When can you give meat puree to your child? Introducing meat into complementary foods: what varieties and from how many months can a baby be given? Meat standards for children of different ages


The first complementary food is meat. What kind of meat to start feeding your baby with? When and how to introduce meat into complementary foods for a child. Buy jarred or cook it yourself. How to cook meat properly.

When we begin to introduce complementary foods from 6 months, it is necessary that the child’s diet contain foods high in iron: liver, meat, fish and legumes in combination with vegetables and cereals, or complementary foods fortified with iron. Meat and fish are the best sources of zinc.

Iron deficiency in young children and infants - one of the common problems that can cause serious consequences for the baby’s health. Therefore, attention should be paid to the prevention of iron deficiency.

IN breast milk There is little iron, but its bioavailability reaches 50%, which is much higher than that of other food products. A child up to 6 months has enough iron reserves received from the mother during gestation.

One of the most important reasons for the development of iron deficiency anemia is too early introduction into the diet. dairy products and whole cow's milk. Thus, you should not introduce whole cow’s milk as a drink until one year of age, and after introduction, the amount should be increased gradually.

All types of tea (black, green and herbal) and coffee interfere with iron absorption, so they should not be used before 2 years of age. After this age, you should not drink tea with meals.

How to properly introduce meat into complementary foods

Meat goes best with vegetables. Meat contains heme iron, vegetables contain non-heme iron, combining them together, the absorption of iron from vegetables increases by 50%. Thus, the bioavailability of iron contained in a dish containing vegetables or other foods can be significantly improved by adding some meat to it.

What meat should a baby start feeding with?

Preferably lean meat: rabbit, turkey, veal, lamb, chicken.

Some types of meat are expensive, but such as liver are inexpensive and have high nutritional benefits. The liver contains the following nutrients: zinc, vitamins A, B and D, iron. It is easy to puree, making liver an excellent weaning food after about 7 months.

When to introduce meat into baby's complementary foods

Meat should be introduced after vegetables and cereals, approximately 7-8 months.

How much to enter

If large amounts of meat are introduced early into complementary foods, this will lead to high protein intake and negative consequences. To increase the amount of iron in the body, you only need a small amount of meat!

Quantity, per day

8 months 5-30 gr
9 months 50 gr
10 months 50 gr
11 months 60-70 gr
12-18 months 70 gr
1.5 - 2.5 years 80 gr
from 2.5 years 120 gr

Approximate scheme for introducing meat into the diet by day

1 day - 130-150 grams of vegetable puree + 1-3 grams of vegetable oil + 1 tsp. rabbit meat

Day 2 - 130-150 grams of vegetable puree + 1-3 grams of vegetable oil + 2 tsp. rabbit meat

Day 3 - 130-150 grams of vegetable puree + 1-3 grams of vegetable oil + 4 tsp. rabbit meat, etc.

Day 7 - 130-150 grams of vegetable puree + 1-3 grams of vegetable oil + 10 tsp. rabbit meat

Increase to 50-60 g (1 tsp - 5 g). It is better to be guided by scales or a jar.

Which meat is better for a child: canned or home-cooked?

The pediatrician advised me to start introducing meat from industrially produced children's canned food in jars, because... It is quite difficult to make fiber-free puree from meat at home for a child who does not yet know how to chew. The danger is that the child can easily choke. Meat from jars has a delicate consistency, is prepared strictly according to GOST standards, and significantly saves time. Now in Russia there is strict control over the quality of baby food.

This meat is second only to homemade meat, i.e. if you raise turkeys and others yourself or buy from trusted farmers you know.

Which manufacturer of canned children's meat should I choose?

I will give several examples of the composition of turkey meat and the amount of protein and fat per 100 grams.

"Theme" Compound:turkey meat, rice cereal, sunflower oil, water.

Protein: 10.9 g. Fat: 8.1 g.

"Granny's Basket" Ingredients: turkey fillet, rice, vegetable oil, water.

Protein: 8.5 g. Fat: 12 g.

"Heinz" Ingredients: chilled turkey meat, drinking water, rice flour, sunflower oil, lemon juice.

Protein: 12.7 g. Fat: 3.7 g.

"Gerber" Ingredients: turkey meat puree (40%), corn and rice starch (for consistency), rapeseed oil, sunflower oil, drinking water.

Protein: 10.4 Fat: 5.4.

"Fruto nanny" Ingredients: turkey meat,rice flour,vegetable oil, corn oil,water.

Protein: 12 g. Fat: 4 g.

"Agusha"Compound:turkey meat, rice flour, vegetable oil, drinking water.

Protein: 9 g. Fat: 5.5 g.

"Semper" Ingredients: turkey 60%, rice flour, rice starch, vegetable oil, water.

Protein: 13.4 g. Fat: 3.4 g.

How to cook meat for a child

Cook the liver or meat well and grind it in a meat grinder or blender.

For your child’s good perception of a new product (meat), add it to a familiar and favorite dish (vegetables or porridge).

Your baby has grown up, and his mother’s milk is no longer enough for him. The issues of proper introduction of complementary foods are more pressing than ever before. The baby has already tried some vegetables and fruits, as well as juices and purees from them. How and when can meat be introduced into his diet? How much should I give it? How to cook? Will there be an allergy to the new food? The children's doctor will explain to you the optimal timing for introducing various types of complementary foods.

Is meat good for babies?

  1. For proper growth, a baby definitely needs animal proteins, the source of which is meat food. These substances and amino acids cannot be obtained from plant foods.
  2. Meat contains easily digestible macro- and microelements that the child’s body absorbs better than their plant counterparts. We are talking about phosphorus, iron, copper, zinc, iodine.
  3. The most important vitamins - E, PP, H, as well as group B and many others are contained in this useful product.
  4. Due to its dense fibrous structure, meat contributes to the development of chewing skills in the baby.

When should you introduce meat into baby food?

Pediatricians recommend introducing your baby to meat puree from 6 to 8 months. However, this type of complementary feeding should not be the first; it would be correct to introduce it after pureed vegetables, fruits and cereal porridges, and experts advise observing a 2-month interval between the first complementary feeding and the start of feeding meat:

  1. If a baby eats mother’s milk, then the first complementary foods can be given at 6 months, and meat foods at 8 months.
  2. if the baby is artificial, then he already eats vegetable complementary foods at 4 months, and meat can be introduced at six months

The rule of a 2-month interval may not be observed if anemia is detected in the toddler, but even in this case, it is not recommended to introduce meat complementary foods before 6 months.

Reasons why you should not feed your baby meat before six months:

  1. His digestive system is not yet developed to digest meat products, the necessary enzymes are not produced, so even if he eats meat, it cannot be completely digested in the child’s stomach. A large amount of animal protein is a source of putrefactive processes in the intestines of infants.
  2. Before the child is six months old, an allergy to a foreign protein may appear.
  3. An increased amount of animal protein puts a significant burden on the baby’s kidneys.

Algorithm for introducing complementary foods with meat

  1. You need to start with a small amount of product on the tip of a spoon, which is recommended to be given before the main feeding.
  2. If the baby eats willingly, and no allergies have appeared, then the portion is gradually increased, the amount is added half a teaspoon at a time.
  3. Meat puree must be prepared before feeding; it should be as finely chopped as possible, fairly homogeneous, and at a warm temperature.
  4. It is allowed to add meat puree to other food familiar to the child - vegetable puree, cereal-free porridge, which he usually eats; it is allowed to dilute the chopped minced meat with milk or an adapted mixture.
  5. To form a proper diet, pediatricians recommend cooking meat and including it in plant-based dishes at lunchtime feeding for the baby.

Correct amount of product

Depending on the age of the baby, it is determined how many grams of meat should be in its diet:

  • 6-7 months – from 5 to 20 g;
  • 8-9 months – portion increases to 50 g;
  • 10-12 months – 50-70 g;
  • 1.5-2 years – 80 g.

Dishes made from healthy meat should be in a child’s diet every day. You should not exceed the recommended amount, even if the baby eats it well, as this can lead to increased stress on the baby’s digestive system and kidneys.

Choosing meat

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Vitamin complexes, probiotics, omega-3 from Garden of Life, designed specifically for pregnant women

From a wide variety of options, mothers try to find the healthiest for their babies.

To understand what meat to start complementary feeding with, you need to learn more about its main types.

  1. Turkey and rabbit meat. Considered the best for baby food. There is no allergy to them, there is no excess fat in them, and the meat itself is very tender and healthy.
  2. Chicken. It is often used in dietary nutrition, although it is less digestible than turkey meat, but at the same time it is the most allergenic product of all types of meat. If your baby is allergic to egg whites, then you should not give your baby chicken; it is better to choose quail.
  3. Lean beef. A large amount of protein and microelements makes it possible to choose this type of meat as the first complementary food for a baby. However, if he is allergic to cow's milk, then a similar reaction is possible to beef. In this case, it is better to use turkey or rabbit for the first feeding.
  4. Quail meat. A very gentle, dietary product, often recommended for small allergy sufferers. It should be introduced into the baby’s diet after 7 months. Its calorie content is significantly higher than that of rabbit and chicken, so you should not give quail meat to your child every day.
  5. Pork. Too fatty for the first feeding, however, if you choose leaner varieties, for example, tenderloin, then its fat content will be slightly higher than that of beef. In some cases, allergists recommend feeding pork to infants with diathesis and atopic dermatitis.
  6. Lamb, duck and goose are not recommended for complementary feeding for children under 3 years of age, because the gastrointestinal tract of a little person is not able to digest such tough and fatty meat.

Preparing meat supplements at home

A high-quality meat product for baby feeding is prepared exclusively from fresh meat.

Cooking process:

  1. Rinse the selected meat well, cut off all films from it, remove fatty layers.
  2. Place in a saucepan, add cold water, cook until fully cooked without adding spices or salt.
  3. It is recommended to cook tougher beef and pork for about 2 hours; chicken, rabbit, turkey and quail meat will be ready faster.
  4. The cooked product can be ground in a blender, passed through a meat grinder 2 times, and then rubbed through a fine strainer to prepare minced meat.
  5. Mix the mixture with vegetable puree and add a few drops of vegetable oil.
  6. Give your baby food that has been cooled until warm.

Try to prepare a small amount of puree, since it is much healthier to feed your baby exclusively fresh meat supplements. If you have prepared a little more than the little one needs for one meal, then the extra dish can be stored in the refrigerator for another 1 day.

Our photo recipe will help you prepare meat puree for your baby's first feeding. In it, for a more uniform consistency, a little mixture or breast milk is added to the ground meat.

Varieties of meat dishes

  1. Babies up to 8 months are fed meat puree.
  2. For children 8-9 months old, you can prepare small meatballs from finely chopped minced meat, which are mashed with a fork before eating.
  3. A 10-month-old baby is allowed to give whole meatballs or meatballs if he has teeth.
  4. At 12 months, the toddler happily eats steamed cutlets.

Canned meat prepared in a special production facility

In any grocery store you can see a lot of different jars of baby food. If the mother cannot prepare such puree on her own, then it is quite possible to use the products of professionals.

Advantages of specialized nutrition for children:

  1. it is prepared from the meat of animals specially raised for this purpose
  2. it is guaranteed to contain the vitamins and other beneficial substances indicated on the packaging
  3. it is produced for a certain age, so the degree of grinding of canned meat varies
  4. -you don’t need to cook it, you just need to heat it up and give it to the child

Possible disadvantages:

  • the high price of some brands, commensurate with the cost of raw meat of excellent quality
  • if storage conditions are violated, there is a high risk of poisoning

The introduction of meat complementary foods is a small step for your little one into adulthood. Only a caring mother can prepare food for her precious child that is fresh and as healthy as possible. Try to strictly follow all the recommendations and introduce a new type of food correctly - this will help the baby grow healthy and happy, and allergies will not bother him.

In the video below, you will learn the most popular recipes for preparing meat for baby food with your own hands.

Why should you include meat products in the diet of babies up to one year old? Mother's milk provides the baby with all the nutrients necessary for the development of the child's body, which are sufficient to meet the needs of the first months of life. Time passes, the baby grows and requires more and more vitamins and micro-macroelements, and other various nutrients. Breast milk is no longer able to meet these needs. Meat comes to the rescue and is introduced as complementary food.

Meat is a valuable source of protein and vitamins, so it is almost irreplaceable in a baby’s diet.

Useful properties of meat

A responsible parent must research the product itself before introducing a new food. Thanks to the consumption of meat puree, the baby saturates its body with amino acids, iron, which is perfectly absorbed, as well as calcium and a number of vitamins. What role do they play? Let's list:

  • Amino acids. They are an integral part of protein synthesis, that is, they are necessary for the successful growth and development of cells and proper metabolism. The number of synthesized amino acids in the body is 20. If there is a shortage of at least one of them, protein deficiency occurs.
  • Iron, easy to absorb. As much as 65% of the iron contained in the product is the main composition of hemoproteins. Thanks to this, it is easily absorbed in the body and saturates cells with oxygen at the highest possible speed.
  • Calcium. Essential for the development of the skeletal and muscular systems, it also helps strengthen the nerves.
  • Vitamin A. Helps break down fats, promotes the formation of new cells and is involved in bone formation.
  • Vitamin B12. Its main task is the formation of blood. Promotes the formation of red blood cells and nerve endings.
  • Vitamin D. Promotes the absorption of calcium and phosphorus, and is also responsible for the formation of bone tissue and prevents rickets.

There are other nutritional elements present in different types of meat. For example, chicken contains a lot of magnesium, sodium, vitamins B, E1, C. Beef is rich in phosphorus, potassium, vitamin B6, which is responsible for the absorption of iron, and vitamin PP, required for the formation of enzymes.

Another positive thing about meat is that its structure is elastic, and therefore is excellent for developing chewing skills in a child.

Time to introduce meat complementary foods

According to the recommendations of pediatricians, children receive their first meat complementary foods after six months. It is important to consider that this animal product cannot be introduced before other products. Before feeding meat, the baby should already be familiar with vegetables, fruits and cereal porridges. According to experts, at least 2 months should pass from the start of the first complementary feeding to the introduction of baby meat puree. So, we answer at what age can this type of complementary feeding be introduced:

  1. A breastfed child receives vegetable or grain complementary foods at 6 months, and meat at 8 months (more details in the article:);
  2. A baby on an artificial type of nutrition receives vegetable complementary foods already at 4 months, then meat is allowed to be introduced closer to six months.

The exception is when the child has anemia, then the 2-month interval rule may not be observed so strictly. Although even in this situation, it is not recommended to introduce meat and combined purees before 6 months of age (we recommend reading:).

Why can’t you give baby meat puree before the age of six months? Let's list the reasons:

  1. The digestive system is not yet fully formed and is not able to digest heavy foods. There are no necessary enzymes required to digest this food. Excessive amounts of animal protein contribute to the appearance of rotting processes in the intestines of babies.
  2. An allergic reaction to a foreign protein may occur if the baby is under 6 months of age.
  3. Animal protein in large doses puts a lot of stress on the kidneys of an infant.

A baby’s body simply cannot cope with meat before six months, so it is better to introduce it in a timely manner.

Meat feeding

How to introduce meat puree for the first feeding? You already know, because this is a continuation of your baby’s testing of “adult” food: everything new is introduced gradually, starting with half a teaspoon. You can avoid possible digestive problems if you offer meat before lunch. Below we will tell you where to start and how to make the feeding process enjoyable and rewarding.

Feeding rules

  1. How much to give at first? The initial sample is small - ½ teaspoon and always precedes the main feeding.
  2. The absence of allergic reactions to meat and the positive response of the toddler allows you to gradually increase the amount of complementary foods. Each time add another half spoon.
  3. Use freshly prepared puree. Make sure that the consistency is as fine as possible, uniform and pleasantly warm. The meat should be boiled without adding salt and spices, and then chopped using a blender.
  4. It is quite possible to combine meat puree with other previously known products - for example, use it in vegetable puree or cereal porridge without milk. Ground minced meat can be diluted with milk or mixture.
  5. From the point of view of pediatricians, it is optimal to introduce an animal product as part of plant-based dishes at lunch, this will allow you to form the correct diet.

Like other products, meat puree is introduced into the baby’s diet gradually, starting with very small portions.

How much can you give per day?

How much meat can be given to a baby? The amount will depend on age. Below we offer a diagram for calculating the consumption of meat products per day for children:

There are experiments ahead that will allow you to treat your baby to a wide variety of dishes. For example, kids enjoy eating meatballs, meatballs and steamed cutlets. Your little one will try such dishes by the age of one and a half years. How about fried and baked chops and seasoned steaks? Their use is strictly prohibited. We list the most favorable varieties suitable for introducing the first complementary foods: beef, rabbit and turkey. They are low fat, light and hypoallergenic.

Older children enjoy eating steamed meatballs and other dishes

Meat selection

As your baby grows, subject to the successful introduction of meat complementary foods, the doctor will advise introducing the baby to other types of products. The table below will tell you about the calorie content of each type of meat and their important components: fats, carbohydrates and proteins. Thanks to this data, you can choose which meat to start complementary feeding with.

Nutritional value of different types of meat:

Calorie contentSquirrelsFatsCarbohydrates
Beef200 kcal19 g12.5 g0 g
Pork397 kcal16.1 g27.9 g0 g
Veal201 kcal19.4 g1.1 g0 g
Rabbit meat179 kcal20.8 g12.7 g0 g
Turkey198 kcal21.3 g12.1 g0.8 g
Chicken199 kcal20.7 g8.5 g0.4 g
By-products (for example, beef liver)125 kcal17.4 g3.1 g0 g

Types of meat

  1. Turkey and rabbit are the best types of meat for babies. They are low-fat, hypoallergenic, gentle and very healthy.
  2. Chicken is an excellent dietary product, but compared to turkey, it is digested a little worse. We must not forget that chicken is the most allergic type of meat of all. If you have an allergy to egg whites, you should give preference to quail meat rather than chicken.
  3. Lean beef. There is a lot of protein and a large number of microelements. It is these qualities that make beef a priority type of meat as a first complementary food. If you have an existing allergy to cow's milk, a similar reaction to beef may occur. In this case, use rabbit or turkey instead of beef as the first food.
  4. Quail meat. An ideal option for little ones with allergies, plus it is very gentle and dietary. Suitable for feeding babies after 7 months of age. It contains more calories than rabbit or chicken, so quail is not suitable for daily consumption.
  5. Pork. Fattier than other types of meat, pork is also quite suitable for first feeding if you choose leaner parts, for example, tenderloin. The fat content in this case will only slightly exceed the same index for beef. Allergists often recommend pork for feeding children with atopic dermatitis and diathesis.
  6. Lamb, duck or goose meat is not suitable for children under 3 years of age due to the fact that the baby’s gastrointestinal tract is not yet able to digest excessively fatty and tough meat.

Rabbit meat is considered the most dietary and suitable meat for children.

Frequency and volume of meat consumption per week

Dr. Komarovsky is convinced: meat complementary foods should be given no more than 1-2 days a week (see also:). When the baby is already 10 months old, the weekly frequency can be increased to 5-7 times:

  • at the age of up to 9 months, you can prepare meat or combined puree for your child 1-2 days a week;
  • at 9-10 months the baby can already eat finely chopped meat in the amount of several spoons 2-3 times (this is also the weekly norm);
  • closer to 10-11 months, you can start feeding the baby coarsely chopped product;
  • By the age of one year, steamed meatballs and cutlets will be a good option for meals, which can be given 5-6 days a week and even every day.

Meat puree: cook at home

Meat puree for children should be prepared only from high-quality fresh product. You need to do it like this:

  1. purchased meat should be thoroughly washed, all films removed and excess fat cut off;
  2. put the meat in a pan, pour cold water and, without adding spices and salt, cook until done;
  3. for tough varieties such as beef or pork, it will take about 2 hours of cooking time, but more tender rabbit, turkey or chicken will be ready in a shorter period, as well as quail meat;
  4. as soon as the product is ready, it should be ground (this can be done using a blender), or passed through a meat grinder twice, after which it should be ground through a sieve;
  5. mix minced meat with vegetable puree and add a couple of drops of vegetable or olive oil;
  6. Give the little one some meat puree that has cooled to a warm temperature.

It is advisable to prepare a portion for one time, because a fresh product is always healthier for the child. The amount remaining from the portion can be stored in the refrigerator, but not more than one day.

Popular brands of meat nutrition

The best option for babies is puree made from meat raised in your own yard (poultry or animal). In the absence of a home-made option, many parents, to the detriment of their wallets, prefer baby food in jars.

Let's look at several popular baby food manufacturers that offer a wide range of delicious purees for babies, including meat options. You can find both pure meat puree and a combination with vegetables or grains. According to mothers, the following manufacturers inspire trust:

"Agusha", Russia

Parents' reviews:

  • overall rating of parents – 4 minus;
  • excessively thick consistency and large amounts of starch;
  • The tin can format is inconvenient to open (there is a danger of cutting yourself).

"Tema", Russia

  • the product line includes beef, turkey, rabbit meat and options made from chicken and with offal;
  • volume – 100 g.

Parents' reviews:

  • user rating – 4 minus;
  • there is salt, which means it is better not to give puree to children before 10 months;
  • the composition contains chicken fat, milk powder, cereals - the total volume of meat becomes smaller;
  • according to the results of research in the “Test Purchase” program, this candidate did not receive leading ratings, but in general meets the standards of baby food;
  • The tin can format is inconvenient because you can cut yourself.

“Babushkino Basket”, Russia

  • the product line includes beef, turkey, rabbit, horse meat, venison and chicken;
  • volume - 100 g.

Now is the time to introduce your baby to more serious food. Why is meat useful in complementary feeding for a child, what type can be given and how best to cook it. Basic rules for introducing meat into complementary foods. Methods of preparation and rules of choice when purchasing.

What are the benefits of meat for a baby and possible harm?

Meat is considered one of the important stages of complementary feeding. This is the main source of animal proteins, which contribute to the structure of all tissues and cells of the body, as well as the synthesis of enzymes, hormones and antibodies.

Animal proteins are necessary for infants for normal growth, regulation of metabolism and the formation of strong immunity.

In addition to protein, meat contains magnesium and phosphorus, amino acids and B vitamins, calcium and iron. Each of these elements brings great benefits to the baby:

Due to the fact that this product is dense, the child learns to chew and quickly prepares for adult food.

However, this complementary food can also cause harm to the child’s body:

  1. Many types of meat cause allergies;
  2. In large quantities, meat burdens the child’s digestive system and kidneys. Fatty and fried meat is contraindicated for children under three years of age.

When to introduce meat into baby's complementary foods

A few months after you introduced your baby to vegetables, fruits and cereals, start introducing meat into the diet.

If you follow the pediatrician’s regimen, then most likely the age for introducing meat is indicated at 8 months.

What happens if meat is introduced to a healthy child’s menu too early and in large quantities (yes, a jar of pureed meat at 7-8 months for 1 meal is a lot!):

  • meat protein negatively affects the baby’s kidney function;
  • Allergy to meat protein may occur.
  • Therefore, I do not recommend adhering to standard pediatric norms when introducing complementary foods to a child. This creates an excessive burden on the baby’s gastrointestinal tract and leads to a decrease, and sometimes to a complete loss, of food interest. The child refuses to eat any food.

    What type of meat is suitable for complementary feeding?

    What meat to start complementary feeding with?

    It is best to start complementary foods with varieties that will not cause an allergic reaction. This is a rabbit and a turkey. Introduce beef and veal, pork and other types of meat after the first two...

    • Beef contains a lot of carotene and iron;
    • Lamb strengthens the skeleton and cardiovascular system and is considered an excellent remedy for rickets (read the article on the topic: Signs of rickets in infants >>>). However, this type of meat is not recommended for children under two years of age.

    Attention! Beef and veal are prohibited for children who cannot tolerate milk protein. You should not feed your child beef if he or she suffers from kidney disease.

    • Rabbit meat does not contain cholesterol or harmful substances. Promotes the development of teeth and bones. It is considered dietary and ideal for first complementary feeding;

    This meat has the ability to remove dangerous toxins from the body, as it contains a lot of phosphorus. However, it is not easy to buy and is very expensive.

    • Turkey contains amino acids and proteins, is easily digested and practically does not cause allergies;
    • Chicken may contain antibiotics, so choose homemade products. Many pediatricians do not recommend starting complementary feeding with chicken.
    • Goose and pork are fatty for a baby, and the meat of duck and other birds of water is also not suitable for the first feeding. They are recommended to be given only after 1.5-3 years;
    • Horse meat is ideal for babies. The product is rich in carbohydrates and proteins, but it is almost impossible to find horse meat on sale.

    Important! By-products can be introduced no earlier than 10 months. If the baby has severe anemia, then pediatricians allow the child to be given liver from the age of 8 months, since the by-products contain a lot of manganese, iron and copper.

    How to properly include it in your diet

    Like any other new product, the introduction of meat into baby's complementary foods occurs gradually.

    1. You need to start with a teaspoon of pureed puree if you are introducing foods in pureed form, or start with a couple of microdoses if you follow the path of natural complementary feeding. Meat is often combined with vegetables or cereals;
    2. Complementary foods are introduced in the morning;
    3. Gradually, the volume of meat increases in response to the child’s requests;
    4. For children under one year old, you need to expand the types of meat in your diet. By 12 months, the baby should try 4 types of meat;
    5. Don't linger at the puree stage. From 8 months, denser pieces should appear in the baby’s diet. A good option would be meatballs and steamed cutlets.

    How to give meat to a child?

    You must follow the rules for introducing your baby to meat and take into account important points:

    • give the meat warm;
    • the first portion should be no more than half a teaspoon or 3 microdoses of the product (we discuss what microdoses are in the online course on introducing complementary foods);
    • Give meat for the first time in the morning and watch the baby;
    • if there is no reaction to the product, then give it to the baby at lunchtime along with vegetables, the portion can be gradually increased;
    • the meat must be freshly prepared;
    • You cannot mix different types of meat, the baby must get used to the tastes separately;
    • If a child refuses meat, do not insist. Offer meat periodically; do not exclude it from the diet of your child and your family.
    • From 10 months, meat can be replaced with fish twice a week;

    How to choose meat and can your baby eat canned food?

    You need to feed your baby only fresh and high-quality complementary foods. When buying meat in a store or market, pay attention to the following signs:

    1. when choosing beef, take the pulp, it has less fat;
    2. In turkey or chicken meat, it is better to prefer the breast;
    3. if you find a rabbit, then you need young meat;
    4. The meat should have a pleasant smell, it should look elastic and uniform.

    Important! If the meat has no smell at all or smells bad, don’t buy it. The product should not have a coating or a gray-brown or brown tint, it should not be slippery, look at the appearance and expiration date.

    Stores sell a lot of canned food for children. They have their advantages and disadvantages. The advantages of ready-made purees are that they undergo many tests, have age markings and are easy to use. However, they have disadvantages:

    • the quality of raw materials for finished purees remains on the conscience of the manufacturers, they can be poisonous and they are not cheap;
    • Also, all canned food contains rice water and water, and an open can cannot be stored in the refrigerator for more than a day.

    It is better to prepare meat puree at home, so you will be protected from the risk of poisoning

    How to prepare meat for first feeding

    Every mother can feed her baby tasty and healthy complementary foods at home. Having chosen fresh meat, it must be properly prepared:

    1. remove bones, veins, fat and skin;
    2. rinse well with cold running water;
    3. cut into small pieces and fill with water;
    4. boil water and boil;
    5. then drain the first broth and boil again;
    6. cooking meat, depending on the type of meat product, lasts from 20 to 60 minutes;

    Know! For children, meat can be boiled or steamed. Babies should not eat fried meat.

    Most importantly, do not force your baby to eat meat. By doing this, you can avert his interest in this product for a long time.

    To help your child eat meat and other foods with pleasure and appetite, see