White British with blue eyes and lop-eared. British white

Every connoisseur of the cat family knows well and can easily recognize a British cat. However, sometimes they are completely different from each other. All because of the diversity of their appearance. Therefore, let's try to find out what colors of British cats exist in nature today and how to identify them.

A little about the breed itself

Cats of this breed are short-haired and have a characteristic face. They are mainly distinguished by their kindness, strength of character and intelligence. At the same time, their body sizes generally correspond to medium or large; the animals are called strong and strong.

They say that the British are direct descendants of the well-known Cheshire cat.

External features of animals

If you take into account the coat color of cats, you will notice that their appearance has certain patterns. These include:

  • Round head and wide cheekbones;
  • Short and rough neck;
  • Short and straight nose,
  • Small and low-set roundish ears;
  • Big eyes;
  • Grounded, massive body;
  • Short but fairly thick paws;
  • Thick, medium-sized tail;
  • Short, soft, but very thick coat.

Character and behavioral characteristics

The main difference between Britons is that they are very independent from their owners. It is convenient to have such animals for businessmen or those who like to travel, because the cat will not be too sad during separation.

They will not cuddle and bask in the arms of their owners. However, this does not mean that the British do not love their partners. The main thing for them is just to be nearby, and they also love to play and “talk”. At the same time, the cat will not escape from the hands, but will calmly withstand all the outbursts of tenderness of the owner. Such a British temperament in an animal.

Positive and negative sides

Like any animal, the British dog also has its pros and cons. The first is that he doesn't require much attention and can easily be left alone for long periods of time. However, the negative aspects include the severity of upbringing, since they almost always have their own opinion about everything and their own vision of what they need to do.

Colors of British cats

Today, the colors of the British Shorthair are known in more than 200 variations. A small part of them has been known since the appearance of the breed in general, the other is a consequence of the painstaking work of breeders.

The very variety of colors depends on the combination of two components - the color of the animal’s villi and the presence of a pattern on their body.

Melanin is responsible for what kind of pattern will be shown on the British fur coat. At the same time, two different types of substances can give a black or red base, which ultimately acts as a key in the formation of color. The combination of these two types of melanin in different proportions allows you to create very diverse animals in appearance. In addition, it is worth noting that there are solid colors - when the wool is one color, as well as wool with a pattern.

Popular varieties

Speaking about the diversity of British cats and taking into account the components that were mentioned above, they can all be grouped into certain categories. It is in such groups that we will further consider:

  • blue;
  • monochrome and smoky;
  • Collor Point;
  • silver and gold shaded;
  • tortoiseshell cats;
  • Tabby;
  • Bicolor, Party-colors, Harlequin, Van.

Blue plain

Due to the great similarity of cats of this breed to the Scottish Fold, mainly those who want to have an animal think that the color must necessarily be blue. This color is indeed recognized as a certain standard. Quite often in colloquial speech they are called classic.

The fur of such British cats is mostly monochromatic and does not have any light-colored fibers. The skin of animals is always blue, however It is the light shade of the coat that is much more valuable to specialists In addition, at the age of the kitten, some kind of pattern may exist, but with age it necessarily disappears.

Myths and their refutation

Although photos and descriptions of the colors of British cats can be easily found both on the Internet and on the pages of specialized magazines, many people quite often make mistakes in their thoughts. For example, most cat lovers think that a Briton of this category is born with bright orange eyes. But this is not so - British kittens of all colors appear with blue and sometimes gray eyes, the iris of the eye acquires a different color only later. Another mistake that cat owners make is that they are not aware of the existence of the British Shorthaired Fold.


Representatives of this group are considered to be those animals in which all the villi, the layer under the fur and the skin are strictly one solid color or even shade. Literally one small spot is the reason why a Briton is not enrolled here. This group includes colors:

  • Lilac;
  • Black;
  • Cinnamon;
  • Faun.

Lilac cat

Animals of this breed have a uniform color that combines blue and pink tones. You can notice that these animals have pink hair color, which is difficult to explain in words. Therefore, before making a choice, you should first look at the photos of the colors of British cats.

Interestingly, adult cats are similar in color to delicate milk coffee. Of the entire set of color components, only the undercoat can have an excellent tone.

It is quite difficult to obtain an animal of this color, because quite often it is just luck and a consequence of the unpredictability of the actions of breeders.

Chocolate animals

This coat color is primarily a one-color kitten with increased pigmentation of the fibers. For them, there is one pricing law: the darker the color (shade) of a brown British cat, the more expensive it is. People can easily hear this shade called “chestnut” or “havana”.

Black color of the breed

These Britons are characterized by a deep and highly saturated black tone of the body, which covers the villi, undercoat and even the entire skin. These animals are very difficult to breed because their fur begins to fade at the age of seven months. Enough often, a kitten that was born black can turn brown in just one year. Such British people generally cannot have a silver shimmer. If it exists, then this means that the breeders tried hard to give birth to a kitten. And such a violation results in the animal being rejected on the list of rejected ones.

Cinnamon color

Shades of this light brown color are rare colors of British cats. After all, at first they were light tones of a chocolate type color, but over time they were crossed by two carriers of this gene. Their rarity is manifested in the fact that a brown British cat can give birth to such heirs only after one generation, and sometimes much less often.


The coat color of this group of cats is very easy to confuse with cinnamon or cream. However, fauns belong to the category that is called “rare and expensive colors of British cats.” It contains shades of pink or cream.

White British

Such animals are characterized by a cold tone of the villi and a pinkish tint to the skin. In nature, there is a British white cat with blue eyes, as well as multi-colored ones. Kittens may have a small spot, but it should definitely disappear over time.

At the same time, the British, in which yellowing still appears in specific places - on the paws, hair under the eyes, and also on the tail, are considered to be defective.

Collor Point breed

These animals include those in which there are two colors in color, but white significantly predominates. The second color can range from gray with a lighter shade to red. The most expensive representatives of the breed with a very rare Siamese type color with dark colored locks.

Silver and gold shaded

Representatives of this category are characterized by the presence of the main color on the ears, head, back and even on the tail. In this case, the silver shade should predominate on the collar, paws and belly. Quite often, all owners of this color are mistakenly called chinchillas. Among them are the colors of the coat:

  • brown or black;
  • blue;
  • chocolate;
  • cinnamon;

Silver chinchilla

If we talk about what colors British silver cats come in, then this category can be classified as the rarest. Thanks to the direct connection with representatives of the Persian breed, they have a more flexible and gentler character.

At the same time, they have an important feature - the hairs should not be silver more than one-eighth of the length.

Golden color type

In this group of animals, the base tone is necessarily dark, and the upper part of the hair is painted gold. A gray tint in this case is not acceptable, and therefore such cats are considered defective. People call them chinchillas.

Turtle animals

Owners of tortoiseshell colors are characterized by a uniform distribution of tones on the body, but with the condition that there are no patterns on the light parts. It is acceptable to have red or cream spots on the face. This species, due to genetic predisposition, is only possible for females, which makes the work of breeders even harder. Another injustice is that the British in this category are infertile. For animals, a combination of 3 colors is important:

  • black or brown;
  • cream/red;
  • blue or purple.

Patterned (Tabby)

Another species that contains a table of colors of British cats. What is characteristic of these British cats is that they can have excellent hair color at the very base. The pattern on the body can be striped or spotted. It is advisable to divide them into silver and gold types; sometimes a subspecies of the Collor Point type is also distinguished.

Snow (asymmetrical) leopard color

This type of tabby is characterized by large dark spots on a light-colored coat. The pattern practically cannot be symmetrical, and the spots themselves are dark inside and less saturated along the contour. On the lateral areas of the skin there are thin stripes resembling marble. The kittens' eyes are large and copper-colored. The base tone can be anything.

Color is not just the color of a cat's fur, but the most important component of the standard of a purebred animal. The British cat breed is distinguished by an enviable variety of acceptable colors, but only specialists can thoroughly understand them.

About British cats

In the world of purebred cats, the British occupy a leading position in popularity, while remaining mysterious and incomprehensible. Like the Cheshire Cat in Lewis Carroll's famous book, this amazing character is of obvious British origin.

The Cheshire Cat is a clear representative of the British breed

History of the breed

The official date of birth of the British breed is considered to be July 13, 1871, and the place of birth is the Crystal Palace in London. On this day, the first British exhibition took place here, which created a real sensation and became the start of the victorious march of the new breed around the world.

However, to call the British breed new at that time would be completely wrong - the formation of the British began long before the end of the nineteenth century, when these feline aristocrats received their official recognition. According to one version, the historical roots of the majestic breed should be sought not just anywhere, but in Ancient Rome.

The British breed began with a blue color

In ancient English engravings and paintings, cats are often found that are practically indistinguishable from modern British cats. They enjoyed truly popular love: they lived at the royal court and in the castles of the nobility, but at the same time they also lived in the farmsteads of commoners. British sailors and fishermen respected these cats for their strong and loyal character, endurance and courage - several centuries ago, the ancestors of our beloved Britons honestly served as cats on merchant and fishing ships, warships...

The British are the royal dynasty of the cat world

Purely British characteristics

The British are quite large cats, stocky, with a strong texture, and it is no coincidence that the owners love to call their pets teddy bears. By the way, only “plush” dogs are available; however, long-haired representatives of this breed are still less popular.

A massive strong body, strong low paws, a thick tail, a round head, huge, fantastically expressive eyes - this is how the breed standard paints a vivid image of this cat, worthy in all respects.

This look will not leave anyone indifferent

As for character, the British are by no means teddy bears. They are distinguished by a very high sense of self-esteem, self-sufficiency, intelligence, calmness and patience - the best traits of a true English lord. No plebeianism, like jumping on your head or tearing wallpaper to shreds! The Briton is interested in human society, but he will never allow excessive familiarity towards himself.

Video: everything about the British breed

British breed colors

In addition to all its numerous and undeniable advantages, the British cat breed is famous for its bright and generous palette of colors - almost their entire line is presented in the breed standard. Only the most popular and well-known colors among the British have up to six dozen! And if you count new, rare colors and variations, the total number will be up to two hundred.

Different colors may be present in one litter

But even this seemingly democratic approach to the variegated ribbon of colors is clearly regulated by the breed standard in each specific case. In the exhibition evaluation of an animal, there is a very large quota of expert evaluation specifically for color - according to the standards of various international felinological organizations, this ranges from 15 to 25 points.

British cats of all stripes - photo gallery

Blue (gray)

The blue color can be called classic for the British cat breed. Against the background of plush gray fur, huge eyes of all shades of amber look especially impressive.

Blue British cat is a classic of the breed

The color spectrum is quite wide - from very light gray to a deep and dark shade of graphite. But the development of the breed is still moving towards lightening - breeders are trying to move away from darkened versions of the blue color in breeding.

Gray fur is soft, dense and matte; it cannot shine or shimmer with silver. Each hair must be dyed evenly along its entire length; the slightest inclusions and shades of other colors are considered defective and are categorically not welcome. Uniformly gray - and no other! - there may be both the nose and the pads on the paws of a blue British cat. For this color, the standard allows three eye colors:

  • rich golden;
  • copper;
  • orange.

Some nuances of color in the form of unexpressed patterns and darkening can only be observed in small kittens - provided that with age all these unevennesses disappear without a trace. Children's fur can also change color, even significantly change its shade, mainly in the lighter direction.

Video: blue Briton named Harry


The white British cat looks stunning, but this color remains rare in the breed - breeders do not strive to “put it on stream”, since they are well aware of the difficulties associated with this.

White British cat is a very beautiful but problematic animal

The main requirement for the color of white British dogs is brightness and purity of color. Even the slightest inclusions of other colors and shades are considered faults - the most common problem in this sense is untidy yellowish spots, which are most often localized on the face or at the root of the tail. white kittens are sometimes born with dark markings, but the spots in almost all cases disappear by the age of one year.

The nose and paw pads are unpigmented and pink; but for the eyes the standard allows a very expressive palette of options:

  • blue;
  • yellow;
  • odd-eyed (blue and yellow).

Breeders know how difficult it is to get an animal of the standard white color - this is a rarity in the breed. Another problem for breeding is that it is impossible to breed two white animals - this creates a high risk of having offspring with hearing atrophy.

Video: lazy handsome white guy


A British cat of the correct black color is extremely rare and valuable; Usually it is in this color that certain problems appear, which are assessed by experts as shortcomings or even as a defect.

Black British cat is a rarity in the breed

The structure of the British breed's black coat stands apart from many other colors - it is more rigid and shiny. It is very important that the tone of the undercoat completely matches the tone of the guard hair. Various kinds of color stretches and spots are not allowed - a black Briton should not have even a hint of smokiness or pattern. But so far only a few representatives of the breed have the ideal, deep black color - often with age it is somewhat washed out and becomes unexpressed.

With this color, both the nose and paw pads should be black, without any options. But for the eyes the usual breed colors are acceptable:

  • golden-bright;
  • orange;
  • copper.

Experienced breeders try to carefully select breeding sires with deep black, shiny wool for mating - otherwise the offspring have a high risk of overcoloring and the appearance of “untidy” shades of black color - grayish and brown.

Video: perfect black cat


The delicate and charming cream color of British cats is also called peach or beige - these British cats look very elegant and are now at the peak of popularity.

Cream British are one of the most popular today.

The beige color of varying degrees of saturation should be evenly distributed over the animal’s body, and traces of the pattern on the fur should be practically invisible. It is important that each hair is dyed along its entire length without color transitions; inclusions of white hairs are not allowed.

In peachy Britons, both the nose and pads are soft pink, and the following options are acceptable for the eyes:

  • rich golden;
  • copper;
  • orange.

Beige babies can only be born from a pair of cream British dogs, or if the parents are carriers of the genes for this color.

Video: cream cat, cheerful and beautiful


It is no coincidence that the Briton's color of all shades of chocolate - from milk to almost black - is at the peak of cat fashion: he looks spectacular at exhibitions and is rapidly winning the sympathy of ordinary owners.

Chocolate British cat is a relatively new, but already popular color

This color, which is quite new for the breed, immediately turned out to be in demand, but there are still some difficulties in its formation - in an animal it is fully manifested only by one and a half years, and it is definitely impossible to predict from a small kitten what color its coat will acquire. A minimum of pattern on the coat, no white spots or even hairs - the standard requirements for this color are strict.

The nose and paw pads of a chocolate-colored animal should be evenly colored chestnut, and the eyes can have the following colors:

  • bright yellow;
  • dark orange;
  • copper.

To secure the color, it is very important that the chocolate gene is present in both parents of the breeding pair - otherwise there may not be any kittens with this color in the litter at all.

Video: playful chocolate kitten


On the coat of the British, the lilac color looks sophisticated and unusual - such kittens are always in demand, which stimulates breeders to search for new, more expressive shades of color.

The lilac color of the British cat is characterized by unusual nuances of color

Today's standard lilac color allows for three main shades:

  • light;
  • average;
  • dark.

The coat of such cats is short and truly “plush”; a subtle smokiness, manifested in a slightly lightened undercoat, is acceptable. Depending on the saturation of the main tone, the nuances of the beige color in which the nose and pads on the paws are painted can also change significantly. The eyes of a lilac Briton should be of the following colors:

  • dark gold;
  • copper;
  • orange

Light shades of color are considered the most popular and promising - based on them, breeders achieve amazing color compositions, including pastel shades of pink and purple.

The red British cat is a bright representative of its breed

The breed standard is relatively loyal to the red color of the British, but still makes certain, quite clear requirements for it. Ideally, uniform coloring of the coat is desirable; only minimal darkening and some hint of pattern are acceptable. The brighter, deeper and more saturated the red color is, the higher the value of a particular individual.

The “mirror” of the nose and the pads on the paws of a ginger British cat should have the color of terracotta. As for eye color, the standard provides the following options:

  • red;
  • orange;
  • copper.

Unfortunately, the ideal red color in the British breed is still extremely rare, although breeders are actively working in this direction.

Video: red British furry

Each British tortoiseshell is unique and inimitable

“Torti” - as this color is also called - has up to eighty different variations, which can be divided into several main subgroups:

  • classic turtles;
  • smoky turtles;
  • tortoiseshell tabby (torby);
  • tortoiseshell color-point (tortie);
  • tortoiseshell bicolor (calico);
  • tortoiseshell tabby with white (mixed color).

British tortillas are always elegant and charismatic. The breed standard is highly creative in relation to the tortoiseshell color - the most incredible and imaginative combinations of elements of various patterns, small spotting and patchiness are allowed. The main thing is that the cat looks harmonious and beautiful as a result. The fur of British breed “turtles” is short, tightly packed, plush and soft. The eyes can be copper or dark gold, and there are different options for the nose and paw pads:

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They have always been especially popular. How can you resist such a beautiful snow-white fur coat and piercing eyes? This is impossible. The white color of cats of other breeds is also very popular among cat lovers. At the same time British white is one of my favorites.

It is worth considering that all cats that we call white have wool color can have different shades. But the British White differs only in its snow-white coat, on which there is not a single dark or red hair. Thus, all British cats have a uniform coat color throughout the body, with no lighter spots on the belly or at the base of the tail. Naturally, the British White is no exception to this. The short coat of a white British cat cannot have any reddish or cream spots that would spoil the appearance of the show animal.

Thus, the breed standards state that a white British dog cannot have any spots on its coat. Small spots on the animal's forehead can only be observed in kittens. These spots will disappear over time, leaving behind a snow-white coat. By the way, the color of the spots on a kitten’s forehead can tell you what color cat was used to produce offspring.

If you are going to breed your cat to produce offspring, remember one main rule: both animals must not be white. For mating, a cat of a different color must be used. If both animals are white, then their offspring will be deaf.

White British cats are also distinguished by their eyes. Outbred white cats have green eyes. All British cats have orange or copper eyes.. But the white British cat can also boast of having blue eyes. Blue-eyed white British cats are very rare, as they are not used in breeding. It is believed that white cats with blue eyes are deaf from birth. This does not mean that the cat will not hear you at all. The animal can catch certain sounds, but the cat will not hear the squeak of kittens calling for their mother.

All British White kittens are born with blue-gray eyes. After two weeks, eye color begins to change. By the intensity of the coloring pigment, already at this age, experienced breeders can tell whether a kitten will have blue or yellow eyes. Due to the rules of mating cats, white kittens with blue eyes are very rare, but they are in very high demand.

There are also white British cats that have eyes of different colors. One eye is orange or copper in color, the other is blue. Such cats are also very rare. And among cat lovers there is an opinion that a cat with different eyes brings happiness and good luck to the house.

The British White cat's coat is very easy to care for.. It is enough to comb the animal to remove all loose hairs, although the cat itself will take good care of its fur. If you are going to take part in exhibitions, then caring for your cat's fur should be more thorough. A week before the exhibition, the cat should be purchased. When the wool is completely dry, it should be powdered with baby powder. Then thoroughly comb the animal with a brush. Before the exhibition itself, any traces of powder should be removed from the fur, so the animal’s fur is rubbed with a silk scarf.

The British White is distinguished by its undemanding character. This is a calm, very affectionate and friendly animal. True, the British White is very picky when it comes to food. The diet must include meat (raw and scalded), which is cut into cubes. Thanks to this form of food pieces, the muscles of the cheekbones develop, from where the round cheeks characteristic of all British cats appear.

There are seven acceptable shades for plain British ones:

Turtle Ladies

This type is typical only for British cats: tortoiseshell cats are very rare. Tortoiseshell males are born, but are extremely rare and are a genetic abnormality that are unable to reproduce. Turtle is a mixture of similar monochromatic shades, but no more than two: one is the base, the second is less intense. It is acceptable if the additional background has a different intensity - such a variation seems to be three-color, but in fact the cats are still two-color. Variations of the suit are named after the main shades in the mixture. The black tortoise is a mixture of black and red of varying intensities without a pronounced pattern on the red spots. Chocolate turtle is a mixture of chocolate and different shades of red. Cinnamon is a red-based mixture. The blue, fawn and lilac tortoises combine all the pastel colors of the British breed. Each variety of tortoiseshell color has its own characteristic standard features. So for lilac and blue turtles, a creamy tan pointing towards the nose is desirable.


For chocolate and cinnamon turtles, the following is required: uniform coloring of the hairs, a harmonious color mosaic without a pronounced pattern and tan on the nose. For black turtles, a characteristic feature is a “tongue of flame” on the nose, and the color should be bright and rich.

Patterned tabbies

The tabby classification is quite extensive. First of all, the British tabby cat differs in the type of pattern: brindle, spotted, marbled (classic tabby) and torby. Color also plays an important role. Tabbies can be based on the main shade: brown (red and black), blue (different saturation and brightness), chocolate (difference in saturation and brightness), lilac (combination with beige), red (dark and bright of different saturation), cream (shades different saturation), silver (any color with a silver background). Tabby color standards are incredibly broad and difficult to judge. But there are several distinctive and mandatory features:

  • Ticking is a rich coloring of the hairs of the pattern to the very base. Background hairs may not be colored evenly.
  • “Scarab mark” - the letter M on the face. Sometimes such animals are called “Madonna’s cat.”
  • Light spot on the ear.
  • The rim of the iris and nose must fully correspond to the main suit.
  • Stripes on the chest in the shape of a necklace (at least 3 stripes, maybe more).
  • Ring stripes on the tail and paws.
  • Two rows of spots on the belly.
  • On the cheeks the hair is longer and curled.
  • The tone of the stripes is always darker or more saturated than the background.

At one time the British Whiskey cat was very popular. In fact, this is not a separate species, but a silver brindle (classified as a markel). This type of British began to be identified after the appearance of a well-known advertisement for cat food.

British smoke

The secret of this smoky type is the uneven coloring of the guard hairs.

British smoky

At the base of the hair is bleached, at the end there is a dark base tone, the so-called tipping. For the British, tipping of at least 4/5 of the entire hair length is possible: this means that only a fifth of the entire length can be bleached. The undercoat of Smokey Britons matches the main tone, but the intensity is close to white. In photographs, smoky cats appear ordinary. The “silver haze” effect only appears in motion. Smoke color options are incredibly varied, with the most popular being black lilac, red, cream and many tortoiseshell variations.

Mysterious silver

Genetically determined color, the visual effect is associated with incomplete coloring of the hairs, black tipping and a necessarily white undercoat. The coat is darker on top (on the back and muzzle) and lighter below (belly, lower part of the tail, chin). There are only two recognized varieties of British silvers: shaded and chinchilla.

The shaded type of color is characterized by coloring of the hair only a third of the length, pronounced black tipping on the head (especially on the forehead) and tail, and a black edging of the iris. Pronounced tipping may exhibit a tabby pattern. The silver version allows any shades accepted by breed standards.

The chinchilla is distinguished by rich pigmentation of only an eighth of the hairs and pronounced black tipping, as well as a black rim of the iris and nose. Traditionally, only the black version is called chinchilla. In other cases, it is necessary to add the name of the main color (lilac chinchilla, blue chinchilla). The word “cameo” is used to name the red color options of the silver type: smoky cameo, shaded cameo.

British gold

This color type has recently been recognized; it differs from silver in the undercoat: not white, but cream. There are no red and cream variations in this color type. The tipping can be black or brown, the eyes are green of varying saturation.

Color point - games of color

This color type is obtained using the gene of Siamese cats - a rather complex type from the point of view of breeders. Firstly, the color gene is recessive and will only appear in the offspring if both parents have it.

Color point

Secondly, the typical arrangement of spots in kittens does not appear immediately, but with age, as in many Siamese.

Color point is a combination of the Siamese gene with solid colors, and with any color options. The color characteristics of the spots are assessed in accordance with the standards of single-color options.

  • seal point - the spots are only dark brown, like the Siamese;
  • choklit - any chocolate specks;
  • blue point - any blue spots of varying intensity and brightness;
  • lilac point - lilac spots closer to the warm spectrum predominate;
  • red point - specks of any red saturated shades;
  • cream point - spots of various cream variations;
  • cinnamon point - golden-cinnamon cinnamon spots;
  • fawn point - beige spots.

The Siamese color gene can be combined with other variations, but it will no longer be a color point. In combination with tabby patterns, the type of links point is highlighted, with shaded ones - shaded point, with silver ones - silver links point, smoky - smoke point. There are also variants of tortoiseshell point colors - the color of the markings follows the basic tone.

The most difficult thing to distinguish from the main type is the point chinchilla - the main difference is the rich blue or light blue iris.

Golden points also exist, but they have not yet been identified as a separate type, since the differences are controversial.

Particolor - cats of happiness

The most original color option is a combination of traditional color options with white. The famous tricolor cat that brings happiness is the tortoiseshell particolor.


"Lucky cats" can only be female, and the tortoiseshell spots have clear boundaries.

Particolor standards relate mainly to the size of the white spots. Particolors can be of three types:

bicolors - no more than half white, and no less than one third of another tone; the letter L on the muzzle, a closed white collar on the neck, a dark tone distributed over the body in the shape of a “cape” without white spots, the belly is white;

harlequins - about 90% white, the tail is always colored, the lower parts of the body are always white;

Vans - maximum white, ears must be white, tail of the main tone, a couple of spots on the face, ideally symmetrical, a small number of spots on the body is acceptable.

An officially unrecognized variety of particolors is the mitted - cats with white socks and a stripe from the chin to the tail.

Variety of colors

For an inexperienced cat owner, determining the colors of British cats is a rather difficult task; you cannot do without a table with photos. But that's not all the difficulties.

When choosing a kitten, you should remember that the exact and final color of the coat does not appear immediately. Therefore, attention should be paid to documents and pedigree. It is especially necessary to take into account the pedigree for those who intend to breed the breed in the future - many traits, including color, are transmitted by recessive genes and can only appear after several generations or only if both parents have a recessive trait. But in the litter there may be kittens with dominant colors that appear after a generation.

The British Shorthair cat can also have original colors that were recognized not so long ago.

Cinnamon is clarified chocolate, looks more like red. A distinctive feature of this suit is its pure pink skin.

Cinnamon cats are quite rare, as the gene is passed on through generations.

Fawn is a genetically determined shade similar to a very pale cinnamon, blue or cream. The type of fawn breed can only be confirmed through DNA analysis.

White cats are each time a separate touching story about the majesty of snow-white fluffies. And if it is white, then not a single person is able to pass by these angelic creatures. It turns out that British white kittens come with different eyes, as you can see by looking at the photo, but often British cats are white and have copper or light yellow eyes.

In modern dream books there is a very ambiguous interpretation if a person suddenly dreams of white kittens. The authors of dream books advise people who saw white kittens in a dream to be careful when communicating with others. There is a high probability that ill-wishers want to interfere with your plans.

I am sure that the happy owners of a white cat, be it British white cats or ordinary white kittens, will never believe in such predictions, because if such a snow-white fluffy miracle lives in the house, all thoughts by default are bright and positive. Let's look and enjoy the white cats.