When admission of GIA participants to the PPE is carried out. Stage of the Unified State Exam in PPE

  • Portable/stationary metal detectors

  • Information stands, posters

    Correct answer: A

  • Type: single choice

    Question: Premises not used for examinations in the PPE:

    Possible answers:

    1. Locked with a key

    2. Remain open

    3. Locked and sealed
    Correct answer: C

    Type: single choice

    Question: What additional materials are allowed to be used when conducting the Unified State Examination in the Russian language?

    Possible answers:

    1. Spelling dictionaries

    2. Additional materials are not used when conducting the Unified State Examination in the Russian language.

    3. Spelling and explanatory dictionaries
    Correct answer: B

    Type: single choice

    Question: The following information should be posted in all Unified State Exam classrooms:

    Possible answers:

    1. About video surveillance

    2. About anti-terrorism security and evacuation plan

    3. About the appeal procedure
    Correct answer: A

    Type: single choice

    Question: A separate workplace (table), located within the visibility range of video cameras, is intended to:

    Possible answers:

    1. To carry out the layout and subsequent packaging of EVs collected by the organizers in the auditorium of the GIA participants

    2. For storing personal belongings of GIA participants

    3. For public observers
    Correct answer: A

    Type: single choice

    Question: The following must be closed in exam rooms:

    Possible answers:

    1. Blackboard

    2. Stands, posters and other materials with reference and educational information on relevant academic subjects
    Correct answer: C

    Type: single choice

    Question: The classrooms allocated for the “Listening” section during the written part of the Unified State Exam in a foreign language are equipped with:

    Possible answers:

    Correct answer: A

    Type: single choice

    Question: Audiences allocated for completing tasks in the “Speaking” section during the Unified State Examination in foreign languages ​​are equipped with:

    Possible answers:

    1. Audio playback tools

    2. Digital audio recording

    3. Video media playback tools
    Correct answer: B

    Type: single choice

    Question: A safe for storing examination materials must be installed:

    Possible answers:

    1. In exam rooms

    2. At the PPE headquarters

    3. In the PPE corridor
    Correct answer: B
    Topic/module: Organization of entry and movement of State Civil Aviation participants in the PPE. Organization of video surveillance in PPETip: single choice

    Question: When is GIA participants admitted to the PPE?

    Possible answers:

    1. No earlier than 9:00 local time

    2. No earlier than 9:30 local time

    3. No earlier than 9:45 local time
    Correct answer: ATyp: single choice

    Question: What document must a GIA participant present at the entrance to the PPE?

    Possible answers:

    1. Identity document

    2. SNILS

    3. Notification to the State Examination Participant
    Correct answer: ATyp: single choice

    Question: If the student does not have an identification document at the entrance to the PPE:

    Possible answers:

    1. A student is admitted to the PES after confirmation of his identity by an accompanying person from the educational organization and presence in the distribution lists in this PES

    2. The student is admitted to the PPE after presenting a notification from the State Examination Participants
    Correct answer: ATyp: single choice

    Question: In the event that a student is not on the distribution list in the PPE for the exam?

    Possible answers:

    1. The student is admitted to the PPE upon presentation of an identity document

    2. The student is not allowed in the PPE

    3. The student is admitted to the PPE, the supervisor draws up a memo addressed to the head of the RCIO
    Correct answer: B

    Type: single choice

    Question: If a Unified State Examination participant is late for the exam

    Possible answers:

    1. The participant is admitted to the PPE; the exam time for him is not extended

    2. The participant is admitted to the PPE, the exam time for him is extended

    3. The participant is not allowed in the PPE
    Correct answer: A

    Type: single choice

    Question: When does broadcasting and video recording begin in exam rooms on exam day?

    Possible answers:

    1. At 8:00 local time

    2. At 8:30 local time

    3. At 9:00 local time
    Correct answer: C

    Type: single choice

    Question: When organizing video surveillance when conducting a state physical examination in the PES at home for persons with disabilities, it is necessary to carry out:

    Possible answers:

    1. Broadcast online on the Internet

    2. Offline video recording

    3. There is no video surveillance
    Correct answer: B

    Type: single choice

    Question: Exam video recordings are stored:

    Possible answers:

    1. Three years from the date of the exam

    2. Until December 31 of the current year

    3. Until March 1 next year
    Correct answer: C

    Type: single choice

    Question: Filling out the access log to the hardware and software complex (SHC) is carried out by:

    Possible answers:

    1. Head of PPE

    2. Technician

    3. Organizer in the audience
    Correct answer: VType: single choice

    Question: Direct control over the fact of video recording during the exam in the PPE classroom is carried out by:

    Possible answers:

    1. Organizer in the audience

    2. Technician

    3. Head of PPE
    Correct answer: A

    Topic/module: Peculiarities of conducting state assessment for persons with disabilities

    Type: single choice

    Question: Who provides the necessary technical assistance (taking a workplace, moving around, reading the task) to participants with disabilities during the exam?

    Possible answers:

    1. Technician

    2. Organizer in the audience

    3. Assistant
    Correct answer: STyp: single choice

    Question: What special conditions are provided for visually impaired GIA participants?

    Possible answers:

    1. the presence of magnifying devices, copying examination materials in an enlarged size, individual uniform lighting of at least 300 lux

    2. no special conditions provided

    3. coincide with the special conditions for blind State Examination Participants
    Correct answer: ATyp: single choice

    Question: Transferring the State Examination Participant’s answers from the computer to standard answer forms is carried out by:

    Possible answers:

    1. Assistant (organizer) in the presence of a member of the State Election Committee and a public observer (if available)

    2. Member of the State Election Committee in the presence of a public observer

    3. Technician
    Correct answer: ATyp: single choice

    Question: How long does the duration of the exam increase for participants with disabilities, disabled children and people with disabilities?

    Possible answers:

    1. For 1 hour

    2. For 1.5 hours

    3. For 2 hours
    Correct answer: VType: single choice

    Question: PPE classrooms for hearing-impaired exam participants must be equipped with:

    Possible answers:

    1. Sound amplification equipment

    2. Video equipment with teleprompter

    3. Hearing aids
    Correct answer: A

    Type: single choice

    Question: If two exams are held on the same day in a specialized auditorium, seating arrangements for participants in different exams are allowed if the number of participants does not exceed:

    Possible answers:

    1. 5 people for each subject

    2. 6 people per subject

    3. 10 people per subject
    Correct answer: A

    Type: single choice

    Question: How many drafts for writing in Braille need to be prepared for blind participants of the State Examination Test:

    Possible answers:

    1. 5 sheets per participant

    2. 10 sheets per participant

    3. 15 sheets per participant
    Correct answer: VType: single choice

    Question: To organize PES at home, in an inpatient medical facility, PES workers are appointed consisting of:

    Possible answers:

    1. Head of PES, member of the State Examination Committee, 1 organizer

    2. Head of PES, member of the State Examination Committee, 2 organizers

    3. Head of PES, 1 organizer, technical specialist
    Correct answer: B

    Type: single choice

    Question: When considering appeals of blind participants, the State Examiner may be present

    Possible answers:

    1. Head of PPE

    2. Organizer in the PPE auditorium

    3. Tiflotranslator
    Correct answer: STyp: single choice

    Question: The translation of examination papers of State Examination Examination participants with profound visual impairments (blind) from raised dot font to flat-print font for subsequent processing is carried out by:

    Possible answers:

    1. Sign language interpreters

    2. Typhlotranslators

    3. Amblyologists
    Correct answer: B

    Topic/module: Examination materials in PES, procedure for using PES forms

    Type: single choice

    Question: How many copies of form PPE-05-01 “List of State Examination Participants in the PSE Auditorium” should the organizer receive in the audience from the head of the PPE before the start of the exam?

    Possible answers:

    Correct answer: B

    Type: single choice

    Question: What form of PES should be posted at the entrance to the classroom by the organizer in the classroom?

    Possible answers:

    1. PPE-13-01 “Protocol for conducting the Unified State Exam in PPE”

    2. PPE-05-01 “List of GIA participants in the PPE audience”

    3. PPE-16 “Deciphering the codes of educational organizations PPE”
    Correct answer: B

    Type: single choice

    Question: Which exam materials for the Unified State Examination are subject to processing and verification?

    Possible answers:

    1. Unified State Examination forms, machine-readable PPE forms

    2. Unified State Exam forms, drafts

    3. Office memos, drafts
    Correct answer: A

    Type: single choice

    Question: Additional answer forms No. 2 are given to the organizer in the audience by the head of the PES:

    Possible answers:

    1. At the headquarters of the PES at the request of the Unified State Exam participants during the examination work

    2. At the PPE headquarters before the exam, along with other exam materials

    3. In the exam room at the request of Unified State Exam participants during the examination work
    Correct answer: B

    Type: single choice

    Question: The envelope with the individual USE participant kit is printed and its contents are checked:

    Possible answers:

    1. Organizer in the audience in the first part of the briefing for Unified State Exam participants

    2. Organizer in the audience in the second part of the instruction for Unified State Exam participants

    3. Unified State Exam participant in the second part of the instruction for Unified State Exam participants
    Correct answer: C

    Type: single choice

    Question: What should be done in the event of printing defects/defects or accidental damage to the individual set of the Unified State Exam participant?

    Possible answers:

    1. Replace the defective/damaged kit with a reserve individual kit

    2. Replace only defective/damaged sheets from the reserve individual set

    3. The kit cannot be replaced, the head of the PPE writes a memo
    Correct answer: A

    Type: single choice

    Question: Where should control measurement materials be stored in the PPE until they are handed over to the responsible organizer in the classroom?

    Possible answers:

    1. In the exam room

    2. In the safe at the PPE headquarters

    3. On the desk of the head of the PES at the headquarters of the PES
    Correct answer: B

    Type: single choice

    Question: What actions should a Unified State Exam participant perform if there is not enough space for answers on the front side of answer form No. 2

    Possible answers:

    1. Continue writing on the back of answer sheet No. 2

    2. Ask the organizer in the audience for an additional answer form No. 2

    3. Finish the exam paper
    Correct answer: A

    Type: single choice

    Question: Which form contains the fields for recording the results of completing tasks with a short answer?

    Possible answers:

    1. On the registration form

    2. In answer form No. 1

    3. In answer form No. 2
    Correct answer: VType: single choice

    Question: Which form contains the field for recording the results of completing tasks with a detailed answer?

    Delivery of EVs to PPE

    EVs are delivered to the PPE by members of the State Examination Committee or employees of the Carrier on the day of the exam in the relevant academic subject.

    Detailed information on organizing the delivery of EMs to PES is presented in the Methodological recommendations on organizing the delivery of examination materials for the state final certification of educational programs of secondary general education in the form of a unified state exam in the constituent entities of the Russian Federation.

    Entry of persons involved in the Unified State Exam and Unified State Exam participants into the PES

    On the day of the Unified State Exam, the head of the PES and the head of the educational organization on the basis of which the PES is organized must appear at the PES no later than 07.30 local time.

    No later than 07.50, the head of the PES appoints a person responsible for registering persons involved in conducting the Unified State Exam in the PES, in accordance with the form PPE-07 “List of PES employees,” from among the organizers outside the classroom.

    The responsible organizer outside the classroom, authorized by the head of the PES to carry out registration of persons involved in the Unified State Examination, starting from 08.00 local time, at the entrance to the PES, together with law enforcement officers and (or) employees of internal affairs bodies (police), checks the presence documents from persons involved in the Unified State Examination in the PSE, establishes the correspondence of their identity to the submitted documents, and also checks the presence of these persons in the lists of PSE employees. Admission to the PES of medical workers is carried out according to identity documents and in the presence of an order to send a medical worker to the PES.

    Organizers, technical specialists, medical workers, as well as assistants for USE participants with disabilities, disabled children and people with disabilities must leave their personal belongings, including communication equipment, in a specially designated place for storing personal belongings before entering the PES.

    At the entrance to the PPE, lists of distribution of Unified State Exam participants by audience are posted on the information stands (form PPE-06-01 “List of State Examination Participants of an Educational Organization” and (or) form PPE-06-02 “List of Unified State Exam Participants in the PPE in Alphabet”).

    Admission of USE participants to the PES is carried out from 09.00 local time and if they have documents proving their identity, and if they are on the distribution lists for this PES.

    The organizers point out to Unified State Exam participants the need to leave personal belongings (notification of registration for the Unified State Exam, communications equipment and other prohibited means and materials, etc.) in a specially designated place for storing personal belongings before entering the PPE.

    A member of the State Examination Committee is present when organizing the entry of Unified State Exam participants into the PES and monitors compliance with the requirements of the Procedure, including monitoring the organization of the delivery of other things (not listed in clause 45 of the Procedure) in specially designated places before entering the PES for storing personal belongings of participants Unified State Examination and PPE workers.

    When entering the PES, the organizers, together with law enforcement officers and (or) employees of internal affairs bodies (police):

    check the identity documents of the Unified State Exam participants and their presence in the distribution lists for this PES;

    Using stationary and (or) portable metal detectors, the Unified State Exam participants are checked for the presence of prohibited substances 2 . When a metal detector signal appears, the organizers invite the USE participant to show the object causing the signal 3. If this item is a prohibited device, including a communication device, the organizers invite the Unified State Exam participant to hand over this device to the place where personal belongings of Unified State Exam participants are stored or to an accompanying person.

    If a USE participant refuses to take a prohibited device, the organizers outside the classroom again explain to him that, in accordance with paragraph 45 of the Procedure, on the day of the exam (from the moment of entering the PES until the end of the exam) in the PES it is prohibited to have communication devices with him, electronic computer equipment, photography, audio and video equipment, reference materials, written notes and other means of storing and transmitting information. Thus, such a USE participant cannot be admitted to the PES.

    In this case, the organizers outside the audience invite the head of the PES and a member of the State Examination Committee. The head of the PES, in the presence of a member of the State Examination Committee, draws up an act of non-admission of a Unified State Examination participant who refuses to take a prohibited drug. The specified act is signed by a member of the State Examination Committee, the head of the PES and the Unified State Examination participant who refused to submit the prohibited substance. The act is drawn up in two copies in free form. The first copy is left by the member of the State Examination Committee for transmission to the chairman of the State Examination Committee, the second copy – to the Unified State Examination participant. The specified Unified State Examination participant may be allowed to participate in the Unified State Examination in a given academic subject again within additional periods only by decision of the Chairman of the State Examination Committee.

    If, for objective reasons, the student does not have an identification document, he is admitted to the PPE after written confirmation of his identity by the accompanying person (form PPE-20 “Act of Identification of the State Examination Participants”).

    If a graduate of previous years studying in educational programs of secondary vocational education, as well as a student receiving secondary general education in foreign educational organizations, does not have an identity document, he is not admitted to the PPE.

    If a Unified State Exam participant is late for the exam, he is allowed to take the Unified State Exam in the prescribed manner, and the end time of the exam is not extended, which is reported to the Unified State Exam participant. Repeated general instruction for late USE participants is not provided. In this case, the organizers provide the necessary information to fill out the registration fields of the Unified State Exam forms. Organizers are recommended to draw up a document in free form. This act is signed by the Unified State Examination participant, the head of the PPE and the State Examination Committee member.

    If the Unified State Examination participant is not included in the distribution lists for a given PES, the Unified State Examination participant is not admitted to the PES; the State Examination Member records this fact for further decision-making.

    The head of the PES, in the presence of a member of the State Examination Committee, draws up acts of non-admission of the above-mentioned Unified State Exam participants to the PES. These acts are signed by a member of the State Examination Committee, the head of the PPE and the participants of the Unified State Examination. Acts are drawn up in two copies in free form. The first copies are left by the member of the State Examination Committee for transmission to the chairman of the State Examination Committee, the second copies – to the participants of the Unified State Examination. The specified Unified State Exam participants may be allowed to participate in the Unified State Examination in a given academic subject again within additional periods only by decision of the Chairman of the State Examination Committee.

    In the event of failure of all USE participants assigned to the PES to appear for more than two hours from the start of the exam (10.00), the member of the State Examination Committee, in agreement with the chairman of the State Examination Committee (deputy chairman of the State Examination Committee), decides to complete the exam in this PES with the execution of the appropriate PES forms.

    Organizers outside the classroom assist Unified State Exam participants in moving around the PES. The organizers inform the USE participants of the classroom numbers in accordance with the automated distribution and accompany the exam participants to the classrooms.

    Organizers in the audience check the compliance of the identity document of the Unified State Exam participant with the form PPE-05-02 “Protocol for conducting the Unified State Exam in the audience” and send the Unified State Exam participant to the workplace according to the automated distribution lists.

    During the exam in the PPE classrooms public observers should pay attention to:

    In addition to electronic materials, the following items may be on the desks of Unified State Exam participants:

    gel capillary pen with black ink;

    identification document;

    medications and nutrition (if necessary);

    teaching and educational tools permitted for use (in mathematics - a ruler, in physics - a ruler and a non-programmable calculator, in chemistry - a non-programmable calculator, in geography - a ruler, a protractor, a non-programmable calculator);

    special technical means (for persons with disabilities, disabled children and people with disabilities);

    drafts with the stamp of the educational organization on the basis of which the PPE is organized (in the case of the Unified State Examination in foreign languages ​​with the “Speaking” section included, drafts are not issued).

    The organizers must provide instructions to the Unified State Exam participants. The briefing consists of two parts. The first part of the briefing is carried out from 09.50 local time, the second part of the briefing begins no earlier than 10.00 local time.

    During the first part of the briefing, the organizers must inform the Unified State Exam participants:

    about the procedure for conducting the exam,

    about the rules for preparing the examination paper,

    about the duration of the exam,

    on the procedure for filing an appeal about a violation of the established procedure for conducting the State Examination and an appeal about disagreement with the awarded points,

    about cases of removal from the exam,

    about the time and place of familiarization with the results of the Unified State Exam,

    that records on CMMs and drafts are not processed or checked.

    During the second part of the briefing, the organizers demonstrate to the Unified State Exam participants the integrity of the packaging of the special delivery package with IR.

    The delivery package containing the IR must be opened by the organizers no earlier than 10:00 local time. Next, the organizers distribute the IC to the participants in a random order, ask the Unified State Exam participants to check the integrity of their IC, open the IC along the perforation line and check the completeness of the exam materials issued, the absence of printing defects and the number of pages of the CIM. If barcode discrepancies, extra (shortage) forms, or typographical defects are detected, the organizers must completely replace the individual set for the Unified State Exam participant with a new one.

    The organizers ask the Unified State Exam participants to begin filling out the registration forms and registration fields of the answer forms. During the filling out, the organizers inform the Unified State Exam participants about the rules for preparing the examination paper and that entries on the KIM and drafts are not processed or checked, and also check that the registration fields on all Unified State Exam forms are filled out correctly for each Unified State Exam participant and that the Unified State Exam participant’s data in the document corresponds identification card and on the registration form. If an incorrect filling in the registration fields is detected, the organizers instruct the Unified State Exam participant to make appropriate corrections. Upon completion of filling out the registration fields of the Unified State Exam forms by all participants, the organizers announce the start and end times of the examination work and record them on the board (information stand).

    Note. The duration of the examination work does not include the time allocated for preparatory activities (instructing Unified State Examination participants, issuing electronic documents to them, filling out the registration fields of forms, setting up the necessary technical means used during examinations).

    While USE participants are performing examination work, organizers must maintain order in the classroom.

    When leaving the classroom, Unified State Exam participants must leave the EM and drafts on the desktop, and the organizer must check the completeness of the materials left behind.

    Requirements for compliance with the procedure for conducting the Unified State Exam in PPE

    On the day of the exam (during the period from the moment of entering the PES until the end of the exam), it is prohibited:

    USE participants - have with them a notice of registration for exams, communications equipment, electronic computer equipment, photo, audio and video equipment, reference materials, written notes and other means of storing and transmitting information, as well as take them out of the classrooms and PPE EM to paper or electronic media, writing instruments, written notes and other means of storing and transmitting information, photographing electronic materials;

    organizers, medical workers, assistants providing the necessary assistance to Unified State Examination participants with disabilities, disabled children and disabled people, technical specialists - have communication means with them and take out the EM on paper or electronic media from the classrooms and PPE, take photographs of the EM;

    all persons in the PES - to provide assistance to the Unified State Exam participants, including transferring to them communications equipment, electronic computer equipment, photography, audio and video equipment, reference materials, written notes and other means of storing and transmitting information;

    persons who are not prohibited from having communication means with them can use them outside the PPE Headquarters.

    Persons who violate the specified requirements or otherwise violate the Procedure are removed from the PES. Members of the State Enforcement Committee draw up an act on the removal of the person who violated the Order at the PES headquarters in the visibility range of CCTV cameras.

    If the Unified State Examination participant has violated the Procedure, members of the State Examination Committee draw up an act on the removal from the examination of the Unified State Examination participant (form PPE-21 “Act on the removal of the State Examination Participant”) who violated the established Procedure, at the State Examination Committee headquarters in the visibility range of CCTV cameras. The organizer puts the appropriate mark on the registration form for the Unified State Examination participant and in form 05-02 “Protocol for conducting the Unified State Examination in the classroom”.

    If a Unified State Examination participant cannot complete the examination work for health reasons or other objective reasons, he leaves the classroom. The responsible organizer must invite an organizer outside the classroom who will accompany such a USE participant to a medical professional and invite the member(s) of the USE to the medical office. If a medical worker confirms that the health status of a Unified State Examination participant has deteriorated and if the Unified State Examination participant agrees to complete the exam ahead of schedule, form PPE-22 “Act of early completion of the exam for objective reasons” is filled out in the medical office by a member of the State Examination Committee and a medical worker. The responsible organizer and the head of the PES put their signature on the specified act. The responsible organizer puts a corresponding mark on the registration form for the Unified State Examination participant and in form 05-02 “Protocol for conducting the Unified State Examination in the classroom.”

    On the same day, these acts are sent to the State Examination Committee and the Regional Center for Examination for registration when processing examination papers.

    At the request of the Unified State Exam participant, the organizers must issue additional drafts with the stamp of the educational organization on the basis of which the PES is organized, additional answer forms No. 2 (in the event that there is no space left in the answer area of ​​the main answer form No. 2).

    Unified State Exam participants have the right to leave the classroom and move around the PPE only when accompanied by one of the organizers outside the classroom.

    On the day of the GIA, the head of the PPE and the head of the educational organization on the basis of which the PPE GIA-11 is organized must appear at the PPE no later than 07.30 local time, PPE GIA-9 - no later than 08.00.

    No later than 07.50, the head of the PPE GIA-11 appoints a person responsible for registering persons involved in conducting the GIA in the PPE, in accordance with the form PPE-07 “List of PPE employees,” from among the organizers outside the classroom.

    Responsible organizer outside the classroom, authorized by the head of the PES to carry out registration of persons involved in conducting GIA-11, starting from 08.00 local time, at the entrance to the PES together with law enforcement officers and (or) employees of internal affairs bodies (police) checks the availability of documents from persons involved in conducting state inspection in the PSE, establishes the correspondence of their identity to the submitted documents, and also checks the presence of these persons in the lists of PSE employees. Registration of those involved in the GIA-9 is carried out by the head of the PES himself.

    Admission to the PES of medical workers is carried out according to identity documents and in the presence of an order to send a medical worker to the PES.

    In the event of non-appearance of the PSE workers allocated to the PES, the head of the PSE replaces the PSE workers in accordance with the PPE-19 form “Control of changes in the composition of employees on the day of the exam.” Replacement of PES employees is carried out only from the staff of workers assigned to a given PES on the day of the exam.

    Organizers, technical specialists, medical workers, as well as assistants for GIA participants with disabilities, disabled children and people with disabilities must leave their personal belongings, including communication equipment, in a specially designated place for storing personal belongings before entering the PPE.

    At the entrance to the PPE, lists of distribution of GIA participants by audience are posted on the information stands (form PPE-06-01 “List of GIA participants of an educational organization” and (or) form PPE-06-02 “List of participants in the PPE in alphabetical order”).

    Admission of GIA participants to the PES is carried out no earlier than 09.00 local time and if they have documents proving their identity, and if they are on the distribution lists in this PES.

    Organizers (security workers of educational organizations) indicate to GIA participants the need to leave personal belongings (notification of registration for the Unified State Exam, communications and other prohibited means and materials, etc.) in a specially designated place for storing personal belongings before entering the PPE.

    A member of the State Examination Committee (authorized representative) is present when organizing the entrance of the State Examination Committee participants into the PES and monitors compliance with the requirements of the Procedure, including monitoring the organization of the delivery of other things in specially designated places before the entrance to the PES for storing personal belongings of the State Examination Participants and PSE employees.

    When entering the PES, the organizers, together with law enforcement officers and (or) employees of internal affairs bodies (police):

    check documents proving the identity of the GIA participants and their presence in the distribution lists in this PES;

    using stationary and (or) portable metal detectors, they check the presence of prohibited substances among participants in the Unified State Examination, GVE-11. When a metal detector signal appears, the organizers invite the GIA participant to show the object causing the signal. If this item is a prohibited device, including a communication device, the organizers invite the GIA-11 participant to hand over this device to the place where personal belongings of the GIA-11 participants are stored or to an accompanying person. GIA-9 participants are also asked to hand over prohibited substances.

    If the GIA participant refuses to take the prohibited drug, the organizers outside the audience again explain to him that in accordance with clause 45 of the Procedure for conducting the GIA for educational programs of secondary general education, clause 43 of the Procedure for conducting the GIA for educational programs of basic general education on the day of the exam ( during the period from the moment of entering the PES until the end of the exam), it is prohibited to have in the PES any means of communication, electronic computer equipment, photos, audio and video equipment, reference materials, written notes and other means of storing and transmitting information. Thus, such a GIA participant cannot be admitted to the PES.

    In this case, the organizers outside the audience invite the head of the PES and a member of the State Committee (authorized representative). The head of the PPE, in the presence of a member of the State Investigative Committee (authorized representative), draws up an act of non-admission of a State Examination Participant who refused to hand over a prohibited drug. The specified act is signed by a member of the State Examination Committee (authorized representative), the head of the PPE and the State Inspectorate participant who refused to hand over the prohibited substance. The act is drawn up in two copies in free form. The first copy is left by a member of the State Examination Committee (authorized representative) for transmission to the chairman of the State Examination Committee, the second copy – to the State Examination Member.

    The specified Unified State Examination participant may be allowed to participate in the State Examination again in this academic subject in additional terms only by decision of the Chairman of the State Examination.

    If, for objective reasons, the student does not have an identification document, he is admitted to the PPE after written confirmation of his identity by the accompanying person (form PPE-20 “Act of Identification of the State Examination Participants”).

    If a graduate of previous years does not have an identification document, he is not allowed into the PPE.

    A member of the State Examination Committee (authorized representative) is present when drawing up an act on the non-admission of such a State Examination participant to the PPE by the head of the PPE. The specified act is signed by a member of the State Examination Committee (authorized representative), the head of the PES and a participant in the State Inspectorate. The act is drawn up in two copies in free form. The first copy is left by a member of the SES (authorized representative) for transmission to the chairman of the SES, the second - to the GIA participant. The specified participant may be allowed to participate again in the State Examination in this academic subject in additional periods only by decision of the chairman of the State Examination Committee.

    If a State Examination Participant is late for the exam (but no more than two hours from the start of the exam), he is allowed to take the State Examination Test in the prescribed manner, and the end time of the exam is not extended, which is reported to the State Examination Participants. Repeated general briefing is not provided for late GIA participants. In this case, the organizers provide the necessary information to fill out the registration fields of the State Examination Forms. Organizers are recommended to draw up a document in free form. The specified act is signed by the GIA participant, the head of the PPE and the GEC member (authorized representative).

    In the case of a state examination in foreign languages ​​(written part, section “Listening”), late participants are not allowed into the audience after turning on the audio recording (except if there are no other participants in the audience or if the participants in the audience have finished listening to the audio recording). Personal listening is not carried out for late participants (except if there are no other exam participants in the room).

    In the absence of a GIA participant in the distribution lists for a given PES, the participant is not allowed into the PES; a member of the GEC (authorized representative) records this fact for further decision-making.

    The head of the PES, in the presence of a member of the State Examination Committee (authorized representative), draws up acts of non-admission of the above-mentioned participants to the PES. These acts are signed by a member of the State Examination Committee (authorized representative), the head of the PPE and the participants of the State Examination Committee.

    Acts are drawn up in two copies in free form. The first copies are left by a member of the State Electoral Commission (authorized representative) for transmission to the chairman of the State Electoral Committee, the second copies – to the participants of the State Examination Committee. The specified State Examination participants may be allowed to participate again in the State Examination in this academic subject in additional periods only by decision of the Chairman of the State Examination Committee.

    In the event of the failure of all State Examination participants assigned to the PES to appear for more than two hours from the start of the exam (10.00), a member of the State Examination Committee, in agreement with the chairman of the State Examination Committee (deputy chairman of the State Examination Committee), decides to complete the exam in this PES with the execution of the appropriate PES forms.

    Organizers outside the classroom assist GIA participants in moving around the PES. The organizers inform the GIA participants of the classroom numbers in accordance with the automated distribution and accompany the exam participants to the classrooms.

    Organizers in the audience check the compliance of the participant’s identification document with form PPE-05-02 “Protocol for conducting state examinations in the audience” and send the state examination participant to the workplace according to the automated distribution lists.

    During the exam in the PPE classrooms public observers should pay attention to:

    The following items may be on the desktops of GIA participants:

    gel capillary pen with black ink,

    identity document

    medications and food (if necessary),

    teaching and educational means permitted for use,

    drafts with the stamp of the educational organization on the basis of which the PPE is organized (in the case of an exam in foreign languages ​​with the “Speaking” section included, drafts are not issued),

    special technical means (for persons with disabilities, disabled children and people with disabilities).

    The organizers must provide instructions to the GIA participants. The briefing consists of two parts. The first part of the briefing is carried out from 09.50 local time, the second part of the briefing begins no earlier than 10.00 local time.

    During the first part of the briefing, the organizers must inform the GIA participants:

    about the procedure for conducting the exam,

    about the rules for preparing the examination paper,

    about the duration of the exam,

    on the procedure for filing an appeal about a violation of the established procedure for conducting the State Examination and an appeal about disagreement with the awarded points,

    about cases of removal from the exam,

    about the time and place of familiarization with the results of the State Examination,

    that records on CMMs and drafts are not processed or checked.

    During the second part of the briefing, the organizers demonstrate to the GIA participants the integrity of the packaging of the special delivery package with IR.

    The delivery package containing the IR must be opened by the organizers no earlier than 10:00 local time. Next, the organizers distribute the ICs to the participants in a random order, ask the State Examination Participants to check the integrity of their ICs, open the ICs along the perforation line and check the completeness of the issued examination materials, the absence of printing defects and the number of CIM pages. If barcode discrepancies, extra (shortage) forms, or typographical defects are detected, the organizers must completely replace the individual set for the State Examination Participant with a new one.

    The organizers ask the GIA participants to begin filling out the registration forms and registration fields of the answer forms. During the filling process, the organizers inform the participants about the rules for preparing the examination work and that entries on the KIM and drafts are not processed or checked, and also check that the registration fields on all State Examination Forms are filled out correctly for each State Examination Participant and the compliance of the State Examination Participant’s data in the document, identification and on the registration form. If an incorrect filling in the registration fields is detected, the organizers instruct the participant to make appropriate corrections. Upon completion of filling out the registration fields of the State Examination Forms by all participants, the organizers announce the start and end times of the examination work, and record them on the board (information stand).

    Note. The duration of the examination work does not include the time allocated for preparatory activities (instructing participants, issuing electronic documents to them, filling out registration fields of forms, setting up the necessary technical means used during examinations).

    During examination work by GIA participants, organizers must maintain order in the classroom.

    When leaving the audience, GIA participants must leave the EM and drafts on the desktop, and the organizer must check the completeness of the materials left behind.