the supervision of an experienced dentist.

One of the frequent complaints of patients who go to the dentist is toothache under a filling. There may be several reasons for this. You can roughly judge by the nature of the pain: from cold or hot, when biting, spontaneous.

The filling is high

If a tooth hurts under a filling, it may be that the bite is too high. It happens that patients cannot determine in the doctor’s chair whether the filling is optimal in height, and only discover at home that it is in the way.


If a tooth hurts under a filling, it is possible that caries was cured, but during treatment the pulp became inflamed. There may be several reasons for this: penetration of carious tissue into the pulp, thermal burn of the pulp during drilling, aseptic (microbial-free) inflammation (when the bottom of the tooth cavity is dried out by a stream of air). It should be said that pulp infection often occurs during the treatment of deep caries. Pulpitis is characterized by acute spontaneous pain that occurs mainly at night. During pain-free periods, pain from cold or hot is observed, which does not go away within 10 - 15 minutes, even after eliminating the irritating factor. In this case, the tooth is depulped: the filling is removed, the nerves are removed, the canals are treated and filled with paste, the filling of the canals is monitored using X-rays, and a filling is placed.


If a tooth hurts under a filling, it may be an exacerbation of chronic periodontitis that developed after treatment. The cause may be a poorly sealed canal (not to the top). This disease is associated with the destruction of the periodontium (ligamentous apparatus) and the formation of an abscess (abscess) in the area of ​​the root apex. Periodontitis is the stage of tooth decay that follows pulpitis, in which infection from the pulp penetrates through the canal outside the tooth. This disease is characterized by swelling of the gums surrounding the tooth, pain when tapping or biting. In the acute form, the temperature often rises and swelling of the soft tissues of the face occurs. If the tooth can be saved, it is opened, that is, the filling is removed and the canals are unfilled (if the canals have not been treated previously, then the decayed pulp is completely removed from them). The tooth is left exposed for 5 days, canal rinsing is prescribed, as well as anti-inflammatory and painkillers. If the pain goes away within this time, it is treated as usual.

Tooth hurts after root canal filling

It happens that a tooth hurts after treatment for pulpitis. Such pain is normal and goes away after 2-3 days. They can be both minor and acute. Usually associated with exposure to medications or minor injuries caused by tools. The tooth under the filling hurts when biting, if the doctor removed the paste beyond the tip of the root. If the material is removed a little, then the pain, as a rule, goes away quickly. Sometimes they last up to 2 months, but often they are tolerable, and there is no need to re-treat the tooth. In addition, pain under a filling can be associated with perforation of the tooth root, which was formed when processing it with an instrument and when installing pins. In some cases, the elimination of such non-physiological holes is possible with the help of modern expensive materials.

Why does a filled tooth hurt?

The dentist’s actions during treatment must be clearly organized. Any mistake during filling can lead to a secondary infection. This situation arises if the doctor does not sufficiently treat the carious cavity, resulting in the formation of an infectious focus under the material filling it. In this regard, pulpitis and periodontitis are difficult to treat: the dentist often has to resort to refilling. The main reasons why a tooth hurts after dental surgery are:

  • untreated caries;
  • chronic pulpitis;
  • insufficient oral hygiene with filled teeth;
  • incorrectly performed “drying” procedure of the inner walls of the tooth;
  • allergic reactions to the starting material of the filling mass;
  • incomplete treatment of inflamed gum tissue due to periodontitis;

Without nerve

Incomplete removal of the pulp together with poor-quality filling of the dental canals can lead to the development of an inflammatory process in the deep periodontal tissues. This complication of endodontic therapy requires repeated medical intervention. However, only a specialist can accurately answer the question of why a tooth hurts after filling, after carrying out the necessary diagnostic measures. However, some indirect symptoms may indicate that things are not going well:

  • severe, throbbing or aching pain in the area of ​​the recently treated tooth;
  • swelling of adjacent tissues;
  • difficulty chewing and swallowing after tooth filling;
  • increased body temperature;
  • bad breath.

Tooth hurts after root canal filling

The development of events according to the specified scenario requires the patient to be vigilant in relation to his health. In the closed space of a diseased tooth, the infection spreads at high speed. The danger is that purulent damage to bone or muscle tissue may occur. This pathology is treated with medications in a hospital setting. The situation can threaten with even more serious consequences, and if they are suspected or arise, patients undergo an emergency surgical solution to the problem.

Toothache when pressed

Doctors are unanimous that pain in the first time after a filling is placed is an absolutely normal post-filling phenomenon. Often, patients turn to the dentist with complaints of discomfort when pressing, squeezing, biting, or eating hot or cold. If your tooth hurts after filling, then try to simply “avoid” these provoking factors. Such conditions are not considered pathological and are considered as consequences of endodontic intervention in the form of damaged nerve endings.

How long can a tooth hurt after filling?

Unpleasant sensations in the oral cavity may bother the patient for a month after the procedure, which is explained by “getting used to” the new tooth. If you are wondering how long a tooth hurts after filling, then we can say with confidence that this is a temporary phenomenon. Pulpless bone formation in the oral cavity usually does not bother patients much. If such a tooth suddenly really hurts, then this will be regarded as a clear symptom of a secondary infection with its spread to nearby tissues.

What to do if a tooth hurts under a filling

Prevention of the disease consists in the exact implementation of medical recommendations. If you have been warned about possible pain after filling, then do not worry. You need to start by removing food debris from the tooth, after which you can rinse your mouth with warm soda or saline solution. For severe pain, it is recommended to take a pain reliever. However, you should not grab the pills every time if the syndrome continues for a long time after filling. This condition requires an assessment of its future prospects by a specialist.

Taking painkillers

Today, the pharmacy chain offers consumers a huge range of medications, many of which have a large number of side effects. This fact should be taken into account in patients with gastrointestinal diseases and cardiovascular pathologies. It is worth noting that you should not get carried away with taking dosage forms, even the most “harmless” ones. You need to respond to pain in a tooth after filling in a timely and thoughtful manner. Obsessive syndrome can be relieved with the following medications:

  • Nurofen;
  • Ibuprofen;
  • Analgin;
  • Baralgin;
  • Pentalgin;
  • Ketorol;
  • Aspirin.

Traditional medicine recipes

The main advantage of alternative treatment methods is the almost complete absence of side effects. Rinsing with herbal teas, soda and saline solutions can be used by any age group if a tooth hurts. However, before starting the practical use of any recipe, it is strongly recommended to check the components of the product for allergenicity. If your tooth hurts a lot after the filling procedure, you can use the following tips:

  1. Celandine juice. Apply freshly prepared product to the gum area several times a day. The pain syndrome usually goes away within 20-30 minutes.
  2. Applications with onions and garlic. Bring fresh raw materials to a pulp state, after which it can be applied as an application to a sore tooth 3 times a day, covering the top with a cotton swab.
  3. Rinse with hydrogen peroxide. The solution is prepared from the proportion of 15 drops of peroxide per quarter glass of water. It is recommended to irrigate the oral cavity after each meal.

Visiting the dentist

In a situation where the pain does not go away for a long time, and the patient experiences constant discomfort, it is necessary to seek help from a specialist. Often, a few complaints about how painful it is to press or bite are enough to identify “the cause of all troubles.” This is usually followed by removal of the filling, re-treatment of the carious cavity, followed by installation of a new filling on the already “dead” pre-pulp tooth.

Find out what to do if your tooth hurts.

A tooth hurts under a filling: the main reasons

Most often, tooth pain occurs for the following reasons:

1. The pain that occurs immediately after surgery is called “reactive pain.” Like any intervention, every dental procedure is in some sense a trauma, because the doctor can remove parts of the tooth, clean caries, and inject medications into the gums. For example, after treatment of pulpitis, people may experience discomfort and even pain after filling for a long time. In addition, discomfort can also occur when teeth are closed. As a rule, this symptom goes away after a few weeks.

2. An incorrect diagnosis can cause serious complications in the condition. For example, if the attending physician treated ordinary caries instead of pulpitis and simply filled the tooth, then there is a high probability of progression of the true disease. In addition, it is important to know that in its chronic form, untreated pulpitis can lead to complete tooth loss.

3. Severe overheating of a filled tooth can cause aching pain. This problem occurs in the absence of special cooling, which must be used when preparing teeth.

When hard tissues overheat, the patient experiences a burn and pulp necrosis develops, which provokes severe pain. In especially severe cases, overheating can trigger the development of periodontitis.

4. Incorrectly placed filling bite can also cause stabbing pain. This medical mistake can be explained by the fact that most cases of filling are carried out under anesthesia (the entire oral cavity of a person is numb), so the patient simply does not feel whether the new filling is bothering him or not. When a person comes home and starts talking or eating, he clearly feels discomfort and pain in the tooth. Fortunately, this problem is easily solved. You just need to contact your dentist, who will clean off the excess material for the filling.

5. Polymerization stress. It can be caused by modern light fillings, which over time cause shrinkage of the materials and pain in the tooth. Most often, this pathology occurs when the technology for installing light fillings is not followed.

A tooth hurts under a filling: additional reasons

Pain in a filled tooth does not always occur. This is the exception rather than the rule. Pain during the installation of a filling may occur in the first two days after the procedure, and this is considered acceptable, but if the pain does not go away and continues to bother you, then it is necessary to identify the source of its occurrence.

Additional reasons why a person may experience pain in a filled tooth are:

1. Individual intolerance by the patient to the metal contained in the filling material. As a result, a person may experience swelling, pain in the tooth and redness of the gums.

2. The incompetence of the doctor and his desire to save money can cause terrible discomfort in the filled tooth. In this case, a person will suffer from pain when eating cold, hot and even sweet foods.

3. Poor cleaning of the tooth cavity can lead to the development of secondary caries and, accordingly, to new pain. It is important to know that advanced forms of caries can cause total tooth extraction.

4. Periodontitis often becomes a source of tooth pain under a filling. With this disease, an inflammatory process develops in the deep tissues under the tooth, which is often accompanied by infection.

In severe forms of periodontitis, the integrity of the bone tissue is disrupted, causing the unpleasant sensation of an “overgrown tooth.” Because of this, even with a light touch on a sore tooth, a person will wince from terrible pain. Also, unpleasant symptoms can radiate to the ears, temples and back of the head. This condition requires immediate medical treatment.

5. Pulpitis. Most often it develops as a result of untreated (advanced) caries. This disease is accompanied by acute paroxysmal pain in the tooth under the filling, which usually bothers a person at night. Also, pulpitis can turn into a chronic form - then pain will appear periodically.

6. Tooth cyst. It can develop for quite a long time (from two months to several years). You should know that in the initial stages it practically does not cause any pain, but in an advanced state it can provoke severe pain. This disease is quite dangerous because it provokes the destruction of bone tissue (teeth and jaw). If left untreated, the cyst will cause weakness, migraine, high fever and sinusitis.

With a cyst, the tooth may hurt not only while eating, but also at rest. Thanks to modern treatment methods, dentists can rid a person of this tumor while maintaining the integrity of the tooth.

A tooth hurts under a filling: symptoms

Toothache in a filled tooth can be of the following nature:

1. Pain that occurs when biting on a filled tooth. The reason for this may be an inflamed nerve, as well as uncleaned dental canals. Some people tolerate such pain, believing that it will go away over time, but this is a big mistake, because painful conditions can lead to infection and severe inflammation.

2. Aching pain that occurs after treatment. As a rule, it intensifies after anesthesia, when all receptors become sensitive again.

3. Acute throbbing pain may signal the development of an infectious process. In addition, if pus collects under the tooth and gum, the person will have bad breath and a high fever. In severe cases, the cheek near the tooth may become swollen and red.

A tooth hurts under a filling: what to do?

Toothache is considered one of the most difficult to bear. In order to reduce it as quickly as possible, you must adhere to the following recommendations:

1. Do not eat food that is too cold or too hot. The best option is food at room temperature.

2. Maintain oral hygiene at least twice a day.

3. Rinse your mouth with a strong chamomile decoction or an infusion of mint and sage.

4. In case of severe pain, you can rinse the sore tooth with a solution of soda (1 teaspoon of soda per glass of water).

5. Carefully monitor the condition of the tooth: if the gums around it turn red, fester or become swollen, then you need to consult a dentist as soon as possible.

6. Apply a gauze swab soaked in valerian tincture to the sore tooth. This will help relieve acute attacks of pain.

In addition to traditional methods, toothache can be managed with the help of medications (analgesics). The most effective drugs of this pharmacological group are:

Dentol (gel that is applied directly to the sore gum or tooth);

Cholisal (gel, which is used in the same way as Dentol);

Nurofen (can be in tablets or syrup for oral administration);

Dexalgin (tablets).

There are also special dental drops, which are called “Drops for teeth”. They help quickly relieve pain, but it is recommended to consult your doctor before using them.

What not to do when a tooth hurts under a filling:

You cannot inject any medications into your gums, as this should only be done by a dentist;

You should not warm up a sore tooth, since such a procedure will only contribute to the development of the inflammatory process and infection;

Eliminate gaps between front teeth