Kk - what is it? VKontakte terms - Dictionary of modern VK slang What is kk in Dota 2.

In this material we will look at what CC means in games. If you are just starting out as a gamer and want to know all the features of game objects, maps, characters, you will also have to pay attention to special vocabulary. It should be noted that it differs significantly from the language that people use in everyday communication. To a certain extent it is unique.

Game vocabulary

So, let's begin to consider the question of what QC means. This abbreviation is used in computer games. It is quite difficult to understand all the features of such speech patterns, since users are constantly generating new terms. The phenomenon of computer slang has been formed over the past twenty years, so many of the words included in it have been so transformed that they are completely incomprehensible to people who are not associated with the computer field. New terms appear during communication between players, they quickly come into use. From time to time they are included in specially created dictionaries.


The question of what CC means is due to the widespread use of the term among participants in game projects of various genres. It is rarely used on its own. The use of the abbreviation KK most often occurs together with one or another number. However, this is not always the case. In certain cases, this abbreviation can be used as a complete message without numerical or textual support. Thus, the scope of application of this speech unit needs to be clarified.

QC - what does it mean in Dota?

Indication of a certain amount is the most common case of using the term of interest to us. To be even more precise, it indicates the number of zeros. As a rule, this term is used when we are talking about a specific game currency. The fact is that it would take quite a long time to describe the state of a player who, for example, has five million coins or three hundred thousand units of gold. That is why the abbreviation we are interested in exists.

To solve the question of what KK means, you should know: this term was formed from an even shorter designation - K. Let's return to the example described above. If a player has three hundred thousand units of a certain virtual resource, he can use the 300 K form to indicate this, and the community will understand it. Accordingly, the application of option 5 of the QC would indicate five million.

If we are talking about the Dota project in this section, we should cite several other abbreviations that are actively used in it. You can often find the expression FG. It arose from the English phrase From God or “From God.” Is an expression of sarcasm towards the addressee. To report the destruction of enemy buildings without the participation of crepes, the abbreviation DB is used - Backdooring. You can also often find the designation B. It comes from the English back - “back”. Most often, in this way the author suggests retreating to allied buildings.

Other options

Now you know what QC means. However, this value is not the only one for the abbreviation we are interested in. We have already noted above that sometimes this term is used separately from numbers. This also needs to be dealt with. This phenomenon often occurs on thematic forums, as well as in chats dedicated to games. In this case, the meaning comes from the English word ok, which is used twice. Thus, users again tried to save time on writing messages. In other words, the term QC replaces the phrase ok, ok. Of course, this form indicates agreement with the interlocutor.

At the same time, repetition gives the message a special coloring. From it we can conclude that the author agrees to the proposed conditions, but he has no desire to continue the conversation. Thus, using the QC form, you can end an unpleasant and unwanted conversation. Sometimes users express indifference rather than a positive response in this way. In this case, the term could be used as a short analogue of the word whatever (“no difference”, “whatever”). The speech unit we are interested in can also be used in various social networks, in particular, VKontakte. We have considered two main meanings of the term we are interested in; everything else depends on the context of the message, so you should be careful when using such slang.

If you are just starting your journey as a full-fledged gamer who constantly communicates with other players in thematic communities, holds matches between his friends and knows absolutely all the features of characters, cards and other game objects that are important to him, then you will also have to pay attention to gaming vocabulary. The fact is that it is very different from the standard language that people use in communication. Moreover, you are unlikely to find another jargon that contains similar abbreviations, terms and abbreviations. Accordingly, we will have to study many questions, including what “kk” means in the gaming field.

Game vocabulary

If you decide to find out what “kk” means and other abbreviations that are used in computer games, then you will have to make a lot of effort. The fact is that modern gamers are constantly producing new and new terms that are used in various gaming areas. Moreover, they have more than twenty years of history, of which a huge number of words are used that are incomprehensible to ordinary people who are far from this area. New terms appear constantly, as they are generated directly in the process of conversations between gamers, gradually come into use and are periodically even fixed in special dictionaries, which may be useful to you if you want to know what “kk” and other similar terms mean.

Using the abbreviation "kk"

From this article you will learn what “kk” means, because this term is very common among gamers in all genres of games. You may notice more than once how this term is used together with a certain number, from which you can begin to draw some conclusions. However, any person may be confused by the fact that sometimes this abbreviation is used on its own, without any text or numerical support at all. Accordingly, you will have to delve deeper into the study of the gaming dictionary in order to find out all the smallest details regarding this term, so as to avoid mistakes in the future and not confuse the terms with each other. And yet, what does “kk” mean in “Dota” and other computer games?

Amount designation

The most common meaning of “kk” is a specific amount, or more precisely, the number of zeros in this amount. In most cases, this term is used when talking about game currency. After all, it takes a long time to write that a gamer has, for example, three hundred thousand gold or five million coins in his inventory. That is why this abbreviation exists, which was formed from another even shorter term - “to”. If, as in the example described above, you have three hundred thousand game units, then you can write the abbreviation “300 k” and absolutely everyone will understand you. Accordingly, if you use “5 kk” in a message, then every gamer will understand that you meant five million. Now you know what “kk” means in games, but it is worth considering that this meaning is not the only one. Cases have already been mentioned above when “kk” is used separately from numbers - how then should this abbreviation be interpreted? After all, in this case it cannot describe millions.

Another meaning of kk

In addition to denoting millions, the term “kk” can have another meaning, which is used when communicating on forums or in chats dedicated to games. This meaning of the term comes from the English “ok”, used twice. Accordingly, the term "kk" is the message in English "ok, ok". It expresses agreement with the other interlocutor, but repetition gives it a special coloring, which demonstrates the reluctance that the person, although he agreed to the conditions offered to him, does not want to continue the conversation. That is, the term "kk" is used to curtail an unwanted and unpleasant conversation. Sometimes gamers don't even mean a positive answer in this abbreviation, using it as a shorter analogue of the word whatever ("whatever", "no difference"). This definition will also give you an answer to the question of what “kk” means on VKontakte and other social networks. Thus, "kk" has two meanings, and they are completely different, so you will need to be very careful about the use of this term so that you do not make an unpleasant mistake. However, rest assured that over time you will stop paying attention to these terms and will use them automatically.

The expression “understand at a glance” has recently become increasingly widespread. Either human laziness or constant busyness leads to the fact that in messages on social networks many people not only do not complete words, but use either their abbreviation or non-standard abbreviations, mainly consisting of consonant letters.

Some such acronyms have acquired the status of independent parts of speech and are firmly entrenched even in colloquial slang.

What does LOL mean?

For example, “lol,” an English word meaning uncontrollable laughter, came to us around 2003 with mobile emoticons. For many, instead of bright yellow balls, in response to a humorous phrase, three large letters LOL were knocked out, which subsequently began to be included in a certain context of expressions.


OMG – oh, my God! An exclamatory phrase, but already an American one, which has a literal translation as “Oh, my God!” You can also find the Russian abbreviation “omb”, but it is used very rarely due to the awkward pronunciation of the last letter “b”. OMG also expresses extreme surprise or outrage.

66 (bb)

Instead of goodbye, you can see a double “b” in SMS communication. The person who sent such an Internet meme simply says “bye bye” or “bye-bye” in English. It was the first two letters of the foreign expression that replaced the standard “goodbye.”

What does KK mean?

KK – of course, of course! The abbreviation of double “k” is precisely a striking example of reducing time in correspondence. There is even one cute legend about this. Allegedly, in an online conversation with one client, a lawyer, rushing to confirm his consent to further cooperation, responded to a question asked on social media. network, I silently agreed twice, but when I looked at the screen, instead of two words, there were two letters “k”, and under them a bunch of question marks from a surprised and incomprehensible lady.


The phrase “maybe”, especially on Vkontakte, during correspondence, was also noticeably reduced to the first two letters “mb”, as well as the phrase “personal messages” - to “ls”.

PM is more common in public records, especially in groups where the administration sometimes asks you to send wishes, complaints, objections, etc. to PM.

What does SPS, SP Vkontakte mean?

Thank you on Vkontakte is also brief, in the form of “thank you” or “sp”. It turns out that when typing the entire word “thank you”, according to the rules, both hands are used, but with the short version - only two fingers.

An emoticon in the form of “xz”, which is often used as an impudent smile, generally means an impartial and even offensive expression “who knows”. The person who sent such an acronym is clearly in a hostile mood and instead of answering “I don’t know” or “I don’t know”, he puts such a symbol.

But the expression “bro”, contrary to the opinion of many, is very positive and positive. Literally it means “brother”, “buddy”, “buddy” and comes from the English abbreviation bro - brother.

There are a great variety of similar Internet memes, from quite peaceful to obscene and evil. The most interesting thing is that not all of them were invented thanks to human wit. Resourcefulness and quick wits play a big role here, because even a minor spelling error can give a word a completely different meaning and application.

Often in the youth environment on VKontakte, we come across little understood expressions. VKontakte terms in our dictionary of modern slang 2017, what is in VK.

It is not always possible to keep track of the new words people use when communicating on VKontakte. The slang of young people evolves from year to year. Let's look at the most common VKontakte terms.

Quick navigation:

Modern terms on VKontakte.

0 - Z

3 - Also used as :3 - anime emoticon means - cute(looks like a cat).
hq- English high quality - high quality, in VK refers to music files, this mark indicates that the music is of high quality.


avatar— The main photo on the user’s personal page, they also write — Ava.
addons- special additions to games, for example WoW; how to install addons is described in detail.
ip- IP address, you often see the word in the expression: “I’ll find you by your IP!”, a unique address on the Internet, by which in reality, if they can find you, it’s only a special one. services.
account— Registered user page, you can say ““, the same thing if you say “My account”.
anon— Anonymous user, the person chose to remain anonymous.
art— The fashionable design of photographs today is similar to processing by an artist, but is usually done using computer graphics. (The group that makes the art is (not advertising)).
AUE- (the A.U.E. variant is also used) - The Arrestantsky Ukagansky Unity (or the Arrestantsky Urkagan Unity) is a Russian informal association of gangs, consisting mainly of children, teenagers and young men wiki.


ban— User blocking can be temporary or permanent. Usually for violations of the rules of use of the site.
accordion— News or a picture, a meme that has not been published for the first time and has been copied from another public (community) or page.
bot— A specially written program, a script that does something automatically, for example, automatically sending messages, adding friends, getting likes, etc. Bots are often prohibited by the rules, and you can get blocked in VK for them (ban).



zashkvar— Something that has lost its relevance, despised, can be used as a synonym for the word “accordion.” For example, you can call it a mess, an old meme.
zbs— A shortened version of the swear word, fuck off.


ignore- The person deliberately does not respond to messages - he ignores them.
easy— Derived from English words easy, light, in VK means “Be easy.”


caps— Capsizing, writing in CAPITAL LETTERS is considered bad form online. Disable the Caps Lock key.
captcha— If you repeatedly send messages or perform other actions, VKontakte asks you to check the box that you are not a robot.
kek— Analogous to the word “ lol" or used as a malicious laugh, came into use from the game World of Warcraft.
clone— The page is exactly a repeat of an existing one, a fake, false page.
cookies— saved browser data, pictures and other files, including data (logins, passwords) that help in reloading the contents of VK pages.


like- Heart, “Like” button, click on it - the same as like record.
— Personal messages can be found in expressions such as: “I’ll write to you in PM,” “I’ll send you a PM.”


meme— VKontakte memes, most often images with an inscription, funny content (See).
moder— Moderator in the community, or in the social network itself. VKontakte network, a person is called upon to maintain order, delete obscene comments, or help deal with user problems.
monetization— Making a profit, making money, more often on communities, “Monetize the group.” Earning money from advertising.
cartoon— A fictitious, not real user, the same as a fake.


public— VKontakte group or community.
fast— A separate post on the community wall, personal page, in the discussion topic.
proof— From English proof- evidence, on Vkontakte is used as a link to the original source in order to emphasize the authenticity of this or that information. In conversations you can come across the expression “Proof where?” - a person demands evidence from a primary source, official information.



selfie- Taking photographs of yourself at arm's length and posting them on the Internet.
signa- Photos like “I love you” on a piece of paper or on some part of the body, a girl can make a sign for a guy, for example, writing a heart and his nickname on her chest, and take a selfie.
screen— Screenshot of a monitor or phone (See).
smiley— Graphic images of emotions in messages, the most commonly used are round yellow faces, which can depict laughter, crying, bewilderment, etc.
spam— A large number of messages with advertising content, spam is one of the reasons for blocking (freezing) an account.


targeting— Precise targeting of VKontakte advertising to the target audience; ads will be shown only to those users for whom it is configured.
topic— Topic, discussion in the community, ().
chan- Young girl, girl.


fake— A false page, the user either wants to seem like a different person, or just an impersonal page, created for advertising, PR, often overly bold comments can be observed from such fakes. (Cm. ).
phishing— Sites with login forms, similar to VKontakte, are made specifically to steal data from VK users. Such sites are called phishing sites.
flex- Flex - show off, show off (with clothes, abilities). There is also another meaning, “do nothing”, “sway to the beat”, “dance”.


hype- This is what is fashionable now. Sudden popularity, everyone is discussing, interested, a trend wave of one topic.
hater- A person who openly expresses hostility towards another person, literature, video, audio content and the direction of creativity in general.
I don't know— I want to know in an abbreviated form, there is a similar interpretation with the same meaning but in obscene language.
hashtag -


check— Check from English. check, examination. “Check PM” - Check your messages.
emergency- Blacklist, “Send to emergency” - the same as blocking a user, this option is available in VK.
chsv- Sense of self-importance.

We are updating the vocabulary of VKontakte terms!

If you haven’t found what you were looking for, write the term in the comments, we, together with other visitors, will try to answer as soon as possible. New words of youth slang will only replenish the dictionary of “VKontakte terms”.

Kk is an abbreviation that has two meanings, either “ok, ok” or “million”. Used as an abbreviation when there is no desire to write long phrases in a chat or on a forum. People in games use this term in different ways, so you need to look at the context in which the phrase is pronounced and what the person wants to say by it.


Kk in the game is used as an abbreviation for the English phrase “ok, ok” and is translated as “good, good.” This is what they say when communicating in an allied chat, when one of your teammates is annoying with advice or when you need to quickly write about taking note of some command, for example, to capture a point or regroup. This word, an Americanism, came from the “ok-ok” often used in ordinary communication and over time moved into online games.

Now they write this all the time, and a player from any country will understand it - Russia, Japan, the USA, Israel and other countries of the world.


The second value of kk is million. The first online games, released in the early 2000s, introduced gold and other currencies. To indicate quantity and not write numbers with zeros, people came up with the idea of ​​​​replacing the zeros with “k”, meaning one thousand. Although many Russian-speaking players perceive this as a “piece” or “mower,” translated from English it means “kilo.” In direct notation this is quite logical, “kilo” is a thousand. If you shorten the word, the letter k will remain.

What is kk? This is a thousand thousand, that is, a million. This is what they write in trade negotiations and chats when they indicate the price of a product, and in game shops and stores you can see the price in “kk”. Sometimes people voice their balance and brag in this way.