Red hot cheeks in the evening on a baby. Why does my baby have red cheeks - what is the reason and should I worry? Why do my child's cheeks turn red? Allergic diathesis

Redness of an infant's cheeks causes concern and even panic among parents. The reasons for this phenomenon can be different - from natural physiological processes to the development of serious pathologies, and only a doctor can correctly identify them and help in alleviating the child’s condition based on a comprehensive diagnosis.

Signs of teething in a baby

The baby is often worried, capricious, and his appetite worsens - perhaps the reason lies in the fact that the child is cutting his first teeth (we recommend reading: how baby teeth are cut: symptoms with photos). They injure and damage the gums, which can result in swelling, soreness and inflammation of the mucous membranes of the oral cavity.

The following common symptoms will alert parents to the fact that their baby’s baby teeth are coming out:

  • whims and hysterics;
  • sleep disturbances;
  • loss of appetite;
  • frequent touching of the ears (the child touches or scratches them);
  • increased body temperature;
  • redness of the cheeks (due to excessive drooling or mild fever) and/or eyes.

Sometimes during this period the child’s nasopharynx weakens and bronchitis, sore throat or runny nose may develop. Some babies also suffer from abdominal pain (due to gas accumulation) or dysbiosis. In such cases, you will need to seek help from a pediatrician.

Could red cheeks be a symptom of teething?

Red cheeks in a baby (such as those shown in the photo) are a common symptom that appears when the baby's first teeth are about to appear. There may also be some slight redness around the mouth, and there is often a slight fever (which can lead to persistent redness of the cheeks).

Other Possible Causes of Red Cheeks

Redness of a baby's cheeks can result from a number of reasons, teething is only one of them. Experts identify seven main conditions for babies, the symptoms of which are red cheeks, some are completely harmless and completely natural, others are serious pathologies:

In order to relieve a small child of discomfort as quickly as possible, you first need to correctly determine the cause of the redness of the cheek. Depending on what caused the redness of the skin, you will need to use different methods to alleviate the baby’s condition.


If the reason is teething, then local pain-relieving gels will help the child (we recommend reading: what gum gels should be used when teething in children?). Most of them contain lidocaine, so applying them immediately before feeding is not recommended (they cause a slight numbness - it will be more difficult for the baby to suck). The most popular are:

PreparationActive ingredientsNote
DentinoxLidocaine, chamomile extract, lauromacrogol-600Eliminates pain, prevents inflammation
Kamistad babyTincture of chamomile flowers, lidocaineEliminates pain, has anti-inflammatory, antiseptic and wound healing effects
MundizalCholine salicylateEliminates local inflammation, reduces swelling, relieves pain
Baby DoctorExtracts of medicinal herbs (chamomile, plantain, echinacea, calendula, marshmallow root)Anti-inflammatory. Soothes the oral mucosa


Any antiallergic drugs can be given to a child only as prescribed by a doctor after a comprehensive diagnosis and under his constant supervision, otherwise there is a high risk of harm to the baby’s health. In modern pediatrics, antihistamines are usually used in the form of drops or syrup.

Gels and ointments for topical treatment

There are many modern medicines for the treatment of diathesis. By adjusting the diet, you can choose a drug in the form of an ointment or gel for local treatment. If a small child has reddened skin on the face (including the cheeks), you can use one of the following popular remedies:

Special toys that can be chewed

Inviting your baby to chew on a special teether (this could be a model with a cooling solution inside or a rubber toy for little ones) is the easiest and safest way to reduce the intensity of pain.

Before giving your child a toy, it should be briefly placed in the refrigerator (but not in the freezer). While the baby is chewing on a toy, he at the same time “massages” the gums, accelerating tooth eruption, and thanks to the cold, the pain subsides (see also: photo of gums during teething in babies).

Experts' opinions

According to Dr. Komarovsky, the most common cause of red cheeks in a baby is a lack of enzymes, which does not allow food to be fully absorbed. Over time, this phenomenon passes - parents are required to be patient, attentive to the diet and care for the baby’s skin. However, in order to exclude pathology, if the skin on the cheeks of a baby becomes red, you should definitely consult a pediatrician.

Many parents mistakenly believe that the baby's red cheeks indicate his excellent health. Of course, there should be a slight blush, but it should not be accompanied by capillary streaks, peeling and pimples.

The reasons for the appearance of red cheeks in a child can be completely different, but almost always they indicate the occurrence of some problems with the baby’s health that require the help of a doctor.

Red hot cheeks of a child

It is impossible to answer the question why a baby has red cheeks; it is quite difficult to determine the real reason without a medical examination. After all, there are a lot of reasons that cause redness.

  • Red cheeks in a child can occur due to overheating when the baby is dressed too warmly. In this case, it is enough to change the child’s clothes and give him water.
  • A high temperature can also cause red cheeks, so you should take your temperature before taking the next steps and, if it is high, see a doctor.
  • The most common causes of red cheeks include diathesis and allergic reactions. Diathesis occurs against the background of allergies with a whole range of disorders in the baby’s body. Allergies become a catalyst for the onset of this disease process. To treat both allergies and diathesis, you need to find the allergen and eliminate it. Anti-allergy creams and medications are also usually prescribed.

Red spots on the cheeks of a child: causes

  • Red spots on the cheeks can occur due to erythema infectiosum. Before red spots appear on the cheeks, the child has 4 days of cold symptoms such as fever, runny nose, headache, nausea, and vomiting. After this, red spots appear with simultaneous paleness of the skin around the lips.
  • Red spots can also be a consequence of systemic lupus erythematosus, which also manifests itself as erythema, but spreads from the tip of the nose to the cheeks in the form of a butterfly. Sometimes accompanied by a rash, as with measles. But it is always accompanied by serious symptoms: damage to the joints, kidneys, spleen, and the onset of fever.
  • Red-lilac spots on the cheeks appear with dermatomyositis. Accompanied by general weakness, fever, apathy, adynamia, progressive muscle weakness, red spots on the feet and under the eyes.
  • Red spots on the cheeks may appear due to infantile roseola. It is characterized by a rapid rise in temperature, after 3 days - the appearance of loose stools with mucus, and then the appearance of red spots and a rash throughout the body. There is no runny nose or cough.
  • Red spots on the cheeks may appear due to allergic subsepsis of Wissler, ring-shaped erythema, bacterial sepsis, meningococcal meningitis, Steven-Johnson syndrome. Almost always, all serious diseases are accompanied by the appearance of red spots on the cheeks, but before their appearance, symptoms of the disease already appear.

In order to make an accurate diagnosis, you should definitely seek help from a doctor; only he can prescribe the necessary treatment and cope with the disease.

Very often, the cause of red cheeks in a child is diathesis. That is why in maternity hospitals there is a list of products prohibited for consumption by nursing mothers. Allergies in a child can be caused by condensed milk, smoked meats, nuts, honey, seafood, pineapples, pomegranates, persimmons, carrots, tomatoes, melons, mangoes, kiwis, raspberries, chocolate, strawberries, peppers, cocoa and products that contain cocoa, pickles, liver, marinades, mushrooms. The use of these products does not immediately affect the child, but over time it can cause diathesis, and as a result the appearance of peeling, red cheeks and rashes.

Sometimes an allergy in the form of red cheeks appears in a child after switching to independent feeding, even if the mother followed a diet while breastfeeding. Therefore, in order to avoid the appearance of red cheeks, it is better to start feeding babies with fermented milk products. At the same time, give ready-made baby food with meat, vegetable purees, and juices with caution in order to exclude those foods that will make the baby feel worse.

Semolina porridge can also cause red cheeks, despite the fact that it is considered very healthy. Apart from a large number of calories, it contains nothing. Eating too many buns and pasta can also cause your baby's red cheeks. When red cheeks appear, do not rush to add currants and bananas to your baby’s diet. To identify the allergen that caused the allergy, exclude one product from your diet.

It is very easy to find out which product your child did not like if you keep a food diary in which you write down all the foods from your diet. It is also better to feed your baby porridge cooked at home. Buckwheat is considered the safest grain of all. Typically, diathesis passes without any special consequences for the body, but in rare cases it can cause persistent allergies.

If a child’s cheeks turn red, most mothers immediately sigh in horror: “Oh, diathesis!” And the torment begins. However, most parents do not even suspect that diathesis is not a disease. In fact, the word “diathesis” does not hide a specific disease, but only a predisposition to some kind of illness or a non-standard reaction of the child’s body to stimuli familiar to adults.

If your child has red cheeks and you suspect an allergic reaction, it turns out that diathesis does not need to be treated. But you definitely need to figure out what causes such a reaction and make the correct diagnosis. By the way, this is exactly what the famous Russian pediatrician Evgeniy Olegovich Komarovsky writes about in his book “Diathesis”.

Medical science distinguishes almost a dozen types of diathesis. However, the most common form is exudative-catarrhal diathesis. It is observed in almost 80% of modern children. This is what every mother immediately thinks about when she sees her child’s red cheeks. But you shouldn’t be too scared. Under such a long and “scary” name lies only an allergic reaction of the child’s body to some irritant.

So, why does a baby have red cheeks? Komarovsky claims that in most cases these are external manifestations of allergic dermatitis. This disease is characterized by the following symptoms:

  • reddened areas of the skin (most often on the face);
  • rash in the form of dots or red spots;
  • peeling of the skin;
  • sometimes ulcers.

In this case, the main task of the parents is to determine the cause of the reaction expressed in reddening of the cheeks. Dr. Komarovsky identifies three types of allergies:

  • food – the allergen is contained in food and enters the body with food;
  • contact – the allergen penetrates the skin;
  • respiratory - the allergen attacks the child through the lungs, penetrating with the air during breathing.

Most often, the cause of the allergy is obvious. Why the child’s cheeks suddenly became red is immediately clear. The baby (nursing mother) ate an orange or a couple of tangerines, the mother washed the bed linen with new powder, or the father and eldest daughter brought home a kitten. In such cases, parents simply need to exclude the possibility of the allergen entering their child’s body.

When there are no visible reasons why the child has red cheeks

If the cause cannot be immediately identified, then more stringent measures will have to be taken. In this regard, Dr. Komarovsky gives the following recommendations:

  1. Completely exclude from the diet the foods that most often cause allergic reactions in children (citrus fruits, strawberries, exotic fruits, chocolate, etc.).
  2. Write down what the baby ate during the day and use the method of elimination to determine the cause of the allergic reaction.
  3. Make sure that the baby does not overeat. The fact is that undigested food, lingering in the intestines, begins to decompose and the products of this process are absorbed into the blood. In an adult body, such “trouble” is easily dealt with by the liver. But in children this organ is not yet so active. Result: rash and red cheeks. So if the child has not eaten “anything like that,” then he should simply be fed less.
  4. Avoid contact of the child's skin with possible allergens. First of all, with chlorine, which is contained in water. It needs to be boiled, and the baby’s clothes and underwear should be rinsed in very hot water (at temperatures above 80°C, chlorine evaporates). Use baby soap and baby laundry detergent for washing. The baby's underwear should be made exclusively from linen or cotton. In addition, it should only be white - without dyes. Let us remind you that these extreme measures should be used if the child has red cheeks, but you cannot identify the cause - the allergen.
  5. Remove possible respiratory allergens, especially pets. Yes, unfortunately, you will have to get rid of your beloved cat or dog. This is the only way to understand whether the baby has aversion, for example, to wool or the smell of dry food. It is worth knowing that the number of animal allergens in the room will decrease no sooner than after 3-6 months. So you will have to look for new owners for your pet. In addition, you should not use air fresheners, scented candles and other “chemicals” in the room. And perhaps you should stop using perfume products.
  6. Make sure that the child does not overheat. The fact is that in such cases children sweat a lot, as a result the amount of fluid in the body decreases and allergens are no longer excreted in the urine.
  7. Observe stool frequency. Constipation can cause dermatitis, since allergens linger in the intestines and are in no hurry to leave the body.
  8. Maintain cleanliness and order in the premises. The air should be moderately cool and humid. In addition, you need to spend more time in the fresh air with your baby to cleanse his lungs of possible allergens, and at the same time strengthen the immune system.

Parents can do all this without consulting a specialist. But in order to help the baby (when the cheeks are red, especially with itching), it is better to consult a doctor. The doctor will be able to relieve the discomfort of symptoms and reduce the occurrence of an allergic reaction.

Well, in general, if a child has red cheeks, then, as Dr. Komarovsky says: there is no need to dramatize the situation. Allergic dermatitis is a temporary phenomenon. With the development of the liver, intestines and immune system, the baby’s body will learn to cope with such problems on its own.

So it is very important not to heal the child. It is better to adhere to the above recommendations and let the baby develop naturally, while teaching him a healthy lifestyle.

“Not a child, but blood and milk” - this is how they have been saying about strong men since ancient times, emphasizing a healthy complexion. Indeed, a light blush of a baby is most often an indicator of the normal functioning of the body and means that oxygen-enriched blood circulates freely, nourishing all systems and organs. But sometimes a child’s excessively red cheeks become a source of concern for loving parents, and for good reason. After all, the skin is one of the most sensitive indicators of deviations and failures occurring in the body. What are the reasons for the painful redness of a child’s tender cheeks?


The most common cause of red cheeks in a baby is diathesis. This is a special condition of the body, which indicates a predisposition to allergic, respiratory and inflammatory diseases. Most often it occurs in children from the first days of life to 3 years.

The newborn’s body is still just adapting to new living conditions. The baby is switching to a completely different nutritional system, so the work of his digestive organs is imperfect: the protective functions of the intestines have not yet been formed, digestive enzymes are not produced in the required quantities, and the permeability of the intestinal walls is increased. Foreign proteins, once in the child’s body, are not broken down and easily enter the bloodstream. The immune system reacts instantly by releasing antibodies that react with the allergens. As a result, excess histamine is released. This substance causes severe vasodilation (which is why red rashes appear on the cheeks), itching and swelling.

What signs will help determine allergic diathesis in an infant?

  • Red, rough skin on the cheeks.
  • Rashes in the form of small itchy blisters.
  • Possibility of wet areas.
  • Seborrheic crusts on the head.
  • Abnormal stool.
  • Nausea.

The impetus for the development of diathesis is the consumption of foods that can cause an allergic reaction:

  • cow's milk - if you are intolerant to milk protein or lactose;
  • Cereal porridge – for gluten allergies;
  • fruits, vegetables and red berries;
  • citrus fruits;
  • nuts and especially peanuts;
  • mushrooms;
  • smoked meats;
  • seafood.
  • If diathesis appears in a breastfed child, then the nursing mother should carefully review her diet, excluding allergenic foods from it.
  • Advice
  • Baths or lotions based on a decoction of string or chamomile will help alleviate the baby’s condition and relieve redness and itching.


A person has an excellent defense system - immunity. Immune cells fight foreign bodies with the help of produced antibodies. Sometimes, for some reason, the immune system malfunctions, and it begins to perceive pathogens that are harmless to health as hostile and produce antibodies to them. Among these numerous pathogens, the following should be particularly highlighted:

  • plant pollen, especially during the flowering period;
  • house dust;
  • animal hair, down and feathers of birds;
  • food;
  • medications - antibiotics, vaccines, drugs in the form of sweet syrups;
  • chemicals;
  • poisonous substances that insects or reptiles inject into the bloodstream when they bite.

Allergy symptoms are very similar to diathesis symptoms. The child appears:

  • red spots on the cheeks that itch and peel;
  • lacrimation, pain in the eyes and;
  • nasal congestion, sneezing and coughing;
  • swelling;
  • – a rash resembling blisters from a nettle burn;
  • headache and malaise.

But if diathesis is a temporary condition that goes away as the functioning of the child’s body improves, then allergy is a pathology that often leads to serious consequences and requires treatment.

To eliminate allergy symptoms, including red cheeks in a child, the first step is to stop contact with the allergen. Lubricate the skin with baby cream or Bepanten regenerating ointment based on vitamin B5. Only a doctor should prescribe antihistamines!

Red cheeks against a background of unnaturally pale lips and the tip of the nose are a characteristic sign of pneumonia. This is a serious disease that is often diagnosed in children and poses a real threat to life. Therefore, every mother must know the typical manifestations of pneumonia:

  • the child becomes lethargic and weak, refuses to play;
  • loss of appetite;
  • a very high temperature rises, which practically does not go down;
  • shortness of breath and severe cough appear;
  • The baby complains of body aches, nausea and headache.

If your child has such signs, you should not hesitate for a minute - immediately seek qualified medical help.

To avoid serious complications, treatment of a child with pneumonia should be carried out only in a hospital setting.


A childhood infectious disease is also accompanied by characteristic redness of the cheeks. A solid red spot, upon closer examination, turns out to be many small spots with jagged edges, located very close to each other. When pressed with a finger, the spot brightens and becomes pale pink. By this sign, roseola can be distinguished from rubella and allergic rashes on the skin of a child.

Skin manifestations occur in the second stage of the disease. They are preceded by classic symptoms of a viral infection:

  • a sharp increase in temperature that lasts for 3 days (this is why roseola is also called three-day fever);
  • weakness, lethargy, body aches appear;
  • There is no cough or runny nose with this infection.

Roseola is treated in the same way as any other viral infection. A sick child needs to be provided with bed rest, plenty of fluids, and symptomatic therapy.

A complication of roseola in young children can be seizures caused by very high temperatures. Therefore, parents need to constantly monitor the baby’s condition and give antipyretic drugs on time.

Worm infestations

  • dirty hands;
  • contaminated water;
  • poorly washed vegetables and fruits;
  • thermally unprocessed meat and fish;
  • contact with animals.
  • Roundworms cause a hives-like rash—small red blisters that spread throughout the body and are intensely itchy.
  • Pinworms – provoke the appearance of large, swollen red spots on the face.
  • Giardia causes several types of rashes - from blisters similar to urticaria to complex dermatoses.
  • Tapeworms lead to severe intoxication of the body, resulting in extensive skin rashes with scaly areas and skin fungus.

To these unpleasant manifestations of helminthic infestations are added such symptoms as itching in the anus, decreased appetite, weight loss, fatigue, pallor, and problems with the gastrointestinal tract.


At the age of 4 months, babies begin to erupt their first teeth. One of the signs of this rather painful process is the redness of the baby’s cheeks. There are several reasons for this.

  1. A few weeks before the appearance of the first tooth, the work of the salivary glands is activated - this is how the baby’s body prepares for the process of digesting solid food. The baby has not yet learned to swallow saliva, so it flows out, getting on the delicate skin of the cheeks and chin. Redness of the skin is the result of irritation caused by saliva.
  2. To appear on the surface, a baby tooth cuts through the gum, causing discomfort, swelling and inflammation. Children begin to intensively rub and scratch their cheeks, trying to relieve pain and, thereby, causing irritation and redness.
  3. Redness is explained by a rush of blood due to the dilation of blood vessels and small capillaries when body temperature rises.

Helping a baby in this condition involves eliminating the inflammatory process in the mouth and lowering body temperature. As soon as the tooth erupts, all symptoms will immediately disappear.

An ordinary teaspoon will help improve the condition when teething. Biting a cold metal surface will relieve pain and serve as a kind of massage for sore gums. It’s not for nothing that in the old days in Rus' it was customary to give babies silver spoons “for their teeth.”

When there is no reason to worry

Don’t forget that a baby’s red cheeks are completely normal, especially if there are no other unpleasant or painful symptoms. After all, the surface layer of the skin, which is responsible for its opacity, is very thin in babies, and the smallest blood vessels - capillaries - shine through it, giving the cheeks a bright pink color.

Are your baby's cheeks red? This is a natural reaction of the body in the following cases.

  • Physical activity. To deliver more oxygen to working muscles, the heart begins to beat faster, increasing blood circulation in the body. The more intense the load, the redder the baby's cheeks will be.
  • Long stay in the cold. Cold air greatly cools the skin of the cheeks. In response to this, the thermoregulation mechanism is activated, activating blood circulation in the capillaries to warm the frozen areas. This rush of blood causes redness. It is worth using a rich cream to protect your baby's skin from frostbite.
  • Exposure to sunlight. When warmed, the subcutaneous capillaries expand and fill with blood.
  • The child’s emotional reaction to some events is shame, anger, joy, embarrassment. The expansion of capillaries in such cases occurs under the influence of nerve impulses.
  • Increased sensitivity of delicate baby skin, which reacts to any irritants - friction, saliva or food debris.
  • Dry and hot air in the room. In such a situation, redness on the child’s cheeks and chin appears in the evening, and after bathing it goes away.

In such cases, the redness of the cheeks lasts for a maximum of several hours, and then disappears without a trace, without worsening the child’s well-being.

It is very important that there is always a sensitive, attentive and knowledgeable person next to the baby, who is able to spot alarming symptoms in time and provide the necessary help.

A light blush on the cheeks has always been considered a sign of excellent health, and parents, without exception, rejoice at this manifestation - it means that the child’s circulatory system is working well. But it is worth distinguishing between an ordinary healthy blush and a painful redness of the cheeks. Surprisingly, red cheeks are a very common symptom and can indicate a variety of health problems, ranging from frostbite to infectious diseases and dangerous allergic reactions.

The main reason to be wary is the sudden appearance of redness. So, if your cheeks become flushed after active games, running and other physical activities, then this is quite natural and normal. Sometimes the baby’s face turns red due to an increase in body temperature - here you need to understand the reasons for this reaction of the body. But when the child’s skin turns red sharply, and without any noticeable reasons, then you should consult a doctor. The examination will help to identify the specific cause causing this symptom and will allow you to combat it in a targeted manner. Let's find out what can cause reddening of a child's cheeks.

Baby's red cheeks due to external factors

All babies have very delicate skin, so it reacts to external stimuli more actively than the skin of an adult. Therefore, when walking in winter, it is important to understand that the lower limit of a child’s permissible temperature is lower. So, for frostbite of the skin on the face (this is the part that usually remains practically unprotected from frost), 10-15 degrees below zero will be enough.

Frostbite on a child's cheeks is one of the likely causes

There is a fine line between simple redness due to the cold and frostbite on the skin. The active flow of blood to the frozen area is a natural process of thermoregulation, so such a reaction cannot be avoided; the cheeks will definitely change their color while being in the cold, and this is not dangerous. The first signal of frostbite is the appearance of white spots on the rosy cheeks. Having noticed this, you need to immediately return the child to a warm room. Inaction in such a situation threatens to worsen the condition: decreased body temperature, pain, drowsiness and inactivity.

In order to protect your child from exposure to low temperatures, you need to not only control the walking time and current temperature, but also use special fatty creams before leaving the house.

Cheeks may also turn red due to the opposite condition – overheating. This most often occurs during cold weather. Parents sometimes overdo it and put too many warm clothes on their baby. Active movements outside in clothes that are too warm will lead to overheating. It is very simple to cope with such a situation; all you need to do is change your baby’s clothes for the weather and give him water to drink to restore the balance of fluid in the body.

Redness of the cheeks as a symptom of diathesis in children of different ages

From the age of three months, diaper rash may appear on the baby's skin. In the case of diathesis, limited spots on the cheeks of a bright red color do not disappear, even despite careful care of the child. Depending on the type of reaction of the body, rashes can be dry, wet or combined. Skin changes are accompanied by itching and pain in the damaged areas.

Diathesis may manifest itself as redness on the child’s cheeks

What is diathesis? This is a type of reaction of the body to certain stimuli. Diathesis is a harbinger of other diseases to which the baby is predisposed. Red cheeks are a manifestation of the exudative-catarrhal form of diathesis, and indicate a predisposition to allergies.

Additional symptoms depend on the child's age:

Treatment of diathesis is necessary, and urgently. Without therapeutic measures, the body's reaction can develop into a full-fledged allergy or chronic skin diseases.

Food allergies in a child

Research shows that one in five children suffers from some form of allergy. The food type is the most common; it implies increased sensitivity of the body to a specific type of food. The peculiarity of food allergens is that they can change their properties, that is, cause more or less strong reactions depending on the type of culinary processing.

Doctor's opinion: parents often confuse the concepts of “diathesis” and “allergy”, mistakenly believing that they are the same thing. It is worth clarifying that an allergy is an acute reaction of the immune system to the penetration of an irritant (allergen). Diathesis generally cannot be called a disease in the classical sense of the word; it is a signal about the child’s predisposition to one or another type of disease. Based on this, treatment for these two diagnoses is also different.

The first symptom of an allergy is a skin reaction. The rash can have a different appearance: blisters, spots of different sizes, nodules, etc. It is because of an allergic reaction that the skin on the cheeks often turns red in children. Among other things, the rash causes itching, which becomes especially severe at night. Associated symptoms of food allergies:

  • digestive problems (pain, nausea, vomiting and diarrhea may occur);
  • swelling of different parts of the body. Anything can swell due to allergies, from the eyelids to the feet.

Photo gallery: the most common food allergens in children

A child develops a tendency to allergies at a very early age. The most common food allergens are: dairy products (under the age of 1 year they provoke an allergic reaction in 90% of cases), fish (the proteins it contains), egg whites and wheat grains.

Eczema is a common cause of red cheeks.

Atopic eczema in a child as a probable cause of redness on the cheeks

Children often develop dermatosis; the most common type of disease is the eczemaatopic type. According to statistics, it is diagnosed in a third of all cases of skin diseases. True eczema develops in children aged 3 months to six months, the process often begins in the cheek area. The skin becomes red, dry and cracked. Their formed cracks may release fluid and blood.

The danger of eczema is that it disrupts the skin's natural ability to act as a barrier between the body and the outside world. That is, damaged areas are more susceptible to various infections, especially if you scratch them.

Important facts about eczema: this disease is inherited by children from their parents; the itching that occurs is very strong, it is almost impossible for a child to control it; the disease cannot be cured, but its symptoms are eliminated by drug treatment and local treatment.

The accompanying symptoms of this disease are very limited - in addition to redness, only itching and cracks are observed. The lesion usually affects the skin in folds, namely the wrists, knees, elbows, back of the knee joint, etc. The key factor on which the effectiveness of treating a child for eczema depends is careful skin care. Therapeutic measures are usually complemented by measures to combat secondary infections, which significantly worsen the patient’s health.

Infantile roseola and its symptoms

Infantile roseola has several common names, including three-day fever, sudden eczema, and false rubella. This disease is infectious and affects children aged 4 months to 2 years. Special viruses of the herpes type provoke the development of the disease, but they do not produce the symptoms characteristic of ordinary herpes.

Infantile roseola is characterized by fever, eczema and false rubella

The following elements of the symptomatic complex indicate roseola:

  • temperature rise. This happens abruptly up to a level of 39 degrees, for no apparent reason. The peculiarity is that no other symptoms typical of acute respiratory diseases are observed, which often confuses parents;
  • loss of appetite, irritability;
  • The temperature lasts for an average of three days, after which a large pink rash appears on the baby’s body. It begins with localization on the face, and then spreads throughout the body. When touched, the spots lose their color saturation. After the rash appears, the temperature no longer rises. Unlike eczema, the skin of roseola does not peel off.

In most cases, doctors do not intervene during the course of the disease. All that parents can do is to alleviate the baby’s condition by providing him with plenty of fluids and antipyretic medications.

Video about the causes of red cheeks in a child