What kind of cars are issued to disabled people? Benefits for cars with the “Disabled” sign

Rule changes

On the roads you can often see cars with stickers on their windows. There are stickers that copy the Disabled road sign. Traffic regulations allowed drivers with a “Wheelchair Driver” sticker preferential conditions for parking and driving through areas marked with prohibited signs. Some drivers began to illegally use preferential rights granted only to disabled people. When checking such a “craftsman,” the police discovered that he was in good health and had driven under a prohibitory sign, hoping that the traffic rules were imperfect.

Until 2016, car owners did not have to present a medical certificate confirming their disability to the traffic police inspector.

Now, when an inspector stops a car that has “Disabled Driver” signs, he has the right and even the obligation to demand a certificate of disability. If the document is not presented, the degree of violation is determined and fines are imposed.

Sticker on the car

The mandatory installation of a “Disabled Person” sign on a vehicle in 2016 is regulated by Government Decree No. 1990 (Basic provisions for authorization for vehicle operation). The resolution determines the conditions for transporting disabled people of groups 1 and 2, adults and children in cars. The document also applies to disabled drivers who drive cars independently.

Traffic regulations provide for two types of yellow plates:

From April 4, 2017, a fine of 500 rubles will be imposed for the absence of a “Deaf Driver” identification sign.

There are no special signs for disabled children. If a disabled child is being transported, it is recommended to additionally install a “Child in the Car” sticker.

Identification marks are placed on the front and rear windows of the car. They are installed permanently while the disabled person is driving. Temporarily while a healthy driver is transporting a disabled person. In our country, the traffic police do not issue these signs. A sticker with the image of a “wheelchair user” can be bought in stores. It is not expensive at all, no more than 100 rubles. By purchasing such a sticker, you can make your own removable identification sign “wheelchair user”.

Evidence of disability

The traffic rules do not have an exact definition for the document that the driver must present to the traffic police inspector. There is an entry in paragraph 2.1.1 of the “General responsibilities of the driver” section:

  • the inspector has the right to demand medical confirmation of disability if the “Disabled” sticker is placed on the car;
  • The disabled driver must have a document confirming the presence of a disability;
  • A disabled passenger must have a document confirming the presence of a disability if he is being transported by a healthy driver.

If there are any doubts about the authenticity of the documents presented, then Article 13 of Federal Law No. 3 (police rights) comes into force:

  • paragraph 2 allows you to check submitted documents if there is evidence of a crime being committed (meaning their illegal use);
  • paragraph 4 gives the right to a police officer to request the necessary information from medical institutions.

Modern driver's licenses do not have a special mark indicating the disability group. In some regions, transport departments are allowed to issue a certificate on a special form; it allows you to park for free in paid parking lots. This is what they did in Moscow.

For now, the main confirmation of benefits is the pension certificate, which contains a mark identifying the disability group for which the pension is assigned. The inspector will also be satisfied with a certificate issued after a federal medical and social examination. The conditions and procedure for conducting a medical examination for the right to obtain disability in groups 1 and 2 are determined in the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 95 (2015 edition).

Effect of prohibition signs

There are signs on the car “Disabled driving”, then the traffic rules allow you not to comply with the requirements of some prohibitory signs. These include signs visible to people with disabilities installed on city highways:

  • 2 movement is prohibited;
  • 3 movement of mechanical vehicles is prohibited;
  • 28 parking is prohibited;
  • 29/3.30 Parking is prohibited on odd/even dates.

When driving on a road equipped with other road signs, their requirements must be strictly observed, otherwise a traffic violation will result, for which you can earn an administrative penalty and a fine.

It should also be borne in mind that information sign 6.4 (parking space) with an additional sign 8.17 allows parking only for disabled people.

Additional information

The traffic rules define two special signs that define preferential travel in the zone of those signs under which they are installed. They belong to the category of signs of additional information for the disabled themselves and for other road users.

Plate 8.17 “Disabled”, installed under sign 6.4 (parking permitted). Their combined use means: parking for disabled people only. Therefore, parking in this place is prohibited for any other vehicle.

Table 8.18 “Except for disabled people” allows changing the rules for the operation of 5 prohibitory signs 3.2, 3.3, 3.28, 3.29, 3.30. For example, road sign 3.3 prohibits the movement of motor vehicles. But if sign 8.18 is placed under it, then a disabled person can drive under the prohibiting sign and this will not be considered a violation. This rule also applies to parking conditions 3.28-3.29.


In almost all regions of the country, at least ten percent of the spaces in each parking lot must be reserved for people with disabilities. Preferential places must be marked with special signs or horizontal markings on the road in the form of the “Wheelchair” symbol. Around supermarkets, hospitals and other socially important institutions they are free.

If there is a sign on your car that says “Disabled Driver,” then you don’t have to pay for paid parking, but only when there are free spaces. All seats are occupied, then you have to pay or you have to wait until a preferential seat becomes available. But drivers should keep in mind that they may have to present documents confirming their disabled status.

Fraudulent tricks to park for free no longer work. At some parking lots, automatic devices are installed to monitor the correctness of payment. The parking attendant may ask for the number of the certificate allowing free parking. The request is not fulfilled - a police inspector may be called to check the documents.

Road video cameras

Traffic regulations allow preferential passage under a prohibiting road sign. But the video camera will not see stickers on the car. It will automatically record the violation, and then a receipt for payment will be sent.

The situation is unpleasant, but completely fixable. You must go to the address indicated on the receipt, present a medical certificate or certificate, then the fine will be canceled. All other traffic violations recorded by a video camera or a police officer must be paid, just like an ordinary driver who is not entitled to benefits.

They forgot to remove the sign

The driver was transporting a disabled person of group 1 or 2, and then forgot to remove the sign - the Code of Administrative Offenses will consider that the preferential sign was installed on the car illegally, a monetary penalty of 5 thousand rubles must be imposed under Article 12.5. If a car with the sign not removed is parked in a parking space under the sign 8.18, then the fine is also 5 thousand. Clause 4.1 of the same article 12.5 also provides for the possibility of confiscation of a car (this is the exact wording of the law). Most likely, this punishment means being sent to a parking lot.

Traffic regulations will be updated

The modern version of traffic rules does not suit not only disabled people, but also the police officers themselves. There are quite justified criticisms that will most likely be eliminated in the near future.

Drivers are not satisfied with the “Except for Disabled Persons” sign. The “Wheelchair” symbol crossed out with a red line allows passage, although a road sign with a red line means prohibiting action. Many police officers believe that for people with disabilities, signs with the image “Wheelchair Driver” should be issued by the traffic police, then there will be fewer violators. Law-abiding drivers completely agree with them. In some foreign countries, such identification marks are issued by the Ministry of Transport.

Is a disabled person entitled to a car with benefits? And what is the procedure for obtaining it?

In recent years, legislative measures for social support of disabled people, including disabled people of the Great Patriotic War, have undergone significant changes. As part of providing disabled people with preferential cars, the state adopted many decrees and laws, which were subsequently repealed by regulations.

Benefits in the field of transport for people with disabilities with appropriate medical indications (conclusion from the ITU Bureau), provided until 2005 in the form:

Providing them with special motor vehicles;
- reimbursement of expenses for major repairs of special vehicles (except cars);
- obtaining special wheelchairs;
- compensation for fuel;
- repair and maintenance of special vehicles.

These guarantees were enshrined in the following documents:
- Resolution of the Council of Ministers of the USSR of April 4, 1983 “On the provision of vehicles to disabled workers, employees and collective farmers, as well as disabled people from childhood”;
- Resolution of the Council of Ministers - Government of the Russian Federation of February 22, 1993 No. 156 “On amending and invalidating certain decisions of the Council of Ministers of the RSFSR on the provision of disabled people with special vehicles”;
- Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of May 28, 1992 No. 356 “On measures for social protection of disabled people who need special vehicles (as amended on June 26, 1995).

Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated March 14, 1995 No. 244 "On changing the brand of a car intended to be issued to disabled people free of charge" it was decided to provide disabled people who, in accordance with current legislation, have the right to receive a free car, instead of a Zaporozhets car(due to discontinuation of its release) cars of the Oka and Tavria brands, issued for a period of seven years. Regional executive authorities received the right to provide disabled people with cars of other brands based on their financial capabilities, the state of road transport communications, and the availability of a car maintenance network.

The Zaporozhets or Oka cars were issued for seven years without the right to major repairs. After this time the car had to be replaced. Major repairs of a motorized stroller were carried out once every five years at the actual cost, but not more than 50% of the cost of the motorized stroller at the time of repair, for disabled people of general illness and other reasons, as well as for disabled children from childhood, under the conditions determined by Government Decree of the Russian Federation No. 156 of February 22, 1993." On amendments and invalidation of certain decisions of the Council of Ministers of the RSFSR on the provision of disabled people with special vehicles."

Cars"Tavria" or "Oka" with manual control and strollers were provided free of charge only disabled people from the Second World War who need them, disabled people equivalent to them, as well as other disabled military personnel if there are medical indications.

Cars (motorized strollers) previously received by disabled people free of charge were subject to return to social security authorities, but those purchased for a fee (including at a discount to their cost) were not subject to return to social security authorities. After the death of a disabled person, the free car (motorized stroller) he received was returned to the social welfare authorities. A car (motorized stroller) purchased by a disabled person for a fee (including at a discount to its cost) was inherited in the manner prescribed by law.

The instructions on the procedure for issuing, replacing and selling cars with manual control (lost force only in 2008) determined that a disabled person is issued a car with manual control.

Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated May 28, 1992 No. 356 “On measures for the social protection of disabled people who need special vehicles,” which guaranteed the provision of all disabled people with special vehicles, provided that they have medical indications for the provision of special vehicles and do not have contraindications that could prevent access to their management, became invalid from 02/03/2008 on the basis of the Government of the Russian Federation Resolution No. 15 of 01/19/2008 “On the recognition as invalid of certain acts of the Council of Ministers of the RSFSR and the Government of the Russian Federation on issues related to ensuring disabled people with vehicles", as well as other fundamental regulations on the procedure for providing disabled people with vehicles.

Since January 1, 2005 in the Russian Federation a transition has been made to new legal regulation of providing social support to certain categories of the population, including the provision of vehicles. Federal Law No. 122-FZ of August 22, 2004, which came into force on January 1, 2005, canceled:
- Providing disabled people with free vehicles as a means of rehabilitation;
- Payment of monetary compensation instead of a car;
- Replacement of cars for those who received them earlier;
- Cash compensation for gasoline, spare parts, repairs, and maintenance of vehicles issued free of charge.
That is, all previously existing laws regarding the provision of disabled people with vehicles have lost force.

In order to implement the norms of Federal Law No. 122-FZ regarding the provision of certain categories of citizens with vehicles, the Government of the Russian Federation adopted Resolution No. 561 of September 6, 2007 “On the provision of vehicles at the expense of the federal budget to disabled people diagnosed before January 1, 2005 by social protection authorities.” population of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation to be registered for the provision of vehicles.”

On May 6, 2009, on the eve of the celebration of Victory Day, as well as in order to fulfill the ongoing obligations of the state to disabled people living on the territory of the Russian Federation, who on January 1, 2005 were registered (queued) with the social protection authorities of the population of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation to provide transport funds free of charge or on preferential terms in accordance with medical indications, Decree of the President of the Russian Federation N 685 “On some measures of social support for people with disabilities” was issued. In accordance with this Decree, the Government of the Russian Federation adopted Resolution No. 670 of September 12, 2008 “On the procedure for providing passenger cars and paying one-time monetary compensation from the federal budget to disabled people who, as of January 1, 2005, were registered with social protection authorities the population of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation to provide vehicles free of charge or on preferential terms in accordance with medical indications."
According to the Minister of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation, who at that time was Tatyana Golikova, it was planned to additionally allocate more than 4 billion rubles from the federal budget for these purposes.
According to the Russian Ministry of Health and Social Development, the majority of disabled people of the Great Patriotic War, who, by the way, were almost all over 80 years old at that time, preferred to receive monetary compensation instead of a car. This document provided for the following procedure for the provision of passenger cars and payment of compensation: Passenger cars were provided:
- in 2008 - disabled people of the Great Patriotic War, disabled combatants, participants of the Great Patriotic War from among persons who became disabled due to a general illness, work injury or other reasons, disabled people from among former minor prisoners of concentration camps, ghettos and other places of forced detention created the fascists and their allies during the Second World War;
- in 2009 - to citizens who became disabled due to exposure to radiation, as well as disabled people from among the rehabilitated persons. Compensation was paid:
- in 2008 - disabled people of the Great Patriotic War, disabled combatants, participants of the Great Patriotic War from among persons who became disabled due to a general illness, work injury or other reasons, disabled people from among former minor prisoners of concentration camps, ghettos and other places of forced detention created by the fascists and their allies during the Second World War, who expressed a desire to receive compensation in exchange for the provision of a passenger car;
- in 2009 - to citizens who became disabled due to exposure to radiation, and disabled people from among the rehabilitated persons who expressed a desire to receive compensation in exchange for the provision of a passenger car, as well as disabled people due to a general illness, work injury or other reasons, disabled people from childhood and disabled children. To receive a car, a disabled person (a person representing his interests) had to submit a corresponding application and an identity document to the social protection authority of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation at his place of residence; In order to receive compensation, a disabled person (a person representing his interests) had to submit to the social protection authority of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation at his place of residence a corresponding application (indicating the postal address of the disabled person or the details of the account opened by him in a credit organization) and an identification document. The decision to provide a car or to assign this compensation and its payment to disabled people was made by the social protection authorities of the population of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation. In their activities, social protection bodies are guided by the legislation of the Russian Federation, regulatory legal acts of the Government of the Russian Federation and federal executive authorities registered in the prescribed manner, as well as decisions of judicial authorities issued to them. Based on the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of July 12, 2010 N 508 “On the transfer of ownership of passenger cars to disabled people,” passenger cars are provided to disabled people as ownership. The previous law on replacing vehicles with a new one after 7 years of operation has been cancelled.
According to this resolution No. 508, the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation, together with the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation, by order dated December 13, 2010 No.
1101n/849 approved the procedure for registering ownership of cars previously issued to disabled people at the expense of the federal budget. The amount of compensation was 100 thousand rubles.
Disabled people who have received compensation are removed from the register by the social protection authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation in order to be provided with vehicles. Government Decree No. 670 of September 12, 2008 contains a provision on the invalidation of the previously in force Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of September 6, 2007 N 561 “On the provision of vehicles at the expense of the federal budget for disabled people who were provided with services before January 1, 2005.” social protection of the population of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation for registration for the provision of vehicles." The legal norms that provided for the provision of disabled people with vehicles if they had appropriate medical indications, as well as free replacement of the vehicle, also became invalid, in
Therefore, unfortunately, there are no legal grounds for free replacement of a vehicle at the end of its service life. This law applies to disabled people of all groups and categories. Those who were not in line to receive a car before January 1, 2005 will not be able to receive one. Disabled persons due to general illness, work injury, disabled persons since childhood and disabled children are entitled to only monetary compensation - 100 thousand rubles. Today it is believed that the queue of disabled people to receive free motor transport that existed on January 1, 2005 has been exhausted. From the report of the Accounts Chamber of the Russian Federation No. 11 (155) of 2010 “On the results of the control measure “Checking the use of federal budget funds allocated for the provision of passenger cars to disabled people and for the payment of the corresponding one-time monetary compensation in 2008-2009”:
The total number of certain categories of citizens (taking into account court decisions) who were to be provided with vehicles or paid a one-time monetary compensation in the period under review amounted to 91,491 people, of which 62,215 people (68.0%) were recipients of a one-time monetary compensation.
The total amount of funds allocated from the federal budget to fulfill the state's expenditure obligations to preferential categories of citizens to provide them with vehicles and pay one-time monetary compensation in 2008-2009 amounted to 11,149,993.4 thousand rubles:
- for the purchase of vehicles - 4,834,326.7 thousand rubles;
- for payment of one-time compensation - 6,315,666.7 thousand rubles, including:
- in 2008 - 6,302,393.4 thousand rubles (for the purchase of vehicles - 4,734,850.0 thousand rubles, for the payment of one-time compensation - 1,567,543.4 thousand rubles);
- in 2009 - 4,847,600.0 thousand rubles (for the purchase of vehicles - 99,476.7 thousand rubles, for the payment of one-time compensation - 4,748,123.3 thousand rubles). In the period under review, federal budget expenses for providing disabled people with cars and for paying the corresponding one-time monetary compensation amounted to 11,046,659.2 thousand rubles, or 99.1% of approved budget allocations, including: for the purchase of vehicles - 4,825,751 .7 thousand rubles, or 99.8% of approved budget assignments; for the payment of one-time monetary compensation - 6,220,907.5 thousand rubles, or 98.5% of the approved budget assignments. The same report contains the following conclusion:
Providing motor transport for disabled people of the Great Patriotic War, disabled combatants, participants of the Great Patriotic War from among those who became disabled due to a general illness, work injury or other reasons, disabled people from among former minor prisoners of concentration camps, ghettos and other places of forced detention created by the Nazis and their allies during World War II, completed in 2008. The provision of motor transport to other categories of disabled people was carried out in 2009. In 2008-2009, the Ministry of Health and Social Development of Russia transferred 6,220,907.5 thousand rubles to the social protection authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation (including payment for banking services and postal services, as well as returns of unused balances of federal budget funds by the constituent entities of the Russian Federation for 923 compensation recipients) to pay one-time monetary compensation to 61,292 disabled people, including: in 2008 - 15,443 citizens for 1,567,464.5 thousand rubles; in 2009 - 45,849 citizens for 4,653,443.0 thousand rubles. In 2008-2009, 29,276 cars were provided to disabled people for a total amount of 4,825,751.7 thousand rubles. In 2008, federal budget expenditures on providing disabled people with cars and on payment of the corresponding one-time monetary compensation amounted to 6,297,101.4 thousand rubles, or 99.9% of approved budget allocations, including: for the purchase of vehicles - 4,729,636 .9 thousand rubles, or 99.9% of approved budget assignments; for the payment of one-time monetary compensation - 1,567,464.5 thousand rubles, or 99.9% of the approved budget assignments.
In 2009, these expenses amounted to 4,749,557.8 thousand rubles, or 97.9% of approved budget assignments, including: for the purchase of vehicles - 96,114.8 thousand rubles, or 96.6% of approved
budget assignments; for the payment of one-time monetary compensation - 4,653,443.0 thousand rubles, or 98.0% of the approved budget assignments. It follows from the report that the obligations to issue a passenger car or a one-time monetary compensation in the amount of 100 thousand rubles in replacement of the car in accordance with the Decree by the state in 2008-2009 were fulfilled. Currently, the provision of disabled people with technical means of rehabilitation is carried out in accordance with the Federal Law of November 24, 1995 No. 181-FZ “On the social protection of disabled people in the Russian Federation”. Article 11.1. Chapter 3 of this law determines the list of technical means of rehabilitation of disabled people. Special vehicles are not included in this list. Conclusion: to date, provision of disabled people with vehicles is not provided for by law.

According to the traffic rules (Appendix 1, section 3), some prohibitory signs do not apply to a car if it is driven by a disabled person of group I or II, or if it transports such a disabled person or disabled children.

We are talking about signs “No driving”, “No motor vehicles”, “No parking”, “No parking on odd days of the month” and “No parking on even days of the month”.

Since February 6, 2016, the validity of these signs has no relation only to those vehicles on which the “Disabled” identification sign is installed. A corresponding addition has been made to the traffic rules (Appendix 1, section 3). In addition, the documents that the driver is required to present at the request of a traffic police officer now include a disability certificate (clause 2.1.1. Traffic regulations).

Previously (until February 6, 2016), the need to use the “Disabled” sign was not mentioned in the section on prohibition signs. It was only required when parking in a disabled parking lot. At the same time, the driver was not required to carry a document confirming his disability or the disability of the passenger.

For the illegal use of the “Disabled” identification badge, from June 19, 2015, a fine of 5,000 rubles is provided. An illegally installed sign is subject to confiscation.

“The decisions taken will improve the social protection of persons with disabilities and eliminate cases of unlawful use of “Disabled” identification marks, as well as eliminate the possibility of violating relevant prohibiting road signs by persons who do not have the right to do so,” says the Ministry of Internal Affairs website.


Despite the fact that changes to traffic rules should protect the rights of people with disabilities, some motorists fear difficulties in applying them in practice. For example, drivers who often have to transport relatives with disabilities have a “Disabled Person” identification mark on their car. Wouldn't it be a violation to use this sign if there is no disabled person in the car at the moment?

As Rossiyskaya Gazeta explains, the “Disabled” sign does not provide any advantages on an ordinary road. Therefore, if the driver does not use benefits intended only for disabled people, then he does not commit any violation.

But doubts still remain. After all, the traffic police say that the fine is 5,000 rubles. provided for “driving a vehicle on which this identification mark is illegally installed.”

The following situation is quite possible: you took a disabled person, say, to a train station or a clinic, left the car under a prohibitory sign and went out to see him off. You return without a disabled person, and a traffic police inspector is waiting for you at the car. If the “Disabled Person” sign is installed on a car, then you can no longer prove that a disabled person was previously in it. If the sign is removed after the trip, then the car is parked in the wrong place. It seems that there are no simple recipes for this situation yet.

“The presence of an active discussion suggests that the law left many questions,” a lawyer from the Legal Defense College commented on the situation for Miloserdiya.ru Ravil Akhmetzhanov.

In Moscow, unlike other regions, there are special parking rules for disabled people. Car owners with disabilities and legal representatives of a disabled child can obtain special permits that give the right to free parking around the clock in places designated for the disabled. The permit is issued at the MFC.

The convenience of this benefit lies in the fact that the document is issued for the car. That is, if at the moment there is no disabled person in the car (let’s say he is being examined at a medical institution, and the driver is waiting for him), it can still be parked for disabled people, since the car number is entered in a special register.

However, differences between regional legislation and traffic rules can cause unexpected conflicts. According to Ravil Akhmetzhanov, a disabled driver from another region of Russia, having arrived in the capital, can easily receive a fine or not find the car left there in the parking lot - it will be taken to a special parking lot.

After all, his vehicle is not included in the Moscow register of cars owned by disabled people. By accurately following traffic rules, he may be guilty of three administrative offenses at once - two under federal law (parking in the wrong place and illegal use of the “Disabled Person” identification sign) and one under regional law (unpaid parking), the expert emphasized.

1. On December 21, the keys to new cars were handed over to Saratov residents who were injured at work. The practice of supporting fellow countrymen who find themselves in difficult life situations continues, despite any economic difficulties. The ceremony for handing over the keys took place at the Saratov regional branch of the Social Insurance Fund of the Russian Federation. The cars were received by 8 residents of the region from Balakovo, Engels, Ershov, Saratov, Novouzensky, Lysogorsky, and Marksovsky districts. Each of those present at the ceremony received a car again - a more convenient, comfortable and technically improved model.

Cars have been issued to citizens injured at work since 2000. Over 15 years, 346 cars were issued. Until 2008, such categories of citizens received Oka cars. Then this brand was replaced by the fifth and seventh models of Lada. Since 2013, a more convenient and comfortable brand of cars “LADA GRANTA” has been issued.

In total, at the end of 2016, 22 cars were awarded to citizens who suffered health damage as a result of an industrial accident or occupational disease.

2. 20 residents of the Volgograd region who were injured at work received the keys to new cars. For the first time, people with disabilities are provided with manual cars with automatic transmission, air conditioning and electric windows. In total, since the beginning of the Social Insurance Fund (SIF) program, about 450 residents of the region have received special vehicles.

Providing adapted cars to citizens who have become disabled at work allows them to maintain an active lifestyle. The victim’s need for special equipment is determined by medical and social examination bodies: if he is found fit to drive a vehicle, he can count on receiving a car. Today, at the regional branch of the FSS there is no queue for receiving special vehicles - only a few months pass from the moment of collecting and submitting documents to receiving the car.

Along with the provision of vehicles, the responsibilities of the fund include providing victims at work with technical means of rehabilitation and sanatorium-resort treatment.

According to the Labor and Employment Committee of the Volgograd Region, a positive trend has emerged in the region to reduce the number of accidents at work. Since the beginning of 2016, their number has decreased by more than 50% compared to the same period last year.

3. Residents of the Oryol region who were injured at work received the keys to new Lada Granta cars. The event took place on December 7.

Let us note that the need for a special car is determined by a medical and social examination institution, which examines victims at work, establishes the degree of loss of professional ability and develops a rehabilitation program for the victim.

This time, 7 people became the owners of the new Lada Granta, equipped with an automatic transmission. These are residents of the Oryol, Mtsensky, Novosilsky, Zalegoshchensky districts of the Oryol region.

The cars were purchased using funds from the Social Insurance Fund. The total amount was about 3.5 million rubles.

In total, since 2001, as part of the social and professional rehabilitation of citizens injured at work, the Oryol regional branch of the Social Insurance Fund has issued 177 cars.

4. Disabled people in the Omsk region were given the keys to 35 new cars. 17 million rubles were allocated from the Social Insurance Fund for the purchase of vehicles. Personal vehicles specially equipped for physiological needs are provided to disabled people annually.

The state program for providing support for victims at work and those with disabilities has been operating in the Omsk region since 2001. By law, such vehicles are issued every 7 years, while the previous car also remains in personal use, and the owner has the right to sell or donate it. In addition, the state allocates a fixed amount for gasoline and pays for major car repairs.

Today in the Omsk region, 40 percent of people with disabilities are guaranteed employment. Next year this figure will be increased to 50 percent, and this does not include those injured at work.

Now the Ministry of Labor and Social Development of the region, together with the Social Insurance Fund and the Employment Service, is preparing a program for retraining, advanced training and employment of Omsk residents who have become disabled at work. The Omsk region will begin implementing this pilot project in 2017.

5. On December 29, keys to special vehicles were given to 29 residents of the Novosibirsk region who were injured at work. Funds for the purchase of 29 Lada Granta cars were allocated from the budget of the Social Insurance Fund of the Russian Federation to Novosibirsk residents who suffered as a result of industrial accidents and have limited physical capabilities.

For reference:

The cars were purchased in accordance with the Federal Law of July 24, 1998 N 125-FZ “On compulsory social insurance against accidents at work and occupational diseases”, “Regulations on the payment of additional expenses for medical, social and professional rehabilitation of insured persons who have suffered health damage due to industrial accidents and occupational diseases”, approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of May 15, 2006 No. 286. Providing victims with cars at the expense of the Social Insurance Fund of the Russian Federation has been carried out since 2000.

Besides this:

1. The best farmers of the Orenburg region received the keys to their cars. On November 21, leaders in agricultural production were honored in the regional center. Agricultural producers from all over the region came to the holiday dedicated to the Day of Agricultural Workers in the food and processing industry of the Orenburg region.

At the festival, leaders of the Orenburg agro-industrial complex were awarded - 38 farmers received keys to cars. Regions, organizations and farms that have achieved the best production and economic indicators in industry areas have been identified.

2. On Tuesday, December 20, specialized minibuses were presented to municipalities in the region.

Vehicles are fully adapted to transport passengers with disabilities.

This year, three minibuses were received by comprehensive social service centers in the Svetlovsky urban district, Baltic and Svetlogorsk districts. 7.3 million rubles were allocated from the regional budget for these purposes.

New vehicles have joined the fleet of the social transportation service, which has been created and operates in every district of the region. More than five thousand people with musculoskeletal disorders use these transport services in the region every year. Currently, 38 specialized vehicles travel throughout the Kaliningrad region to ensure the delivery of citizens to socially significant institutions.

Information about the work of the social transportation service:

In 2001, the pilot project “Social Taxi” began to be implemented in the Kaliningrad region, aimed at providing services to citizens with musculoskeletal disorders.

The activities of the social transportation service are financed from the regional budget, allocated in the form of subventions to local budgets.

In general, over the past three years, more than 33 million rubles have been allocated for the purchase of specialized vehicles.

Travel is carried out on the basis of coupons issued by comprehensive social service centers at the place of residence of the disabled person.

In 2014, using funds from the regional budget (11.9 million rubles), 6 minibuses were purchased, equipped with a mechanism for lifting the passenger and his seat into the cabin. Inside the cabin there are fastenings for fixing two wheelchairs. The design is designed taking into account all safety rules. These vehicles are distributed to the following municipalities: Kaliningrad, Guryevsky, Gusevsky and Chernyakhovsky urban districts, as well as Polessky municipal district.

In 2015, eight more specialized minibuses were purchased for Bagrationovsky, Nemansky districts, Gvardeysky, Slavsky, Guryevsky, Ozersky, Zelenogradsky and Sovetsky urban districts. 14.5 million rubles were allocated from the regional budget for these purposes.

Changes are being made to oblige disabled drivers to carry a document confirming the fact of their disability. A new paragraph has been added to clause 2.1.1 of the Rules.

2.1. The driver of a motor vehicle is obliged to:

2.1.1. Carry with you and, upon request, hand over to police officers for inspection:

  • a driver’s license for the right to drive a vehicle of the appropriate category, and in case of withdrawal of a driver’s license in accordance with the established procedure - a temporary permit;
  • a driver's license or temporary permit to drive a vehicle of the appropriate category;
  • registration documents for this vehicle (except for mopeds), and if there is a trailer, also for the trailer (except for trailers for mopeds);
  • a document confirming the right to own, or use, or dispose of this vehicle, and if there is a trailer - also for the trailer - in the case of driving the vehicle in the absence of its owner;
  • in established cases, permission to carry out activities for the transportation of passengers and luggage by passenger taxi, waybill, license card and documents for the transported cargo, and when transporting large, heavy and dangerous goods - documents provided for by the rules for the transportation of these goods;
  • insurance policy of compulsory civil liability insurance of the vehicle owner in cases where the obligation to insure one’s civil liability is established by federal law.
  • In cases expressly provided for by current legislation, have and submit for inspection to employees of the Federal Service for Supervision of Transport a license card, waybill and shipping documents;
  • a document confirming the fact of disability, in the case of driving a vehicle on which the identification sign “Disabled” is installed;

Thus, the list of documents that the driver must have with him has been expanded.

In order for disabled people to take advantage of additional “benefits” when parking a car and driving under signs 3.2 “Movement is prohibited” and 3.3 “Movement of motor vehicles is prohibited,” an identification sign “Disabled” must be installed on the car from January 29, 2016.

The signs do not apply to:

  • 3.2, 3.3, 3.28 - 3.30 - for vehicles driven by disabled people of groups I and II, transporting such disabled people or disabled children, if the identification sign “Disabled” is installed on the specified vehicles.

What is the penalty for not having a document confirming disability?

The fine was introduced on June 19, 2015, but not for lack of documents, but for the illegal installation of a “Disabled” sign and for driving a vehicle with such a sign and is for citizens 5000 rubles. However, without these changes to the traffic rules, traffic police inspectors had no legal grounds to demand documents to confirm disability, and unscrupulous drivers could take advantage of this.

How to take advantage of “traffic rules benefits” when transporting disabled people?

Nevertheless, some questions remain. A simple situation: the driver brought a disabled person to the station, stood in the parking lot for the disabled and went to see him off to the train, and upon his return he was met by an inspector, but the disabled person had already left on the train. If the “Disabled” sign is installed, then the driver does not have documents confirming his disability; if after the trip the sign is removed, then the car is towed. Or a disabled person was brought to the hospital and the driver is waiting in the car for the disabled person to arrive after the procedures. Should I leave the sign while I wait or take it down?

In fact, with a disabled passenger, everything is simple. The driver hangs “disabled person” signs and uses “traffic rules benefits” only if the disabled person is nearby and agrees to give the driver a document confirming the disability.

In the case of a station, you must either take care of a second accompanying person, or after disembarking the disabled person, immediately remove the identification marks and move the car to a general parking lot. In the case of a clinic, you can leave the sign and car in the disabled parking lot, but at the same time leave the parking lot together and return to it together. Similarly, there will be no complaints against the driver if he and a disabled person come to the store for shopping.

Of course, if the car will be used not only by disabled people, you need to purchase a quick-removable identification sign, for example on suction cups. Also, do not forget that “traffic rules benefits” apply only to disabled people of groups I and II, and for any group when transporting disabled children.”