The image of a psychologist in education. Psychological aspects of forming the image of a practical psychologist Image of a psychologist in education

abstract on imageology on the topic: Image of the profession of psychologist. Volume - 20-30 pages. Theory.

End of the 20th century brought into our lives a phenomenon that had not existed legally since 1936. So-called practical psychologists began to appear who offer society very specific types of services: determining a child’s readiness for school, psychological support for business plans, psychological characteristics of members of work teams and prognosis their compatibility, etc. The image of a practical psychologist has a powerful psychological impact on his target audience and on himself.
Many reference books reveal the content of the concept of image, treating it as a purposefully formed image; as an emotionally charged image that has developed in the mass consciousness and has the character of a stereotype; as a set of certain qualities that people associate with a certain personality; or as a mental representation of something previously seen in the idea of ​​another. Thus, most often the concept of image is deciphered as an emotionally charged image of someone or something that has developed in the mass consciousness and has the character of a stereotype. The image of a profession is the overall public perception of a given profession by many people. The impression of a profession is formed through one’s own experience, based on opinions and rumors circulating in society, and media reports.
Various aspects of the image of the “psychologist” profession were touched upon in the works of V.L. Bozadzhiev, T.G. Dovzhenok, O.V. Martynenko, V.P. Ososkov, E.B. Perelygina, V.V. Fadeev, E.F. Platash and other authors.
The purpose of this work is to consider the problem of the image of the profession of “psychologist”.

1.Image as a scientific concept
The term “image” has been very widely used in recent years, but it should be noted that even today there is no unambiguous interpretation of image. Sometimes extreme points of view are expressed - from the recognition that the image can and should be formed, taking into account the specifics of the perceiving subject, to statements about the unethicalness of purposeful image formation as a means of manipulating the consciousness and behavior of people. More cautious scientists believe that the image is not adaptable to any situation; it is static, as it is determined by genesis and society.
The sociological dictionary gives two interpretations of the term “image” (from the English image - image, representation):
An external image created by a subject in order to evoke a certain impression, opinion, or attitude in others.
A set of properties attributed by advertising, propaganda, fashion, prejudice, tradition, etc. to an object in order to evoke certain reactions towards it.
In Russia in the seventies of the twentieth century, image was considered only as a means of manipulating mass consciousness. In the nineties, V.M. Shepel formed a new branch - imageology, as the science of the technology of personal charm, thanks to which the stereotypical idea of ​​image was overcome. At the same time, theoretical and practical works devoted to this problem appeared by such authors as P.S. Gurevich, A.N. Zhmyrikov, E.V. Egorova - Gantman............ ...............

The professional image of a psychologist is an emotionally charged image of a psychologist that has developed in the mass consciousness, which includes the characteristics and personality qualities necessary for a psychologist as a professional.
As practice shows, in the public consciousness, professional psychology is presented very roughly, based on a kind of myths generated by everyday opinions, rumors, popular TV shows, image and statements of familiar psychologists. I.V. Vachkov and his co-authors in the book “Introduction to the profession of “psychologist”” systematized myths about psychology and psychologists, identifying 5 main ones. The second paragraph of the work presents their content and commentary on them. They relate to the idea that the psychologist “sees through people”; by nature endowed with special abilities to communicate and understand others; psychologist - a person who knows how to control the behavior, feelings, thoughts of others; knows himself thoroughly and controls himself in any circumstances; a psychologist is a sage who knows more about life than others, and his mission is to show the true path to suffering, confused people with advice and guidance.
V.L. Bozadzhiev, after analyzing the literature, came to the conclusion that modern Russian society has not yet developed an adequate understanding of the profession of a psychologist, the goals, objectives and means of his work. Conducted by V.L. Bozadzhiev together with S.Yu. Ryzhkova’s research showed that what matters to people is the experience of a psychologist, his level of professionalism, his appearance, and the ability to speak competently and conduct a dialogue. For them, the age of the psychologist, his gender, clothing style and other characteristics that are considered image-forming are important.
The work touched upon the results of a study of the image of the psychologist profession, conducted on the “Virtual Research Server” on the principle of an open survey. The following questions were considered: with whom the specialist psychologist is associated; the question “psychologists are needed for...”; the question of the meaning of the profession of psychologist; about the characteristic qualities of a specialist; about who seeks advice from a psychologist, and about what people get as a result of working with a psychologist. It was found that the image of the psychologist profession in the public consciousness is contradictory (respondents during the survey gave mutually exclusive answers about the personal qualities of a professional psychologist) and bipolar (from recognizing the value of a psychologist as a specialist to denying the need for this profession in society), causing opposite feelings.
What can psychologists themselves do to raise the prestige of the profession? The answer to this question is largely related to the individual images of each psychologist, because the general idea of ​​any profession is formed as a result of identifying the typical characteristics of its representatives in the public consciousness.

1. Abramova G.S. Practical psychology - M.: Business book, 1997. – 368 p.
2. Bozadzhiev V.L. Image of a psychologist - M.: Academy of Natural Sciences, 2009. - 219 p.
3. Vachkov I.V. Introduction to the profession of “psychologist”: Textbook. allowance. – M.: Publishing house of the Moscow Psychological and Social Institute; Voronezh: Publishing house NPO "MODEK", 2004. - 464 p.
4. Dovzhenok T.G. Gestures in the formation of a professional image of a psychologist as a means of effective communication // Theory and practice of modern psychology: International scientific and practical conference. – 2002. - No. 2.
5. Image of the psychologist profession // Virtual research server [Electronic resource]
6. Kondratyev M. Yu., Ilyin V. A. ABC of social psychologist-practitioner: Reference and encyclopedic publication. - M.: PER SE, 2007. - 464 p.
7. Martynenko O. V. Psychological aspects of the formation of the image of a practical psychologist // Formation of psychological culture of the individual in the system of additional education for children / Ed. A.V. Egorova. – M.: Education, 2009. – 95 p.
8. Ososkov, V.P. The image of the psychologist profession as a motive for professional choice / V.P. Ososkov, E.B. Perelygina, V.V. Fadeev // World of Psychology. - 2003. - N 4. - P. 151-159.
9. Platash E.F. On the relationship between the concepts of “image” and “image” of the profession // Collection of scientific works of North Caucasus State Technical University. Series "Humanities". – 2010. – No. 8
10. Pocheptsov G.G. Imageology. 2nd ed. / Pocheptsov G.G. - M.: “Refl-book”; Kyiv: “Vakler”, 2004. - 576 p.
11. Sapogova E.E. Psychology of human development. - M.: Aspect Press, 2001 - 460 p.
12. Cherepanova V.N. Course of lectures on imageology: Textbook. - Tyumen: Tyumen State Oil and Gas University, 2002. - 61 p.

Irina Vyacheslavovna Shekhtman,

educational psychologist


"Study yourself and - most importantly - take good note of

in which nature intended you to excel." G. W. Longfellow

Is there an image of an educational psychologist? Few psychologists ask this question. Firstly, because not everyone considers it important for their professional activities, and secondly, because they are not trained in this. Meanwhile, the concept of image has firmly entered the vocabulary of a modern business person and has become a determining factor in his professional success.

Despite the fact that practical educational psychology has existed in our country since 1988, in people’s minds the image of an educational psychologist is not clearly represented, which does not contribute to the formation of his image in the minds of consumers of his services. However, the need to form such an image is beyond doubt, and this image must be adequate taking into account the desires and ideas about the image of the educational psychologist of his audience, on the one hand, and the requirements placed on him by the profession, on the other. Image competence refers to the professionally significant personality traits of a teacher-psychologist and an important component of his psychological culture, which allows him to build a dignified attitude towards himself and his professional activities.

There are many different definitions of psychological service and psychological work, but there is no single, generally accepted one. This indicates the complexity of the very phenomenon of psychological educational service, which, despite its history, is still a young and intensively developing practical branch of psychological science.

Like every science, practical educational psychology creates its practice based on the integration of knowledge from many sciences and is responsible for the results of its practice, providing the content of professional training for specialists working in this practice.

It became obvious that one of the miscalculations in creating the foundations of practical psychology is the lack of context of general and psychological culture in the development of all its components. Psychologists to a greater extent introduce techniques, techniques, and methods of working with people into social practice and, to a lesser extent, realize the cultural and moral potential of their science. Perhaps this is precisely what explains the fact that, unfortunately, now in our society psychological knowledge is in greater demand than psychological culture, which is a component of the even broader concept of “personal image.”

The key figure in psychological work in an educational institution is an appropriately trained specialist – a psychologist. A value-based attitude towards one’s profession, the desire to develop one’s own image competence, that is, the ability and readiness to independently and successfully solve assigned tasks, are the most important factors in increasing the professional competence of a teacher-psychologist. Only the presence of professional knowledge and skills does not ensure achievement of a high level of success in the chosen field of activity. You need the ability to win people over, and, therefore, take care of your image. Unfortunately, not all psychologists take this fact into account, while the image is directly related to the professional competence of the individual, professional skill.

Image is a socially desirable image, i.e. a person must have high professional qualities and accepted personal characteristics. The modern concept of image includes, among other things, the most effective presentation of a message about oneself, which allows one to hide some of a person’s characteristics. Sometimes a public presentation is different from the inner self of a professional.

Let us dwell in more detail on the importance of image in the work of a professional psychologist. Firstly, the image of a professional carries a certain message about the individual to others. Secondly, it also affects the subject himself, participating in the formation of a strong idea of ​​the uniqueness of his own personality.

Research results show that information about a professional image is formed by the target audience by synthesizing information received from the senses in approximately the following proportion:

Vision - 75%;

Hearing - 13%;

Touch - 6%;

Smell - 6%.

Subliminal messages pass primarily through the visual channel, but other channels of perception are no less important. Let's consider the structure of the image.

1. Mirror image of a person - people’s ideas regarding the personal characteristics of a given person, which, in their opinion, he possesses.

2. Image of the target audience - ideas about a person’s lifestyle, social status and some personal (psychological) characteristics of his environment. (The king is played by his retinue).

3. Internal image of a person - a person’s idea of ​​himself. Self-image stems from past experiences and reflects the current state of self-perception. The main determinants of the internal image are psychological culture, attitudes, value orientations, and psychological characteristics of the individual.

4. Visual image - ideas about a person, the basis of which are visual sensations that record information received through the visual channel:

Nonverbal manifestations (postures, facial expressions, pantomimes);

Grooming (hair, skin, hands, etc.);

Physical data;

Individual style in clothing;

Manners (good manners);

Knowledge of etiquette;


The art of eye contact.

5. Auditory image - ideas about a person, the basis of which are auditory sensations that record information received through the auditory channel:

6. Kinesthetic image - ideas about personality, the basis of which are tactile sensations that record information received through the kinesthetic channel:

Psychological space;
- physical contact (handshake).

7. Olfactory image - ideas about a person, the basis of which are olfactory sensations that record information received through the olfactory channel, i.e. smells (use of perfumes, deodorants, natural smells).

The professional image of a practical psychologist is a collective, generalized image that reveals the most characteristic features of an educational psychologist. Its components are:

Professional competence;

Psychological culture (communication skills, goodwill, development of the verbal sphere, unobtrusive energy, the ability to influence various psychotypes of people, keep a distance, normative speech, the ability to arouse interest, to be liked, socio-psychological characteristics of a professional);

Socio-demographic and physical data (age, gender, level of education);

Visual image (style of clothing, accessories, hairstyle, jewelry, may – cap).

When forming his image, it is not enough for a professional psychologist working in the education system to know what he should change in his appearance, when and what to wear. Important points in self-imaging technology, in our opinion, are:

Integrity of perception of one’s own image;

Adequate self-esteem;

Knowing your character traits.

It is believed that in order to be successful in fulfilling one’s professional role, one must necessarily correspond to this role in appearance, have a convincing image (“yes, she is a real accountant”, “she is a really excellent secretary-assistant”, “she is a born service worker” and etc.). And many people think that image is necessary only for politicians and businessmen, managers, and public figures. This is not true. For many years, psychologists ignored the issue of maintaining a professional image. As you know: “A holy place is never empty.” If psychologists themselves do not deal with issues of image creation, others have done so.

Perhaps you have come across Irina Romanenko’s article “Tyzhpsychologist?” on the Internet. This is exactly the magic word where all the letters are written together.

This is the phrase that confuses many of my colleagues and leaves them speechless. Some people, myself included, sometimes hide their education and training so as not to hear her. This post received a lot of responses. Continuing the theme, a whole series of drawings appeared in which the image of a psychologist is played out. The slides show only a small part of what a psychologist can learn about his own perception of other people’s self-image. This once again confirms the law of emptiness: “The emptiness must always be filled.” Albeit with irony, I agree with the proposal of the author of the article that at each faculty of psychology it is necessary to organize a department that will train special specialists - “tyzhpsychologists” so that they would gradually push out all sorts of dropouts and lazy people from the field of psychology, and finally reconcile it with ordinary people. A novice psychologist should know that potential consumers of his services are convinced that:

1. Tyzhpsychologist is an expert on human nature. He is so insightful that he can read minds. Including those people whom I have never seen at all. I am stupefied by the phrase of people whom I see for the first time in my life: “Well, tell me about me.” PS. I am a psychologist.

2) A psychologist knows the best way to solve any problem related to any person. And most importantly, you will definitely like this method.

3) A psychologist can convince anyone of anything.

4) And it’s not surprising that you should be afraid of a thousand psychologists. In general, we need to be tougher with them. It is necessary to put him down, catch him in incompetence, show that he, a person without a diploma, has a better understanding of human psychology. Sound familiar..?

5) All psychologists are happy, adored and successful by everyone. Especially in my personal life. They don’t need anything for themselves at all; all they have to do is benefit all of humanity. This is their purpose. And you need to use this: take time, drink energy...

I will not touch on all the “sore topics” of a psychologist related to professional activities. It is important to realize that the problem of image is of particular importance, since the image “programs” a certain attitude towards its bearer on the part of others and creates the client’s attitude in the process of psychological counseling. In order to determine the structural and content content of the image of a psychologist in the perception of clients, it is necessary to take into account their sex, age, gender, social status, personal, professional, regional and ethnic characteristics of the recipients. Thus, the technology of forming the image of a psychologist is based, first of all, on understanding the essence of the image phenomenon, taking into account the characteristics of external appearance, individual psychological characteristics, characteristics of professional communication and activity, the subject environment, the target audience, and the formation of trust.

My goal is not to convince you that without a carefully created image, a psychologist will not be successful in fulfilling his professional duties. Image is only a symbol that informs others about the social status of an individual, his professional affiliation, character, temperament, financial capabilities, taste and even marital status. These are a person’s values, his attitudes, knowledge, and skills. However, the more accurately he creates his image, the less time and effort he needs to find a common language with other people. The image “programs” a certain attitude towards its bearer on the part of others, which will subsequently be quite difficult to change.

Used Books:

1. Bozadzhiev V.L. - “Image of a psychologist” (2009).

2. Bozadzhiev V. L. “Psychologist: profession and personality” (2011).

3. Bozadzhiev V.L. “Image of a teacher” (2004).

4. Perelygina E.B. Psychology of image: Proc. allowance / E.B. Perelygina. - M.: Aspect Press, 2002. - 223 p.

5. Ushakov B.G. Image as a socio-psychological problem. - Ekaterinburg, 1995.

Internet sources: . [email protected]

The image of a psychologist as a component of his professional competence. O.O. Eliseeva. (Moscow).

Government of the Russian Federation

National Research University

High School of Economics

Psychology faculty

Department of General and Experimental Psychology


in the discipline "General Psychology"

The image of a psychologist in the mass consciousness

Student of group No. 181

Latypova Alina Damirovna

I checked

Kuznetsova Maria Dmitrievna

Moscow 2012


“A psychologist introduced at a party immediately turns out to be the subject of increased attention and fun, which can even cause some awkwardness.”

At Freshman Day in Gorky Park, the presenter on stage listed the faculties of the National Research University Higher School of Economics, and students had to respond when the name of their faculties was called. When it was the turn of the psychology department, the presenter spoke in a mysterious voice and made a strange hand gesture, which, it seemed to me, symbolized uncertainty and incomprehensibility.

Why did he do this? Who does he think psychologists are?

I have repeatedly witnessed situations in which, when talking about psychologists, people took on a completely comical, mysterious look, rolled their eyes, looked at each other, choked with grins and uttered the word “crazy.” What does this all mean? How do people imagine psychologists?

There are also many events in films, television series, and popular literature in which, with the advent of a psychologist, people begin to behave unnaturally. What is this connected with?

It is these questions that I will try to find an answer to, because at the moment they are somewhat pressing, since I, as a first-year student at the Faculty of Psychology, am extremely interested in the reasons for such behavior and attitudes.

Often, when I voiced my chosen specialty, I observed many different reactions: my interlocutors widened their eyes in surprise and then behaved with restraint, while others said: “Oh, say something about me, you’re a psychologist!” Hearing such an exclamation, I usually remain silent in confusion, because I have absolutely no idea how to respond to this.

It seems to me that the restraint of some is caused precisely by the thought that the psychologist is none other than a hidden, mysterious manipulator who knows how to pull people by the strings of their souls, like puppets. The latter, most likely, are convinced that the psychologist has a very good understanding of people and, based on some external signs, can determine personality traits, unravel the “secret of the soul,” and understand who a person really is. In addition, a huge number of films and TV series about psychologists influence the opinion of the masses, such as the series “The Theory of Lies”, the main character of which is based on Paul Ekman - famous for studying how lies affect human behavior. As far as I know, Paul Ekman’s teachings are not entirely scientific, and, moreover, they don’t teach how to identify liars by facial expressions at the psychology department. However, they don’t teach any incredible manipulation techniques either.

I asked my friends about what they consider psychologists to be, read the opinions of people on forums on the Internet, on the Answers project ( and determined that people’s opinions diverge into several main directions.

A psychologist is a cynical manipulator who sees right through people

image psychologist stereotype consciousness

Some believe that psychologists are taught “secret knowledge”; they know the mechanisms of all human feelings and know how to control them; by non-verbal signs they can determine what a person thinks, what he is like and what he experiences. Such a psychologist can quietly force people to do what he needs, he exerts influence, and knows how to “persuade.” Such people are good businessmen who create new teachings, religions and even “sects”. People who have not received a psychological education and have nothing to do with psychology can easily become victims of such “psychologists” who earn huge sums of money by deception.

Of course, there are figures who, having received a more or less passable psychological education, come up with new teachings, write manuals on “how to get rich/wiser/become successful/fulfill all desires/learn to manipulate in a short time,” but, it seems to me, all these pseudo-teachings are “water”, senseless and merciless poisoning of the readers’ brains, and if they consider all this useful and effective, and the psychological authors as influential and competent people, then this is only a consequence of their (the readers’) own unreasonableness.

A psychologist is an understanding person who will always listen and help, “whom you can cry to.” You can turn to him for advice, he will help, “guide you on the right path.” A psychologist knows the answers to all questions, he is able to solve any problem, while he himself has no problems, otherwise what kind of professional is he? He has miraculous methods for resolving difficult situations and in one consultation can help you regain lost harmony in your soul. Moreover, he has no personal life, he is entirely in the service of people, devoting himself to them and only to them.

This point of view, perhaps expressed by me a little grotesquely, but clearly and clearly, seems to me the most naive. A psychologist is also a person! He has a personal life. And it’s quite normal for him to have his own problems, it’s as if a dentist who had a toothache was declared incompetent - illogical, absurd!

Psychologist sticks “labels”

There is also an opinion that psychologists are engaged in typifying people, sticking “labels”. Various classifications, tests to determine the type of temperament, socionics, etc. give the impression that psychologists are exclusively concerned with the taxonomy of human mental properties.

It seems to me that all this is conditional and relative. No typology is absolutely true, and each person, in turn, is unique.

And another rather interesting point of view: psychologists are “mostly sick people.” Very often, reading forums and discussions on the Internet, I came across a similar opinion. It was the phrase “sick people” that I came across every now and then. I would also like to give some quotes: “sick people who, because of their illness, cannot make money in any other way except by stirring a stick in other people’s problems”, “people with problems, but successfully hiding them...”, “sick people people who have slightly improved their psyche through meditative practices.”

It is a well-known fact that many students go to study as psychologists in order to understand themselves and be able to find solutions and explanations for their problems. But I don’t understand at all the reason why a large number of people consider psychologists to be mentally ill. Moreover, there are completely absurd “sentiments” in which psychologists are called shamans, wizards and psychics! I can’t get out of my head a photograph of a sign near the church, where it is written: “Church candles are prohibited from being sold to persons addressing the servants of dark forces, i.e. sorcerers, magicians, psychics, sorcerers and psychotherapists.” I cannot give a meaningful explanation for this phenomenon.


Many people associate the image of a psychologist with the famous founder of psychoanalysis, Sigmund Freud. Most people’s knowledge of Freud’s works is superficial and shallow; they absorb information that “is in the air” from anecdotes and various stories; Moreover, many people know only two words about it: “theory” and “sexuality.” All this gets mixed up, merges with the image of the psychologist and creates an unimaginably distorted opinion about psychologists, which manifests itself in indecent jokes, giggles, or, on the contrary, furious indignation. Apparently, they think that psychologists are some kind of perverts who put people on the same level as animals.

Fortunately, I have come across adequate, factual assumptions about who psychologists are. But, still, a large number of people do not see the difference between a psychologist and a psychotherapist, believing that a psychologist is the same as a doctor. There is an opinion that psychologists treat, have the right to prescribe medications, and determine diagnoses.

This leads to another myth, which can be expressed in the following question: “Am I sick or something, so that I can go to psychologists?” . Largely because of this stereotype that only mentally ill people go to psychologists, people resort to, for example, alcohol or turn to friends who may well turn out to be ignorant in a given situation; although it would be wiser to consult a psychologist.

Also, I would really like to give an example from my personal experience (and, as it seems to me, the experience of every student of the Faculty of Psychology): some acquaintances (those who are ignorant) sometimes say something astonishing: “Tell me something about me, you’re a psychologist!” It is very naive and reckless to say this to students who have not yet received full higher education and experience; that is, if such a student is unreasonable enough to say something unreasonable or harsh, then there is a high probability that it will not correspond to the truth or even hurt the person asking, will be imprinted on his soul and will upset him for a very long time, maybe even lead to some - thoughtless actions, changes, many are quite easily hurt or “offended” by words.

“So who is a psychologist? This is a specialist. This is a person who can look at your problem with a professional eye and help you find a solution. This is the guide who carries the lantern until you come out into the light."

I really like this definition, largely because of the word “help”, since the psychologist does not look for a solution himself, does not offer a ready-made one, but only helps to find it.


In fact, while researching opinions about who psychologists are, faced with the discrepancy between the real image of a psychologist and ideas about him, I laughed heartily. It is impossible to read about “shamans” and “servants of dark forces” without laughing, but, on the other hand, such incompetence is extremely sad.

People don’t know who psychologists are, they make ridiculous assumptions based on vague rumors, instead of just reading Wikipedia.

The distorted image of a psychologist in the mass consciousness often pushes people away from psychologists, that is, when a problem arises for which it is worth turning to a psychologist, people do not do this due to some stereotypes.

I can only sympathize with the ignorant and wish to be more inquisitive and less influenced by the opinions of ordinary people.


Berger P. Invitation to sociology: a humanistic perspective / Transl. from English O.A. Oberemko, ed. G.S. Batygina. M.: Aspect-Press, 1996.

Vasilkina Yu., Who is a psychologist? - 2011. [Electronic resource]. URL:<#"justify">Shadrikov V.D., The world of human inner life. - M.: University Book, Logos, 2006. - 392 p.: ill.

Chance A., Myths about psychologists, or who is a psychologist? - 2012. [Electronic resource]. URL: (date of access: 11/15/2012)

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Slide captions:

IMAGE OF A TEACHER-PSYCHOLOGIST in the system of supporting the educational process in a preschool institution or Life in a preschool educational institution

IMAGE This beautiful mysterious word appeared in our language in the late 80s. Translated from French, “image” is an artificial, purposeful image made up of many factors.



Aimed at whom?

PURPOSE of creating an image

Most often, the goal of creating an image is to make other people feel good about you

Spotted on websites Discussion: “What should a psychologist be like?”

The psychologist must first of all give the impression of insight.

psychologist... an ordinary person))) with specialized knowledge... let him at least wear shorts)))

Psychologist male decorative. Gray mouse woman, so as not to cause jealousy

A man a la astrologer, a creative person and to have fun....

If the psychologist himself is psychotic, then he will repel the current... And if the manner of conversation is hysterical, who will like this...

preferably not at 20-25 - this is not serious.. Life experience in such professions is necessary..

I’m sitting here... thinking and thinking... but I don’t care what he (s) will look like, the main thing is that they help me solve the problems. And if the psycho is rude or something else, then maybe that’s the way it should be.

A psychologist, in my opinion, should be simply charismatic: to endear him and inspire trust. And it doesn’t matter what he’s wearing: a white robe or pastel colors that are pleasing to the eye. In general, I really like the expression: “the wiser a person is, the easier he approaches life.” This inner mood is very noticeable.

Teacher-psychologist at a preschool educational institution

In the current situation of development of preschool education, there is a need to organize support for the educational process. Rationally organized interaction between a teacher-psychologist and participants in educational relations in a preschool organization increases the effectiveness of educational work with children. Taking into account the age and individual characteristics of pupils, creating the necessary conditions for the mental development and formation of the personality of each child ensures the most productive nature of educational activities. A preschool institution needs a model of work for a psychologist that will help improve the psychological competence of all participants in the educational process. Interacting with the head of the preschool educational institution, the teacher-psychologist provides psychological support to new employees of the team during their adaptation, takes part in the placement of personnel taking into account the psychological characteristics of teachers, conducts individual psychological counseling, and participates in the formation of groups taking into account the individual psychological characteristics of children. If necessary, recommends that the administration refer a child with developmental disabilities to primary medical education and ensures the psychological safety of all participants in the educational process.

10I am an educational psychologist

10 I am my profession I am a consultant I am an organizer I am an artist I am a diagnostician I am a designer I am an expert I am a mediator I am an ally I am an assistant I am a developer

I'm an entertainer - I'm a psychologist! And a physical teacher, and a cultural specialist, a Diagnostician, an expert, a stylist, a concert master and artist, a Consultant and choreographer, a Chronicler and a photographer...

Stereotypes of perception 1) a psychologist is a person with rich life experience who knows how to gain the trust of any person in the world and achieve what he wants from him. Moreover, smoothly and imperceptibly, in the shortest possible time. 2) a psychologist should be restrained in everyday life and should not get nervous over trifles (trifles are what seem trifles to those people around him) 3) psychologist = psychiatrist 4. A psychologist must read minds and predict the feelings/reactions of other people, even if they did not expect this from themselves. 5. In personal life, a psychologist must regulate everything to the highest level: an ideal marriage, impeccably raised children, a million friends, a great job, excellent sleep/appetite/mood all year round, regardless of the circumstances.

Perception of a professional image Research results show that information about a professional image is obtained by the target audience in the process of synthesizing their feelings in approximately the following proportion: vision - 75%; hearing - 13% touch - 6%; smell - 6%.

The professional image of a teacher-psychologist is a collective, generalized image that reveals the most characteristic features of him. Its components are: - professional competence; - psychological culture (communication skills, goodwill, development of the verbal sphere, unobtrusive energy, the ability to influence various psychotypes of people, keep a distance, normative speech, the ability to arouse interest, to be liked, socio-psychological characteristics of a professional); - socio-demographic and physical data (age, gender, level of education, presence/absence of physical defects); - visual image (style of clothing, accessories, neat hairstyle, restrictions on the use of jewelry and cosmetics).

When forming his image, it is not enough for a professional psychologist working in the education system to know what he should change in his appearance, when and what to wear. Important points in self-image technology are: - integrity of perception of one’s own image; - adequate self-esteem; - knowledge of the characteristics of your character.

five interconnected stages of image formation: the first stage is the study of one’s individual psychological characteristics; the second stage - studying your physical data; the third stage is the identification of important personal and business qualities necessary to fulfill the role (in particular, professional); the fourth stage - individual selection of means and attributes of the image, taking into account the knowledge gained as a result of passing the previous stages; the fifth stage is “rolling” the image in real conditions.

Speech at the August conference

Psychologist of the Highest Category ShG No. 32

Master of Pedagogy and Psychology

Abramova Olga Alexandrovna

“The image of a psychologist in education”

Requirements for the personality of a teacher-psychologist.

Psychologist as a specialist in the education system.

Model of professional activity of a teacher-psychologist.

Interaction between psychologist and teachers in joint activities.

Not every person is suited to work with people. As a representative of one of the “helping” human science professions, the psychologist deals with a person who has mental reality; at the same time, he himself possesses it.

In practice, this means that any client of a psychologist can influence him with his personal qualities, convey his states, and involve countertransference in the orbit of his problems.

But the specialist providing assistance, possessing psychic reality, can, and most often must, exert influence by including transference in the work of various aspects of this reality.

These mutual influences can be both positive and negative.

The specialist's task is to

Firstly , is to maintain the ability to resist in cases of negative influence, to maintain your psychological status quo;

Secondly , exercise cultural empathy in situations of positive influences.
The influence of one personality on another is an influence on consciousness, will, emotions, and through them, our behavior and human activity as a whole.

It is carried out using various psychological mechanisms: persuasion, suggestion, emotional contagion
The strength and modality of the influence of one person on another is mediated by the relationships between them: sympathy, antipathy, identification, empathy. If we like a person, many of his personality traits are attractive and attractive to us. Our communication with him is built primarily on trust; everything he says and does is not verified by our consciousness, but is taken on faith. Over time, he turns into a kind of charismatic personality for us, whose views we consider correct, whose opinion we are ready to listen to, and whose advice we are willing to follow.

Conversely, it is difficult to identify with a person towards whom persistent antipathy arises in the process of communication. This means that his advice and recommendations will be questioned, seem unappealing and will not be followed.
So,For a psychologist as a professional, his personality is very important; it is the main instrument of his professional activity.

There is no intermediary between him and the client, which is why his personal parameters are so important. This influence increases when it comes to working with children.
The main factor determining the professional suitability of a psychologist ishumanistic orientation his personality. In practice, this manifests itself as an idea of ​​the absolute value of every human being, personal and social responsibility, a heightened sense of goodness and social justice, self-esteem and respect for the dignity of another person, tolerance, politeness, decency, willingness to understand others and come to their aid. Important personal characteristics of a psychologist are harmony

“Self-concepts”, emotional stability, social adaptation.
Professional knowledge and skills are objective characteristics of the work of a social teacher, and personal characteristics, attitudes and value orientations are its subjective characteristics.
In the personality structure of a psychologist, many researchers try to identify certaingroups of basic qualities.
The first group includes the requirements imposed by professional activity on the cognitive processes of perception, memory, thinking, imagination; emotional-volitional processes and psycho-emotional states: restraint, stability, stress resistance, self-control, cheerfulness, determination, perseverance, determination, activity, etc.
The second group includes such psychoanalytic qualities as self-criticism, adequate self-esteem and level of aspirations, the ability for introspection, self-regulation, and self-control of behavior.
The third group includes sociability, empathy, visual appeal and eloquence as the ability to inspire and persuade.
Comparing different approaches, as in any other profession, in the profession of psychologist we can distinguish
psychological criteria for professional suitability, indicating a person’s ability to master this professional activity:
high level of intellectual development;
common sense, fluency and acuity of thinking;
good self-regulation, self-discipline;
greater physical endurance and performance;
the ability to make large personal contributions to other people;
ability to help people in difficult situations;
sensitivity and sensitivity to a person and his problems;
love and empathy towards children;
optimistic forecasting;
creativity - the ability to create.
An important element of a psychologist’s professional communication is the technique of presenting oneself -
self-presentation. Its purpose is served by the image of a person, thanks to which he creates the necessary impression among people around him.

Requirements for the personality of a teacher-psychologist

Image of a professional - it is a selective concept. This is the appearance, the form of human life manifestation, thanks to which the powerful personal and business qualities of E.S. are manifested. Yakhontova.

Image also acts as social recognition and evaluative attitude.
The main motives for self-presentation are: the desire to develop relationships with people; self-affirmation of personality; requirements of professional activity. For the success of an image, its brightness, recognition, and compliance with the expectations of the social environment are necessary. The priority characteristics for the image components of a teacher-psychologist are: human attractiveness, personal charm, intelligence, the impression of a healthy and happy person, positive modality of mood, interest in people and their problems, self-confidence, optimism, activity, individual style of activity and communication. Culture, erudition and professionalism must be present in the professional image of any specialist. Public opinion highlights such qualities of this specialist as sociability, affiliation, empathy, socio-psychological activity, diplomacy, reflexivity and responsibility.

The image is formed both consciously and arbitrarily by the specialist himself and his environment.

Skillful presentation of image-component characteristics in an exclusively individual manner works

on the professional and personal self-affirmation of a teacher-psychologist.
For the image of a psychologist, the moral assessment of his personality is of great importance. An impeccable image is the property of moral people who do not deviate from moral, corporate and legal codes of conduct. Moreover, strong individuals set higher moral standards for themselves. Lowering moral requirements for oneself is a manifestation of weakness of spirit and inferiority of personality.

Scheme of image components

The influence of the interior on human perception

Quality, style

Color design

Spatial characteristics

In general, the success of the image is determined by the unity of the strategy and tactics of the personal and professional behavior of a specialist. A psychologist must maintain high standards of behavior.

Psychologist as a specialist in the education system
Professional activity is one of the factors in typifying images of the world, their greater or lesser similarity among different people as subjects of labor.

K.M. Gurevich identifies three types of professions: those in which every healthy person can achieve socially acceptable performance efficiency;

2) those in which not every person can achieve success;

3) professions that require the need to achieve higher levels of skill, i.e. available to a select few.

Professions of the third type make specific demands on the individual characteristics of a person. These undoubtedly include the profession of a practical educational psychologist. Moreover, the instrument of professional activity of a psychologist is his own personality. Therefore, choosing this profession involves a lot of internal work.

A person needs to analyze his personal resources and the requirements of the profession, realize the potential discrepancy between the first and second, and evaluate the possibility or impossibility of its correction.
Revealingthe role of the psychologist in society, E.A. Klimov defines its main purposes as follows:
providing individuals, groups, teams, communities and society as a whole with information on raising children, self-improvement, improving general and vocational education, organizing work and relations in the workforce, restoring, maintaining and strengthening mental health and much more - areas of using psychological information so as diverse as the areas of human activity; systematic work to improve the psychological literacy and psychological culture of the population. The implementation of this function is a necessary condition for the recognition of psychology in society and, consequently, the emergence of a need for psychological services even among persons who do not yet have experience in using psychological information.
The following are distinguished:
areas of use of psychological assistance in the field of education:
psychological and spiritual development of children;
existential and personal problems of adolescents;
child-parent family problems;
assistance with mental and somatic diseases;
psychotherapy of children's grief;
assistance to children and adolescents in crisis and critical situations;
school counseling;
professional consulting.

What kind of psychologist does a modern school need?
1. He must have high general mental abilities, be insightful, judicious, free-thinking, a scrupulous analyst and logician.
2. He will have to work with people, so he needs to be a sociable and contact person, generous and easily forming communication groups, remember people’s names well, be kind, tactful and diplomatic in communication.
3. Carrying out joint actions, he must be able to subordinate the interests of the individual to group interests, be conscientious, have a developed sense of duty and responsibility for another person, and have empathy.
4. It is important for him to be emotionally stable, self-possessed, calmly weigh the real situation, quickly solve practical issues, and boldly experiment.
The requirements for the personality of a psychologist highlight four dominants: intellectuality, sociability, emotional stability and practicality. Personal manifestations such as immaturity and neuroticism, low ego strength, and an inferiority or superiority complex are considered incompatible with the profession of a psychologist.
The content of the activity of an educational psychologist is largely determined by his
professional status.
The most favorable situation for professional development seems to be when a specialist is engaged in his work as a practical psychologist, teaching lessons in psychology, ethics and psychology of family life, and the basics of choosing a profession. As a psychologist, he sees the pedagogical process from the outside, and in this situation there is a certain wariness towards him among teachers united by a professional and corporate spirit. As a rule, methodological unpreparedness, lack of life, pedagogical and professional experience, poor orientation in the problems of school life make it difficult for a psychologist to adapt to the school community.
A significant proportion of psychologists working in education are former teachers. When returning to the teaching staff in a new capacity, such a specialist often does not know how to abstract from previously established attitudes, positions, types of relationships and corresponding social expectations. Major personal and status changes, a new professional language and new socio-psychological orientations come into conflict with established stereotypes. Some try to prove the effectiveness of new professional positions through personal participation in teaching academic subjects. They lose sight of the fact that a state of role uncertainty interferes with the formation of a new status, and also leads to internal conflict and dissatisfaction with professional activities. Combining positions is a difficult and often overwhelming task for novice specialists. Such psychologists, although they participate in the analysis of the pedagogical process, knowing it well “from the inside,” do this extremely rarely and reluctantly, since they are largely dependent on colleagues and administration. They weakly and slowly enter a new role.

Professional skills of a psychologist – this is his ability to apply the acquired professional knowledge in his activities. They can be classified as follows:
Gnostic (search, perception and selection of information);
design (setting goals and objectives, forecasting);
constructive (selection and combination of content, methods and means);
organizational (creating conditions that stimulate purposeful and nature-appropriate changes in students);
communicative (contact, communication, relationships);
evaluative (perception and critical analysis of the actions of subjects of the pedagogical process);
reflexive (self-analysis of one’s own personality, activities and communication).
Let us consider in more detail the professional skills of a teacher-psychologist, reflecting the specifics of his activity.
Communication skills:
make contact with different people;
establish professional relationships;
provide an individual approach to people with specific problems;
cooperate, enter into business contacts;
create an atmosphere of comfort and friendliness;
instill trust in clients and participate in solving their problems;
maintain confidentiality in work and tact;
encourage a person to action, creativity, and show mercy;
influence communication and relationships between people in a microsociety;
correctly perceive, take into account, respond to criticism.
Applied skills:
research – analysis, collection, accounting, processing of information, preparation of analytical materials, program development, preparation of annotations, articles, reports;
psychological and pedagogical – analysis of the social situation of the child’s development, his psychological problems, planning, forecasting, forms and methods of psychological assistance;
socio-psychological – psychological diagnostics, psychological counseling, psychotherapy, etc.
Organizational skills:
set specific tasks aimed at solving problems;
organize wards to carry them out;
rationally organize your working time;
plan stages and means of activity;
plan individual work with the client;
organize certain types of psychological work, implementation of programs and projects;
identify customer needs and help them find services that meet their needs;
identify and support useful initiatives, create conditions for its implementation;
unite people based on their common interests and spiritual affinity.
Analytical skills:
study the personality, its microsociety, make a psychological diagnosis;
analyze specific life situations of the client, anticipate and prevent life crises;
design the final result of professional activity;
analyze the results obtained in comparison with the initial data, put forward new tasks;
analyze the shortcomings of your professional activities;
analyze the experience and practice of work of specialists in educational psychological services;
creatively process necessary information;
analyze a specific social situation, causes and origins of problems.
Pedagogical skills:
teach others the art of helping people, applied skills and abilities;
identify the reserve capabilities of the individual, discover the positive in a person and organize the process of self-help;
teach social daily living skills;
stimulate positive manifestations, humanity, mercy in a person’s actions, behavior, and attitude towards other people;
influence the ward, the group by means of pedagogical techniques (speech, voice, gestures, oratory);
transfer to the client the knowledge gained in the process of professional training and personal experience;
present the material in an accessible, logical, figurative, expressive manner.
Self-regulation skills:
control your emotions in any situation;
manage your mood;
place increased demands on yourself;
endure great neuropsychic stress;
sacrifice one's interests for the sake of the interests of the ward;
relieve psychological stress.


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