What are furatsilin tablets used for? How to prepare a solution of furatsilin from tablets

Today, the drug market is overflowing with pharmacological agents of various forms and compositions. Antimicrobial and antiseptic drugs occupy a special place among medications, since the need for them is always great. Products in this group are used to treat a wide variety of diseases. Among these products, it is necessary to note the simple in composition and properties, but at the same time popular and effective drug furatsilin, which is sold on the drug market in a number of forms.

Composition and properties of the drug

The composition of all forms of Furacilin preparations has a common feature - the main active component of these drugs is called furatsilin. Also, depending on the form of the medicine, it may contain auxiliary substances, such as petroleum jelly in an ointment or alcohol in an infusion. These substances will enhance the effect of the main component, as well as give the drug the desired consistency and properties.

Furacilin itself has a general antimicrobial effect, while the principle of action of the described drug differs from classical drugs, which allows for more effective therapy and prevention. The active substance acts directly on amino acid structures, disrupting protein synthesis in bacterial cells, which leads to their inhibition and inability to reproduce.

When characterizing the active component, it should be noted that furatsilin, although included in the class of antimicrobial substances, is not an antibiotic. The specificity of this drug lies in the fact that the adaptation of pathogenic microorganisms to the substance occurs much more slowly than with antibiotic exposure. In this regard, the described remedy is used during prolonged therapy, often as an auxiliary medicine.

Furacilin allows you to fight against most known gram-positive and negative bacteria, which include streptococci, salmonella, staphylococci, etc.

Release form of Furacilin

As already mentioned, Furacilin is available in different forms, despite the fact that in all medicines Furacilin is the active substance. Also, it should be noted that the described pharmacological product can be used as a local drug, which is applied externally, as well as taken orally, which is required for the implementation of the therapeutic process.

Thus, the drug in question can be sold in the following forms:

solution with a 0.02 percent concentration, which is used as an external preparation, available in volumes of 200 and 400 milligrams; pills, consisting of furatsilin, which accounts for 0.02 grams, and sodium chloride. Tablets are used to obtain a solution for local external treatment; ointment two percent, sold in 25 gram tubes; paste, intended for outdoor use, which is produced in kilogram volumes; alcohol solution volume 10 and 25 milliliters.

What is Furacilin used for: indications for use

Within the framework of this article, it has already been mentioned that Furacilin is a unique drug of its kind that can be used to implement effective treatment for a large number of diseases. Within the framework of the described point, it should be noted that the medicine is taken both orally and used as a local antiseptic. Thus, it is necessary to highlight a number of problems that would be an indication for the use of the drug in question.

The described product can be used for sore throat, rhinitis, as well as stomatitis, since the substance in question does not have a negative effect on the mucous membranes, but, on the contrary, implements effective disinfection. For this reason, furatsilin is the number one remedy for a runny nose and sore throat. This drug is also indicated for the treatment of more complex infectious diseases, such as sinusitis, acute tonsillitis, genitourinary infections, including cystitis. The medicine also helps with eye infections (conjunctivitis), intestinal infectious diseases, pathogenic conditions due to poisoning and infection of the body with bacteria.

We should not forget that that Furacilin is primarily a topical agent, which allows for the disinfection of wounds, abrasions and scratches. Suppuration and bedsores are also indications for treatment with a specific drug. Damaged areas of the skin due to frostbite and burns of 2nd and 3rd degree severity are also treated with the product.

Instructions for use of the drug Furacilin

Furacilin as a medicinal product is a popular product with a fairly simple composition and a pronounced therapeutic, disinfecting effect. It must be taken into account that for medical procedures the product is diluted and used differently for each specific ailment. For example, many do not know how to dilute furatsilin correctly, as a result of which the productivity of treatment procedures suffers.

It should be recalled that the described medication can be used as a solution for washing, rinsing, and even for inhalation with a nebulizer. The main methods of carrying out therapeutic measures using the drug solution are discussed in more detail below.

How to prepare a nasal rinse solution

The question of whether it is possible to rinse the nose with furatsilin worries many, and therefore it is time to give a completely unambiguous answer to it: yes, it is possible, but for peace of mind it is better to consult with a specialist. To rinse the nose, the solution is prepared according to the same principle as for gargling: dissolve one crushed tablet in a glass of water, cool and begin the procedure.

Next, the event is carried out according to the classical concept: the resulting furatsilin solution is drawn into a syringe without a large-volume needle, after which it is injected under pressure into one of the nostrils. At this moment, the patient must say “ku-ku” out loud so that the composition does not enter the throat, while the liquid will come out of the other nostril. Thus, both nostrils are washed several times in one session.

How to dilute gargle tablets

There is nothing complicated in preparing a gargle; for this procedure you only need boiled water and FuracilinAvexima in tablet form. First of all, you need to crush one tablet by placing it between two spoons and crushing it. In this form, the drug will dissolve much faster and more efficiently. Next, the resulting powder must be poured with hot, but not boiling water, after which the effervescent composition must be mixed thoroughly so that the rinsing solution becomes completely homogeneous and does not contain crumbs.

Eye wash

Doctors also often recommend using furatsilin solution as an eye wash. Moreover, this drug can be used to care for the eyes of a newborn baby, since it is completely harmless.

For the eyes, the solution also has a classic recipe: one crushed tablet per glass of hot water. The cooled liquid is drawn into a syringe without a needle, after which the medicine is poured onto the mucous membrane of the eye under gentle pressure. For those who cannot use a syringe, it is recommended to soak a cotton pad in the solution and walk it from the outer to the inner eye.

How to use for sweaty feet

As you know, the cause of the unpleasant odor coming from the feet is bacteria that actively multiply in shoes due to excessive sweating and improper care of shoes. In order to get rid of the problem, you will need to do foot baths for some time. To prepare them, you will need to dilute 2 furatsilin tablets in two liters of warm boiled water, after which you need to place your feet in the solution for 10 minutes. There is one peculiarity within this procedure: your feet cannot be dried with a towel; they must be allowed to dry on their own.

Douching and baths in gynecology

As part of home douching, you can use either a soda solution or a furatsilin solution. It is prepared by taking one teaspoon of soda or one tablet of furatsilin per glass of warm water. To increase the effectiveness of the procedure, first douche with furatsilin, and then with chamomile (a tablespoon of herb per glass of boiling water, leave for 20 minutes).

Treatment of pain in gums and teeth

Rinsing the mouth with furatsilin solution helps prevent caries and destroy pathogenic bacteria that accumulate in the mouth during the day.

It is necessary to rinse several times a day, when possible, replacing the rinse aid with the described solution. To prepare it, you need to dissolve a furatsilin tablet in a glass of water, after which the product is ready for use.

Use for acne

To care for problem skin, you should prepare a restorative lotion to wipe your face in the morning. To create a solution, you need to crush a furatsilin tablet and pour half a glass of water into it. A cotton pad is soaked in the resulting liquid and the skin is wiped - the procedure should be carried out only on clean, freshly washed skin.

Use during pregnancy and breastfeeding

Furacilin is a simple and completely safe drug that is often used as a substitute for many medications during pregnancy and breastfeeding. If the mother is not allergic to this substance, then the product can be used as a therapeutic tool.


There is no actual harm from using the described drug, and therefore it can be used even for small children. As for contraindications, it is necessary to refrain from taking the medication internally if kidney function is impaired, and as for external use, the composition should not be applied to skin with allergic dermatosis.


Vetch: When I was pregnant, I got a cold, and in order not to take any medications, I ate lemons and gargled with furatsilin - it helped better than antibiotics.

Christina: Furacilin is an old-fashioned method of treating viral diseases, and quite effective.

Ira: I was treated for stomatitis using furatsilin solution. This product quickly destroys all the nastiness and after just one day of rinsing the situation has improved significantly - I recommend it to everyone, it is a very good product.

In the field of medicines, such an antiprotozoal antibacterial agent as furatsilin has long been known - tablets, instructions for use of which are given below, are one of the forms of presenting this medicine.

Release form and composition

Furacilin is a very popular drug. It can be purchased at almost any pharmacy without a prescription and at a low cost. There are several types of dosage forms of furatsilin.

Furacilin tablets have a yellowish color and a slightly perceptible odor. The composition contains nitrofural in an amount of 20 mg and sodium salt 0.8 g. The weight of the tablets is 20 and 100 g. An alcohol solution of 0.067% is available in opaque glass packaging of 10 and 25 ml. The active substance and 70 percent ethanol are in a ratio of 1/5000. This form of drug presentation is used exclusively for external application. An aqueous solution of 0.02% is packaged in 200 and 400 ml. As in the previous case, it is used exclusively externally. The composition contains nitrofural and distilled water in a ratio of 1/5000. Furacilin ointment 0.2%. The composition contains nitrofural in a volume of 0.002 g and softened paraffin. Paste for external use. Available in briquettes of 1 and 2 kg.

Furacilin is present in some combination medications. To treat a runny nose, drops are used, one of the components of which is furatsilin. For complications after operations on bones and soft tissue lesions, an antibacterial sponge is used, which contains gentamicin and furatsilin.

Modern pharmacologists have developed analogues of furatsilin. These include Lifuzol, Furaplast, Furacilin-Lect.

Indications for treatment with furatsilin

Where antibacterial external treatment is required, furatsilin will always come to the rescue. It is used when washing purulent wounds to prevent the appearance of bedsores. Furacilin is used to treat damaged areas of the skin for burns and frostbite of various degrees, and also to disinfect small wounds, cracks and abrasions.

In addition, with the help of furatsilin, blepharitis and conjunctivitis, external and otitis media, inflammation in the oral cavity and paranasal sinuses are treated. Furacilin is prescribed to patients with osteomyelitis, acute tonsillitis, and inflammation of the urinary tract.


What is nitrofural

To understand the principle of action of furatsilin, it is necessary to consider its main component nitrofural. This substance is a derivative of nitrofuran, which is a fine yellow-green powder with a bitter aftertaste. Nitrofuran is almost insoluble in water and ethanol, but is highly soluble in alkalis.

Pharmacologists have noticed that nitrofuran compounds have increased photosensitivity. They are especially afraid of direct exposure to ultraviolet rays. Therefore, furatsilin extracts are produced in opaque glass bottles and stored in a dark place.

Mechanism of action of furatsilin

The action of nitrofural is fundamentally different from the work of other drugs. This chemical compound, acting on the protein of the microbial cell, forms amino derivatives that change the structure of the macromolecule. As a result, metabolic processes in the cell are disrupted and the microbe dies.

Nitrofural is able to act on Gram (+) and Gram (-) bacteria and some protozoa.
Furacilin is effective even against pathogenic microflora that are resistant to other medications. Although there are still stamps of microbes that are resistant to the action of nitrofural.

When the drug is used externally, absorption of the active substance into the human body occurs in very small quantities. Penetrating through histiocytic barriers, nitrofural is distributed in tissues and physiological fluid. It is removed from the body by the kidneys and bile.

Rules for preparing furatsilin solution from tablets

Before preparing a solution of furatsilin from tablets, you need to find out for what purpose this drug will be used. After all, to treat an external wound of an adult, you will need a solution of a higher concentration than to gargle a child.

To prepare an aqueous solution, furatsilin tablets are crushed to a powder and dissolved in distilled water. The ratio of nitrofural to solvent should be 1/5000. Before use, the solution is sterilized at 100 degrees for ½ hour.

To obtain an alcohol solution, use 70% ethanol alcohol instead of water.

Rules for treating wounds with furatsilin solution

If an aqueous solution of furatsilin is prepared independently at home, it must be boiled for half an hour in a clean enamel pan and used from the same container, without pouring it into another container. Before starting to treat the wound surface, you need to let the solution cool and only then rinse the wound with a weak stream.

Furacilin in the form of a solution can be used as a means for soaking old dried dressings.

Rules for using furatsilin tablets

Furacilin in the form of tablets for internal use can be prescribed by a doctor if the patient has dysentery. The medicine is taken 4 times a day, 1 tablet after meals. Treatment is repeated twice for 1 week with a five-day break. Before using the pill, it must be crushed.

Ointment with furatsilin

To heal burns and frostbite of varying severity, as well as to treat superficial wounds of the skin, you cannot do without furatsilin ointment. It is applied in a thin layer to the damaged area up to 3 times a day. The dose of the active substance should not be more than 0.5 g per day and 0.1 g at a time. Treatment is carried out for 5 days.

The ointment can be used for inflammation of the eyelids, applying the drug 2 times a day.

Furacilin for sore throat

If you have a sore throat or tonsillitis, furatsilin will provide invaluable assistance to the patient. Of course, this drug cannot replace antibiotics and other measures, but it will significantly alleviate the patient’s situation and speed up recovery.

This therapeutic effect is explained by the fact that rinsing with furatsilin washes away pathogenic microflora and stops the development of harmful microorganisms.

An aqueous mixture of furatsilin can be used to treat the throat, regardless of what bacteria is causing the inflammation. It will cope with any microorganisms.

It is important that furatsilin almost does not penetrate into the blood when rinsed. This drug is indispensable in the treatment of children and pregnant women.

To make a solution of furatsilin for gargling with a sore throat, you need to grind 1 tablet weighing 20 g to the consistency of a homogeneous powder and add 100 ml of hot water. Then the extract must be cooled to 37-40 degrees and to ensure a softening effect, add 2 teaspoons of hydrogen peroxide to the mixture.

It is recommended to begin treatment procedures by rinsing the throat with a solution of tea soda. This will help remove mucus and improve treatment results. Then you need to rinse your throat with the prepared furatsilin solution for 5 minutes. You can perform such procedures up to 10 times a day.

If a small child has a sore throat and does not know how to gargle on his own, you can use a furatsilin solution for douching. The medicine is prepared in the same way for both children and adults. Having collected the solution into a syringe, tilt the child’s head and rinse the sore throat.

Treatment of ear inflammation with furatsilin solution

To treat inflammation of the middle ear, you need to prepare a 70% alcohol solution of furatsilin. To do this, 3 tablets of the drug are crushed to the consistency of a fine powder and filled with half a glass of alcohol. The solution is infused for 3-4 hours. The temperature of the ready-to-use solution should be equal to body temperature. The resulting medicine is instilled into the ear canal, 5-6 drops at a time.

Nasal rinsing for sinusitis

Often, a solution of furatsilin is used to rinse the nose. As a result of this procedure, pathological microflora, allergens, and dirt are washed off from the surface of the mucous membrane. This leads to a decrease in inflammation and swelling of the mucous membrane, an increase in capillary tone, increased mucus movement and an increase in the body's ability to fight infection.

When suffering from frontal sinusitis or sinusitis, this remedy is prescribed as an auxiliary.

To prepare a medicine for rinsing the nose for sinusitis, you need to mix 1 part of an aqueous solution of the drug with 1 part of distilled water. It is better to carry out medical procedures using a special device, since if the rinsing is performed incorrectly, microbes can enter the sinuses, which will only aggravate the course of the disease.

The solution is warmed to room temperature and, bending over the pelvis, is injected alternately into one or the other nasal passage. After this treatment procedure, you should not leave the room for 2 hours.

Washing the nose with furatsilin solution is contraindicated for nosebleeds, the formation of polyps in the nasal cavity, and inflammation of the middle ear.

If you don’t have an aqueous solution of furatsilin on hand, but you have tablets, you can prepare a medicine for rinsing your nose by dissolving 1 tablet in 1 glass of water.

For chronic sinusitis, doctors recommend the use of combination medications, the main component of which is the antiseptic furatsilin. The composition of such a drug is selected individually depending on the complexity of the disease and the age of the patient.

Furacilin for conjunctivitis

For inflammation of the conjunctiva, furatsilin is an indispensable assistant. It should be noted that this remedy can be used even in pediatrics.

To prepare the solution, two 20 mg tablets are ground to a powder consistency and, stirring constantly, dissolved in a glass of hot water. Then the mixture is cooled and filtered through several layers of gauze to get rid of even the smallest crystals
to avoid injury to the mucous membrane of the eye.

A cotton swab is immersed in the medicine, squeezed out and, moving the eyelid aside, the mucous membrane of the eye is treated. The medicine can also be instilled or administered through a special device. When carrying out procedures, you must remember that all manipulations must be carried out exclusively with clean hands.

If the solution or tablet enters the body

No one can be immune from the fact that when gargling, a small part of the solution will not enter the body. In this case, there is no need to panic, as there is no health hazard.

One or two tablets may also be accidentally eaten. And in this case there is no need to worry too much. After all, there are diseases for the treatment of which furatsilin tablets are prescribed. If there are no obvious signs of poisoning, then there is no need for medical attention.

When the amount of medicine taken significantly exceeds the recommended amount, the possibility of poisoning arises. In this case, it is necessary to take emergency measures, namely, rinse the stomach with plenty of water with activated carbon and call a doctor.

Side effects

External use of furatsilin may be accompanied by dermatitis and other manifestations of allergic reactions. Often, skin inflammation is a reason to temporarily or completely stop using this drug.

With internal use, deviations associated with allergic reactions, nausea, vomiting, and loss of appetite are also possible.

Storage conditions

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Furacilin is a strong and long-known broad-spectrum antimicrobial drug that is used for the prevention and treatment of purulent and inflammatory processes. It is available in the form of alcohol solutions, ointments, tablets, aerosols or powders, which are used for various medicinal purposes - from treating skin wounds to treating genitourinary tract infections. To prepare a solution for gargling, you need to use furatsilin in tablets of 0.02 grams. Tablets of 0.1 gram are usually prescribed for oral administration, but can also be used if necessary. Other forms of furatsilin are not suitable for the treatment of stomatitis or a sore throat.

To prepare a solution of furatsilin for gargling, we need one tablet of 0.02 grams per 200 milliliters of distilled or hot boiled water (furatsilin may not dissolve in cold water). The optimal water temperature for this purpose is 50-60%; at higher temperatures, the product will lose some of its medicinal antimicrobial properties. If you use tablets of 0.1 grams, you need to take a quarter of the tablet per glass of water, in addition, you can also add 1/5 teaspoon of table salt. Rinse tablets already contain sodium chloride - it is added to the main active ingredient in order to slightly reduce the irritating effect of the drug.

Furacilin is a sparingly soluble substance, so even in hot water a whole tablet can dissolve up to 10-12 hours. Therefore, in order for the medicine to “disperse” faster, you must first crush the tablet. This can be done by splitting it into several parts with a knife, rubbing it with a tablespoon or pestle. You can grind furatsilin without removing it from the package. This method is well suited for tablets that are packaged in paper blisters. In this case, you can hit the cell with the tablet several times with a hammer, and only then open the package. After this, all that remains is to pour the resulting furatsilin powder into a glass of hot water.

Stir the product intensively in water for 5-10 minutes until the furatsilin powder dissolves and the water acquires its characteristic piercing yellow color. The finer the tablet is crushed, the faster it will “disperse” in water. After this, it is better to strain the solution - small particles of tablets that do not dissolve in water can injure the mucous membranes of the oral cavity during intensive rinsing. Before you start gargling, cool the solution to a temperature of 30-35% - gargling should not be too hot or too cold.

Furacilin rinses should be done four to five times a day, the procedure lasts about three minutes. To maximize the effect of treating sore throat, it is necessary to clean the mucous membranes before using furatsilin. This can be done by thoroughly rinsing your throat with a solution of ordinary baking soda (a teaspoon per glass of warm boiled water) or even just warm boiled water.

You can add 10-15 drops of alcohol tincture of calendula or chamomile to the furatsilin solution - this will make the treatment more effective. In severe cases (for example, when treating purulent tonsillitis), a teaspoon of three percent hydrogen peroxide is added to a glass of furatsilin rinse - this not only enhances the effect, but also softens the irritating effect.

Furacilin solution is not perishable. It is believed that it is best to dilute the medicine immediately before use. However, you can “optimize” the process and prepare a liter and a half of rinse aid at once. You can store the remaining diluted medicine for two to three days in a cool place (for example, a refrigerator), but always in a tightly closed container. Avoid exposure to sunlight - in the light, the furatsilin solution quickly becomes unusable. It is very simple to determine that the solution has deteriorated - if it has darkened and turned brown, then it cannot be used, but if the furatsilin rinse retains the original yellow color, it can be used. Before use, the pre-prepared cooled solution of furatsilin needs to be slightly warmed up or hot boiled water added to it.

Furacilin is a simple and effective remedy that has almost no contraindications for use. However, individual intolerance and allergic reactions with furatsilin rinses still occur. Most often they are expressed in the form of urticaria. If signs of such a reaction to the drug appear, treatment with furatsilin should be stopped. In addition, in rare cases, treatment with furatsilin can cause dizziness, vomiting, nausea or loss of appetite - however, such a reaction usually occurs in those who take this drug orally, and with rinses such side effects are extremely rare.

Furacilin is not an “emergency” remedy; rinsing must be done in courses. It is not capable of “sterilizing” the oral cavity with a single use. However, if you gargle regularly, the effect will be comparable to the effect of taking antibiotics: after 5-6 days, pathogenic microorganisms will be destroyed, and inflammatory processes in the oral cavity and pharynx will stop. At the same time, you should not make the “main bet” on furatsilin and ignore other medications prescribed by your doctor. Rinsing will speed up treatment and alleviate the patient’s condition, however, quickly curing a sore throat or tonsillitis and avoiding complications is possible only with complex therapy under the supervision of a specialist.

Everyone knows that Furacilin helps with many diseases. It relieves inflammation and kills pathogenic microbes. But not everyone knows how to use it. What is better to give a child a solution or a regular tablet?

How to prepare a solution of furatsilin?

In order to prepare the solution, you need to take a glass of water, purified table salt and Furacilin tablets. For a glass of boiled water, you need to take two tablets; they need to be crushed in a spoon. Add a pinch of fine salt to the water and mix everything.

How to prepare a solution of furatsilin if a larger volume is needed? For a liter of boiling water you need to take ten tablets and a teaspoon of salt. It is best to make the solution in an enamel pan, then you can pour it into a bottle and put it in the refrigerator.

Furacilin solution from tablets

“Furacilin” is used externally and internally; in five days it copes well with microbes and prevents bacteria from multiplying. This solution treats purulent diseases and removes inflammation. It is practically not sold in finished form, so you need to know how to prepare it at home.

The furatsilin solution from tablets has a gentle effect on tissues, heals wounds, so everything heals quickly and without any problems. It is used in the treatment of burns, purulent wounds, ulcers, bedsores, frostbite and eczema. When treating wounds, bandages are moistened with it. Sore throat, stomatitis, conjunctivitis, purulent otitis, sore throat, rhinitis - all these many other problems can be solved with the help of Furacilin.

You can prepare the solution as follows: take 100 ml of distilled water, bring it to a temperature of forty degrees and put a Furacilin tablet into it. This medicine does not dissolve well in water, so you will have to stir it with a spoon. It is advisable to first crush the tablet into powder. If the tablet still does not dissolve completely, you need to strain the solution, because the mucous membranes do not tolerate the effects of Furacilin in solid form.

Furacilin alcohol solution

When treating boils, you need to use furacilin alcohol solution. To prepare it, you need to take 100 grams of alcohol and 3 Furacilin tablets. This solution is infused for three hours. You need to use only fresh solution, preferably warm. If you don’t have time to prepare the solution every time, you can make it in advance, but you need to store it in the refrigerator and warm it up before use.

There are no complications with external use of Furacilin, although there are cases of dermatitis. If an allergic reaction occurs on your skin, you need to take a short break.

"Furacilin" is a synthetic drug that has an antimicrobial effect. The medicine slows down the respiration of microorganism cells and destroys them. Nitrufan is the main active ingredient that can cope with streptococci, staphylococci, dysentery and E. coli, salmonella, Trichomonas and Giardia, Vibrio cholerae and gas gangrene.

For purulent otitis media, it is necessary to warm up the alcohol solution of Furacilin and instill two drops of it three times a day into each ear. The duration of treatment is difficult to name; it is determined individually.

Furacilin solution application

"Furacilin" has antibacterial activity against gram-negative and gram-positive microorganisms. Furacilin solution has wide application. It does not irritate tissue, heals wounds and promotes granulation.

If purulent-inflammatory processes are prolonged, wounds do not heal for a long time, boils or ulcers appear, Furacilin will help.

If a person has acute bacterial dysentery, it is necessary to take the medicine orally. Four times a day, 0.1 g for five days, this should be done after meals. Then a four-day break is taken and the course is repeated. Before use, crush the tablet to a powder state.

If you suffer from a purulent runny nose. then washing with furatsilin solution is one of the most effective means.

When taken orally, appetite may disappear, and sometimes vomiting, nausea, dizziness, rash and neuritis appear. If Furacilin is used for more than a month, hair may turn gray and spots may appear on the skin.

If a person has kidney problems, it is better to stop using this medicine.

Furacilin solution for eyes

The birth of a child is a great miracle; parents carefully prepare for its birth. They not only decorate and furnish the children's room, but also collect a first aid kit. What should be in this first aid kit? A nasal aspirator, brilliant green, cotton swabs, Furacilin and much more are bought by parents in order to be prepared for any troubles that may arise.

If your baby’s eyes begin to fester, you need to treat them with Furacilin solution. Furacilin eye solution is applied to a cotton swab and wiped over the inflamed area. Within five days the inflammation goes away.

The instructions say that even during pregnancy and breastfeeding you can use Furacilin.

Furacilin rinse solution

"Furacilin" is used in the treatment of purulent wounds, bedsores, burns and many other unpleasant phenomena. Furacilin rinse solution is made when you need to get rid of sinusitis or rinse cavities after operations.

When washing the bladder, urethra or paranasal sinuses, furatsilin paste is diluted in a 1:1 ratio in sterile water.

Furacilin solution for newborns

Every pediatrician knows that if there is a child in the house, the home first aid kit should contain Furacilin. This antibacterial drug cannot but come in handy. It is safe and effective, which is why it has been used for decades.

Furacilin solution for newborns is used for otitis media, purulent nasal discharge, burns and other diseases accompanied by inflammation.

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Not really about a runny nose

Furacilin is a synthetic broad-spectrum antimicrobial drug.

ATX code: D08A F01. Nitrofuran derivatives.

Indications for use

Furacilin solutions, when applied topically, do not irritate tissues and promote granulation and wound healing.

Furacilin is used topically for the treatment and prevention of purulent-inflammatory processes:

Purulent, long-term non-healing wounds with wound infection. Boils. Bedsores, ulcers. Burns of II–III degree. Injuries of joints, empyemas, osteomyelitis. Chronic purulent otitis, sinusitis. Conjunctivitis, blepharitis.

There is evidence of the beneficial therapeutic effect of Furacilin administered orally for acute bacterial dysentery.

Rules of application

Externally Furacilin is prescribed in the form of:

0.02% solution in distilled water (1:5000) or isotonic sodium chloride solution for irrigation, wetting wet dressings for impetigo, pyococcal complications of dermatoses, microbial eczema with oozing, etc. 0.02% aqueous solution for washing purulent cavities and administration in the latter, as well as eye drops (1-2 drops per eye 2-3 times a day). 0.066% solution in 70% ethyl alcohol (1:1500) for the treatment of chronic purulent otitis media, boils and other suppurative processes of the external auditory canal. 0.2–1% furatsilin ointment for blepharitis and pyoderma. Opened boils and carbuncles are covered with a sterile napkin with ointment applied to it and secured with a bandage; after 1–2 days (depending on the amount of discharge), the bandages are changed. Furacilin ointment is applied in a thin layer to areas of streptococcal and staphylococcal impetigo 3-4 times a day.

In cases of severe secondary infection, the use of Furacilin in combination with other antimicrobial agents (Gramicidin, etc.) is sometimes effective.

An aqueous solution of furatsilin is prepared with distilled water or isotonic sodium chloride solution (if used for rinsing the urethra, sinuses or treating conjunctivitis). 1 part of furatsilin is dissolved in 5000 parts of water or saline solution, thus obtaining a 0.02% solution. In order for furatsilin to dissolve faster, water can be brought to a boil and the finished solution can be cooled to room temperature.

Furacilin is prescribed orally:

For the treatment of acute bacterial dysentery, 0.1 g 4 times a day after meals for 5-6 days. After a 4-day break, the same course of treatment is repeated. When eliminating bacteriological contamination remaining in people who have suffered acute dysentery, despite their treatment with diet therapy and vitamin therapy, sulfonamide drugs and antibiotics, a beneficial effect of Furacilin, taken orally at 0.1 g 4-5 times a day for 5-8 days, was also noted .

The tablets should be crushed before use.

Higher doses of Furacilin for adults orally: single - 0.1 g, daily - 0.5 g.

Side effects

In some cases, dermatitis occurs. Sometimes when taken orally, dyspeptic symptoms (loss of appetite, nausea, vomiting), dizziness, and allergic rashes are observed; Long-term use of Furacilin can cause neuritis.

With long-term (months) local use of Furacilin, graying of hair and skin depigmentation (leucoderma) are observed in areas exposed to the direct action of the drug.


Increased individual sensitivity to nitrofuran derivatives. Orally administered with caution in case of impaired renal function.

Composition and release form

Furacilin powder in glass bottles of 10 g. Tablets for oral administration of 0.1 g, in packages of 12, 24 and 30 tablets. 1 tablet contains 100 mg of furatsilin. Combined tablets for external use (preparation of solution) composition: furatsilin - 20 mg, sodium chloride - 800 mg; in packs of 10, 20 and 25 tablets. 0.02% solution of furatsilin (1:5000) for external use in 200 ml bottles. 0.2% furatsilin ointment (1:500) in jars and tubes of 25 g. 100 g of ointment contain: furatsilin - 200 mg; excipients: Vaseline. Furacilin paste is a therapeutic and prophylactic agent that protects the skin of the hands and face from the effects of various irritating chemicals.

Shelf life and storage conditions

Store with precautions (list B) in a cool place, protected from light. Dispensed by prescription.

Shelf life of furatsilin: powder - 9 years, ointment and tablets for internal use - 4 years, tablets for external use - 5 years.


Furacilin (Furacilinum) - 5-nitrofurfural semicarbazone - yellow or greenish-yellow fine-crystalline powder, bitter taste, very slightly soluble in water and ethyl alcohol.

Furacilin has pronounced antibacterial activity against a wide range of gram-positive and gram-negative microorganisms (pathogenic staphylococci, hemolytic streptococcus, paratyphoid bacillus, diphtheria and E. coli, causative agent of gas gangrene).


Vabrocide. Vitrocin. Hemofuron. Monofuran. Nefko. Nitrofurazan. Nitrofurazone. Nitrofural. Nitrofuran. Nitrofuran. Nitrofurmethane. Nifurid. Nifucin. Otofural. Otofuril. Otofurol. Furazid. Furaldon. Furalidon. Furalon. Furazem. Furacin. Furosem. Hemofuran. Jatrocin.

In this article you can read the instructions for use of the drug Furacilin. Reviews of site visitors - consumers of this medicine, as well as the opinions of specialist doctors on the use of Furacilin in their practice are presented. We kindly ask you to actively add your reviews about the drug: whether the medicine helped or did not help get rid of the disease, what complications and side effects were observed, perhaps not stated by the manufacturer in the annotation. Analogues of Furacilin in the presence of existing structural analogues. Use for the treatment of wounds, boils, purulent lesions of the eyes and eyelids (blepharitis), and gargling for sore throat in adults, children, as well as during pregnancy and lactation. Preparation of a solution from tablets.

Furacilin- antimicrobial agent, a derivative of nitrofuran. It has a mechanism of action that is different from other chemotherapeutic agents: microbial flavoproteins, reducing the 5-nitro group, form highly reactive amino derivatives that can cause conformational changes in proteins (including ribosomal ones) and other macromolecules, leading to cell death.

Active against gram-positive and gram-negative bacteria (Staphylococcus spp., Streptococcus spp., Shigella dysenteria, Shigella flexneri, Shigella boydii, Shigella sonnei, Escherichia coli, Clostridium perfringens, Salmonella spp.).

Resistance develops slowly and does not reach a high degree. Increases the activity of the reticuloendothelial system (RES), enhances phagocytosis.


  • purulent wounds;
  • bedsores;
  • burns 2-3 degrees;
  • to prepare the granulating surface for skin grafting;
  • blepharitis;
  • conjunctivitis;
  • boils of the external auditory canal;
  • osteomyelitis;
  • empyema of the paranasal sinuses and pleura (washing the cavities);
  • acute external and otitis media;
  • stomatitis;
  • gingivitis;
  • sore throat, tonsillitis;
  • minor skin damage (including abrasions, scratches, cracks, cuts).

Release forms

Tablets for the preparation of a solution for local and external use 20 mg.

Alcohol solution for local and external use.

Ointment for local and external use 0.2%.

Instructions for use and method of use

Externally, in the form of aqueous or alcoholic solutions, the wounds are irrigated and wet bandages are applied. Intracavitary - the maxillary and pleural cavities and the oral cavity are washed.

To prepare an aqueous solution, 1 part of nitrofural (the active ingredient of the drug Furacilin) ​​is dissolved in 5000 parts of isotonic sodium chloride solution or distilled water. The solution is sterilized at 100 °C for 30 minutes. The alcohol solution is prepared with 70% ethyl alcohol.

For purulent wounds, bedsores, ulcers, burns, to prepare the granulating surface for skin grafting and for applying a secondary suture, irrigate the wound with an aqueous solution of nitrofural and apply wet bandages. In case of osteomyelitis, after surgery the cavity is washed with an aqueous solution of nitrofural and a wet bandage is applied. In case of pleural empyema, the pus is sucked out and the pleural cavity is washed, followed by the introduction of 20-100 ml of an aqueous solution of nitrofural into the cavity.

Side effect

  • allergic reactions;
  • dermatitis.


  • bleeding;
  • allergic dermatoses;
  • increased sensitivity.

Analogues of the drug Furacilin

Structural analogues of the active substance:

  • Furacilin alcohol solution 1:1500;
  • Furacilina tablets 0.1 g;
  • Furacilina tablets for external use 0.02 g;
  • Furacilin ointment 0.2%.

If there are no analogues of the drug for the active substance, you can follow the links below to the diseases for which the corresponding drug helps, and look at the available analogues for the therapeutic effect.

Furacilin is a broad-spectrum antimicrobial drug. Most often it is used in the form of an aqueous or alcohol solution. In addition, it can be sold in the form of an aerosol, tablets, and also as an ointment. This medicine can be used topically for antiseptic treatment of various parts of the body.

Useful properties of furatsilin

  1. Most often, an aqueous solution of furatsilin is used in the treatment of diseases of the upper respiratory tract - sore throat, laryngitis, tonsillitis. Any ulcers in the mouth (eg stomatitis) can be successfully disinfected with this solution.
  2. An aqueous solution is used to wash open wounds, burns, cuts, and ulcers. It is very effective to make a lotion - place a piece of clean bandage soaked in a furatsilin solution on the open wound.
  3. Furacilin solution is used for ENT procedures, for example, when washing the maxillary sinuses.
  4. The alcohol composition of furatsilin is successfully used in the treatment of otitis media.
  5. Furacilin is part of complex treatment for conjunctivitis and blepharitis. Furacilin is also used to wash the eyes if stye has formed on the eyelids.
  6. Recently, furatsilin is often used in the fight against problem skin. Thanks to its bactericidal properties, this yellow tablet suppresses inflammation, relieves redness and swelling, and prevents further growth of bacteria. With regular use, furatsilin can completely get rid of acne and blackheads.
  7. Furacilin can be used for inhalation for colds.
  8. This medicine in the form of an aqueous solution is used for douching of the female genital organs to combat various infections.
  9. Lotions with furatsilin can relieve radiculitis; they relieve pain and swelling from bruises. It is very effective to use a solution of furatsilin to combat compactions in muscle tissue after injections.

Furacilin is an inexpensive drug that can help in various life situations. However, to know how to use it correctly, you need to dissolve it correctly.

To prepare you will need a couple of furatsilin tablets, water, a spoon, a glass and a mortar.

  1. The whole problem with preparing a solution of furatsilin is that this tablet is very poorly soluble in water. Therefore, it must first be crushed.
  2. It is quite difficult to crush a furatsilin tablet with two spoons, so you can use a mortar for this purpose. Place two tablets there and grind them to a powder. If you don’t have a mortar at hand, you can place the tablets in paper folded in half and roll over the tablets with a rolling pin. Open and pour the contents from time to time to better crush the medicine.
  3. After this, place the yellow powder in a glass. Two tablets are enough to prepare 250 ml of an aqueous solution of furatsilin. One tablet is enough for 100 ml.
  4. Furacilin can be poured with warm or hot water so that it dissolves better. The powder is practically insoluble in cold water. It is best to pour boiling water over furatsilin.
  5. Mix the mixture thoroughly until all particles are completely dissolved. It is best to leave the solution until it cools. In order for the powder to dissolve completely, it should be stirred long enough.
  6. After all these manipulations, the furatsilin solution is ready for use. However, if you are going to rinse your eyes with the solution, you should first strain it. To do this, use gauze folded several times.
  7. If a furatsilin solution is prepared for treating open wounds, then it must be sterile. Boil it over low heat for about half an hour, then pour it into a sterile container and let it cool.
  8. When treating burns, a solution of furatsilin is poured over a gauze bandage if it has stuck to the damaged tissues of the epidermis.

It is best to prepare a fresh furatsilin solution each time. However, short-term storage in the refrigerator in a tightly sealed container is allowed. Before use, do not forget to warm up the composition.

If you add a teaspoon of hydrogen peroxide to the furatsilin solution, you can get an excellent remedy for sore throat. Gargle with it every 3-4 hours, and not a trace of the disease will remain within a day.

An alcohol solution of furatsilin is also very effective for various diseases. Its advantage is that it can be stored for more than a few days. It can be prepared for future use - when you need an antimicrobial solution, you will already have it on hand.

The preparation of the alcohol composition is not much different from the previous procedure. However, the alcohol solution has a stronger concentration, because it can subsequently be diluted with water. Crush 5-7 tablets using a mortar or rolling pin and then place them in a clean small bottle. Fill the powder with strong alcohol, at least 70%. Mix thoroughly and shake the container. Store the bottle in the refrigerator and shake before use.


Furacilin should not be used if you are hypersensitive to this drug. This can be checked by rinsing your mouth with the prepared aqueous solution. If your lips, cheeks and tongue are not swollen, then you do not have such an allergic reaction to the components of furatsilin. This is not surprising - intolerance to furatsilin is extremely rare.

Another contraindication to the use of furatsilin is open bleeding and dermatitis. In this case, you need to use another medicine.

Furacilin is an old, but undeservedly forgotten medicine. If you have furatsilin in your medicine cabinet, most bacteriological and microbial diseases are not scary for you. Use simple tools accessible to everyone!

Video: how to prepare a solution of furatsilin from tablets

Furacilin tablets are a fairly popular and inexpensive anti-inflammatory antimicrobial agent for local and external use. Furacilin is a miracle drug - an antiseptic. According to the instructions for use, it can alleviate the symptoms of many painful conditions in completely different areas of medicine.

When is the drug indicated?

The indications for the use of this drug are extensive. In medicine, this antiseptic is used for therapeutic purposes for ailments of the ENT system and eyes caused by microbial infection. Furacilin is also indicated for both adults and children for washing pleural cavities and for manipulations on open wounds to prevent the processes of decomposition and infection.

This drug is especially necessary as an antiseptic in pathological conditions as an external agent:

  • For any, even minor, damage to the skin;
  • For wounds with purulent content;
  • For bedsores;
  • For burns and frostbite.

The described drug is also indicated for use:

  • For inflammation of the mouth (gingivitis, stomatitis);
  • For inflammation of the organ of vision (conjunctivitis, blepharitis);
  • With the formation of boils in the ear or with acute otitis (external, middle);
  • For osteomyelitis, tonsillitis;
  • With a purulent-inflammatory course in the articular or pleural cavities.

And this drug is literally necessary for treating the surface of the skin before the transplant procedure.

Pharmacological action

This product is antibacterial and belongs to nitrofural derivatives, which has a yellow-green color and a bitter taste. It can be used by diluting it with alkali solutions, since the described powder is practically insoluble in water or alcohol.

The main component of furatsilin is nitrofural, consisting of molecules of an aromatic nitro group, which are similar to the molecular composition of Chloramphenicol. Under their influence, amino derivatives are generated with the highest reactivity and the ability to deform the protein structures of microbial cells, which leads to their death.

The described component actively affects staphylococci and streptococci, as well as E. coli, salmonella, Candida type fungus, and some other types of microorganisms. Pathogenic microflora are not indicated by resistance to nitrofural.

With any indicated use, the main component of furatsilin is practically not absorbed into the blood, and the part that enters the body gradually settles in the tissues.

The breakdown products of nitrofural are removed from the body through the kidneys and are partially excreted in the bile.

Release form, composition

The drug is used for local and external use.

The tablet form contains the following components:

  • Nitrofural – 20 mg;
  • Sodium chloride – 0.8 g.

The solution includes:

  • Nitrofural;
  • Distilled water or isotonic solution;
  • An alcohol solution is also produced, supplemented with an auxiliary component - ethanol (70%) and furatsilin ointment (0.2%).


Before using the drug furatsilin, you need to familiarize yourself with possible contraindications to its use:

  • Dermatoses, especially those arising from allergic reactions;
  • Bleeding;
  • Functional disorders in the kidneys;
  • Individual intolerance to any components included in the product being described.

Professional advice from a physician is recommended before using any form of this drug.

Side effects

Despite the fact that the described drug is relatively harmless, certain side effects still occur. When using the described product, a person may develop dermatitis and allergic reactions.

Consequences of overdose

An overdose of this drug is caused by the following symptoms:

  • Feverish conditions;
  • Development of dyspepsia;
  • Pain in the epigastric region;
  • Dermatitis;
  • Allergic reactions;
  • Nausea and vomiting;
  • Hemolytic anemia.

If such reactions are detected, it is necessary to rinse the stomach and take sodium sulfate solution and angiotensinamide.

Home use and preparation of solution from tablets

(You can always buy a ready-made solution at the pharmacy!)

For gargling

Nitrofural - the main substance of furatsilin has an antibacterial effect on problem areas of inflammation in sore throat and tonsillitis. Has antiseptic and antimicrobial effects. During the rinsing procedure, the described drug washes out pathogenic microflora and purulent contents, and also prevents the growth and development of bacteria.

To prepare a solution of furatsilin at home, you need the following components:

  • Furacilin – 1 tablet;
  • Water (distilled) – 100 ml;
  • Hydrogen peroxide (3%) – 2 tsp.

Cooking method

It is necessary to take 1 tablet of the drug and thoroughly grind it into powder, which is then dissolved in distilled water heated to boiling water (sterilization). Afterwards, the solution needs to be cooled and hydrogen peroxide added to it to enhance the therapeutic effect.

Gargle at intervals of 5 to 7 minutes, 10 times over 24 hours, using about 100 milliliters of the prepared solution for one gargle. Children can treat their throats using a syringe.

Treatment of the oral cavity for diseases such as stomatitis, gingivitis with a rinse solution, also according to the above scheme, with the exception of (do not add hydrogen peroxide).

Furacilin in the amount of one tablet dissolved in water relieves the unpleasant symptoms of the disease and improves the patient’s well-being.

How to cure otitis media

For the treatment of inflammation of the middle ear (with otitis media), furatsilin is used as an alcohol solution. To produce such a medicinal liquid at home, a component in the form of 70% ethyl alcohol is used.

Cooking method

  • Furacilin in the form of tablets in the amount of 3 pieces must be crushed into powder;
  • The resulting ingredient must be mixed in 100 milliliters of alcohol;
  • This solution must be infused for several hours.

Procedures such as ear drops require that the solution be heated. Ready-made drops (at least 5-6) are administered into each ear canal, every day.

Treatment of eye diseases

To prepare the solution you need:

  • Grind the main drug in the amount of 2 tablets into powder;
  • Add the resulting powder to 100 milliliters of water (heated to boiling water);
  • Cool the resulting solution to room temperature.

To prevent incompletely dissolved crystals from getting into the eyes, it is necessary to filter the resulting solution through sterile gauze.

The prepared solution is injected from a pipette directly into the conjunctival sac.

Nebulizer solution and its effect on the upper respiratory tract

This remedy is used not only for gargling; this antimicrobial drug is widely used for inhalation.

Of course, you cannot get an instant healing result from a solution or drops of furatsilin for a nebulizer. But after a week, thanks to inhalations with furatsilin, there will definitely be no trace left of the inflammatory process of the upper respiratory tract.

You can prepare the solution for the nebulizer yourself:

  • The main product in the amount of one tablet must be ground and mixed with 100 milliliters of boiled water (room temperature);
  • Be sure to stir until the sediment is completely dissolved.

Important! To ensure that sediment is removed, leave the solution in a dark, cool place to infuse for 12 hours. Before use, you need to strain through cheesecloth.

A feature of the drops or solution of the drug is the effective effect of the main active components included in its composition on the restoration of natural microflora in the upper respiratory tract. As a result, pathogenic microorganisms die and the inflammatory process is stopped.

Important! Furacilin in drops for inhalation is suitable for treating children and pregnant women, but only after the necessary medical consultations.

Storage conditions

Effect of medication during pregnancy

Pregnant women are prone to various colds and their symptoms - sore throat, runny nose. During the period of bearing a child, the immune system, so to speak, shows some loyalty to pathogens.

However, the health of expectant mothers is protected by some practically harmless medications, among which this remedy is far from the least important.

The solution of the described drug, due to its local effect, is ideal for pregnant women for gargling and inhalation, washing the sinuses and treating external wounds, as well as for using furatsilin as douches.

Many people, out of ignorance, think that furatsilin is a dangerous antibiotic and is contraindicated for pregnant women; such an assumption is absurd and deeply misleading. Among the numerous drugs for the treatment of colds in pregnant women, furatsilin is the safest remedy.

The answer to the question of whether furatsilin is an antibiotic or not is clear! Furacilin is an antimicrobial and antibacterial agent that destroys pathogenic microflora for any cold.

So, why has this drug furatsilin, the so-called antibiotic, gained such great popularity? The point is not only the cheapness of the so-called budget segment, but also the absence of any adverse effect on the body of a pregnant woman.

Furacilin as prevention

Prevention is the only effective means in the fight against viral and colds in pregnant women. It is not without reason that women who are expecting a child, along with weakened immunity in such a period, make every effort to protect their own health even before the onset of the disease, at an early stage of its development.

Therefore, preference is given to furatsilin, a safe and effective remedy as a prophylaxis against possible diseases.

Use of the drug during pregnancy

  • In the 1st trimester – used as prophylaxis and treatment for acute respiratory infections and acute respiratory viral infections, including influenza;
  • In the 2nd trimester - the drug is also approved for use;
  • In the 3rd trimester, furatsilin is allowed to be used, but only in accordance with medical recommendations, being careful not to overdose.

Similar medications

Furacilin analogues are drugs that are similar to the main drug in their antimicrobial and antiseptic effects on the body. Such medicines include:

  • Furacilin Avexima;
  • Furacilin-LekT;
  • Lifuzol;
  • Furagina;
  • Furasola.

Side effects

  • Allergies;
  • Itching, redness;
  • Dysfunction of the digestive system;
  • Weakness;
  • When rinsing - irritation of the mucous membrane;
  • Individual hypersensitivity to the drug.

When using, consultation with a doctor is required!

Sometimes, for throat diseases, you should use medications intended for external use. They are especially effective. Consider a medicine such as Furacilin.

Composition, release form, packaging

Available in tablet form, they are greenish-yellow in color. They can be used to make a solution that is prescribed for topical use.

The tablet contains:

  • furatsilin;
  • sodium chloride

They are produced in cellless packaging. It contains 10 tablets. There can be 1 or 2 such packages inside a pack. It can also be produced in dark glass jars (10, 20 tablets), polystyrene bottles (10, 20 pcs.).

The solution is used externally, locally. The alcohol solution (0.067%) is contained in a bottle made of dark glass. The volume is 10, 25 ml.

The photo shows the release form of Furacilin


The drug is released:

  • Ukraine (“KievMedPreparat”, “Viola”, “GalichPharm”).
  • Belarus (“Borisov Medical Drug Plant”).
  • Russia (“Irbitsky Chemical Plant”, “TatKhimPharmPreparaty”, “DalKhimPharm”).

Indications for use

Used for the treatment of various diseases and wounds:

  • blepharitis;
  • empyema of the paranasal sinuses, pleura;
  • osteomyelitis;
  • gingivitis;
  • tonsillitis;
  • stomatitis;
  • inside the external auditory canal;
  • conjunctivitis;
  • bedsores;
  • decubital ulcer;
  • post-traumatic wound infection;
  • (2 – 3 degree);
  • minor damage to the dermis (cuts, abrasions).


Among them, we note increased individual sensitivity, the presence of chronic allergic dermatosis in the patient, and bleeding.

Mechanism of action

The peculiarity of an antimicrobial agent lies in its ability to enter the microbial cell. It helps to lengthen the interphase (resting state).

In this way, the division of microbes is inhibited. Activity is observed when exposed to gram-positive and gram-negative bacteria:

  • Escherichia coli;
  • Streptococcus spp.;
  • Shigella flexneri spp.;
  • Shigella boydii spp.;
  • Clostridium perfringens;
  • Shigella dysenteriae spp.;
  • Staphylococcus spp.;
  • Salmonella spp.

It can be used to gargle, gargle, fight against inflammation of the eyes, in order to quickly heal scratches, wounds, suppurations, and burns.

Instructions for use

Used externally. Using solutions: aqueous 0.02%, alcohol 0.066%, wounds are irrigated.

They can also be used for applying wet dressings.

Application intracavitary.

It consists of washing various cavities (maxillary, oral, pleural).

How to prepare the solution

The preparation of a water-based solution is made from the following components: one part nitrofural + 5000 parts sodium chloride. You can also use distilled water to dilute the medication.

After diluting the product, it is sterilized. The temperature should be kept at 100 0 C for 30 minutes.

To create an alcohol-based solution, use ethyl alcohol (70%). The medicine can be stored for an unlimited period of time.

Gargling is performed with a water-based solution. It is prepared from the following components: tablet (1 pc.) + water (100 ml.). This solution is also used for rinsing with sinusitis and empyema of the paranasal sinuses. It is used in the treatment of osteomyelitis (postoperative), removal of purulent formations that appear with pleural empyema. They wash the bladder and urethra.

It is better to treat with a solution made with alcohol. Instill 5-6 drops; it is recommended to warm them to room temperature.